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"Passion" is gonna suck too!
Probably by now, some of you have seen clips and trailers for the new Mel Gibson movie about the last hours of Jesus Christ. Touted to be the 'most authentic' depiction of these events ever, with all dialogue in the ancient languages, it seems to be no more than a 'grittier' version, with the same unauthentic costumery as all the similar films before it. Roman military equipment looks straight out of the Rome studio's prop department -- the same old stuff, like metal banded leather, ring-topped helmets of the old school misinterpretation of Trajan's Column. All of the Jewish civilians seem to be in the familiar pseudo-arabic type dress as well, with no hint of the prevailing imitation of Roman fashion we know was actually commonplace at this time.<br>
What a shame. There was almost a chance to contact these people and help them with authentic stuff, but when we heard about it, it was already too late. But after 'Braveheart', it was probably wishful thinking to expect anything more than this.<br>
Dan <p></p><i></i>
I hope they'll nail Gibson for this!<br>
Was "Braveheart" actually authentic? Btw, on of the Braveheart-actors (Robert de Bruce) is going to play Crassus in the TV-version of "Spartacus". <p>---------------<br>
<img src=""/> Est vita misero longa, felici brevis.<br>
Braveheart authentic? Not!<br>
Not the story, not the sets (the town of York actually looked like a bunch of old barns huddled together, no trace of its Roman past in sight..), not the people; all the English had orange ( ) coats, all the Scots (well, Gibson's mob anyway) was looking like ancient Picts, all painted blue.<br>
Well, they did a good charge of the cavalry, although even that was ruined by inventing enormous poles to stop it, disregarding the normal sciltrons evidence.<br>
Valerius/Robert <p></p><i></i>
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
The problem with Bravehart is that I liked Patrick McGoohan much more than Mel Gibson. His portrayal of the English king is magnificent and the scene when he kicks the young dude outta the window made me fall off my chair laughing..<br>
As for Braveheart battles, they were a brave attempt..<br>
As for the Passion story, I know the story already.<br>
An old tune.<br>
One day, someone will write a more realistic and historically accurate version of that episode instead of endlessy picking up the same old official church version or use it to express personal opinions.<br>
For a more realistic version and for those who read french: Jesus, a book by Jacques Duquesne.<br>
A fervent catholic. But his book angered the Vatican because several episodes of the life of Jesus are put into context and given a more plausible explanation.<br>
God definitely works in mysterious ways...<br>
Quote:</em></strong><hr>and the scene when he kicks the young dude outta the window made me fall off my chair laughing..<hr><br>
I think Gibson was kinda using this opportunity to put some of his reactionary & homophobic ideas into the film (besides the anti-English attitude, when you think of "the Patriot"). He's obviously a rather simple-minded person.<br>
<img src=""/> Est vita misero longa, felici brevis.<br>
I wasn't talking about politics and I do not care whom Mel Gibson or anyone else has sex with. I was just talking about movies. <p></p><i></i>
I think, as an avid movie-go'er, that "Passion" is just going to be a crap movie, period. Stupid idea, stupid languages used, etc. etc. All the elements that make an "entertaining" movie look to be lacking. <p>Magnus/Matt<br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" Coh I<br>
"I know I was born, and I know that I'll die. But the in between is mine."<br>
- Number of posts: current +1248</p><i></i>
I agree.<br>
The idea of having a movie using 2 ancient languages that are simply taken for granted and really not within the grasp of the general population (other than being silly and putting "us/ius" at the endus of everyius wordius to make it seemus like they can speakus Latinus) and not having any subtitles is not only just a bit arrogant, but kind of....What's the word I want to use...Degrading? They are seriously limiting thier potential audience.<br>
Sure, to me it's great that people want to produce a movie using such forgotten languages and attempt to tell a controversial story "as accurate" as possible, but I mean, really...<br>
It seems like it's more of a Soapbox-Blowhorn-Statement sort of getting attention movie more than what it's probably intent.<br>
Other than shoving accuracy down the throats of Hollywood as I mentioned so subtly in a previous post...Perhaps we ought to introduce a new Movie Rating....<br>
Rated "C" for CRAP: Contains no actual research or an attempt to do any real hard work to attain true accuracy. Contains some mild Latin swearing.<br>
Oh well. Same ol Same ol from Hollywood.<br>
Using Latin and Aramaic is not only pretentious, it's possibly not too accurate either.<br>
If Mel Gibson was going for "accuracy" why didn't he include ancient Greek in his repetoire? Wasn't this language more commonly spoken than Latin in this part of the world?<br>
the word "accurate" and "movie" are seldom seen together in one sentence. so no surprises here.<br>
Alas, perhaps someday there will be a historical correct movie. <p>Volo anaticulam cumminosam meam!</p><i></i>
Jeroen Pelgrom
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I would rather have fire storms of atmospheres than this cruel descent from a thousand years of dreams.

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