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For the Romans in the USA...who is the most authentic....

I'm new to the Roman scene but not to living history. I have been involved in LH for 25+ years, most of it with the US Civil War and WWII USGI. Most of the groups I have fallen in with are what were called "hardcore" with special attention to detail and authenticity. So there in is my question....

Who in the USA is considered the most progressive or "authentic"...

I know this may be a loaded question and I do not want to start a "we are better than those pouges".

The reason for my asking is to have a contact to guide the development of my impression and to be sure I'm doing this right...

Oh, Matt Lukes is a great source for information. He is the most helpful person I have meet in living history to date and is a wealth of knowledge....I can't wait to get my gear from him in the future....
Roman Name: Gaius Marcius Gracilis

AKA: Mark Headlee
Me. I'm the best. Nya, nya.

Oh, just kidding, as always! Definitely a loaded question, but hopefully we can all be grown-ups about it. If you're looking for one individual, I'd probaby have to break down and say that John McDermott springs to mind. I don't even want to know how much he spends on all his stuff! Though you're right, Matt Lukes has been making some FABULOUS things lately, though I don't know if he's actually keeping any of the good stuff or just selling it off! For all we know, he could be running around in old MRL stuff, eh?

For a group, I'd vote for Legio VI Victrix, though I still whine and bicker with them about some of their Praetorian stuff. Overall they've been doing excellent work.

But my own Legio XX still has the Best Roman Site on the Net!

These are just quick answers, too late at night. If I thought about it for a while I might change my mind 8 or 9 times.

Bear in mind that strict authenticity in the Roman world can be a little different than that "current events" stuff you've been doing, simply because there are still details which are debated or unknown. A certain amount of conjecture is always necessary. But I certainly applaud a goal of high accuracy!


Matthew/Quintus, Legio XX
Matthew Amt (Quintus)
Legio XX, USA
<a class="postlink" href="">
i'd say if you stick with the Legio XX standards, you will be accepted anywhere, I think. Matt's standards are high for his group, and I am not to big to say they are higher than ours. Different emphasis is all. You should try to find out if a local goup has an opinion too... your pards will have experience and influence you should use.
Since a vast majority of Roman reconstruction is conjecture, authenticity is going to be by far a matter of opinion. This is going to vary between individuals, and units.

Some units want all seams handsewn where visable, to some this is just as incorrect as machine sewing since Roman tunics were woven to shape.

Most of us copy the standard caligae pattern, but from my research these are not anywhere near correct when compared to construction methods of the originals.

When studying Trajans column many of us will take it as gospel when making certain reconstructions, but then we give it a thumbs down for other pieces. So whats really correct there? Again a matter of opinion.
"...quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."

a.k.a. Paul M.
Legio XX has very high standards and definitely has the bar that many of us strive for to achieve.

That said, the only thing I can contribute is don't forget to also have fun with the Hobby. rarely is there a "perfect" impression, and most impressions are a evolving work in progress.

Mike Daniels

Titus Minicius Parthicus

Legio VI FFC.

If not me...who?

If not now...when?
:wink: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" />:wink:
Depends upon what you are looking for.

Is it overall accuracy and impression?

The various clubs do many different time periods, early 1st C AD, mid 1st C AD etc etc.. and each has its unique philosophy of re-enactment.

Some do a limited time frame spanning a few years, others do a timeline with their group.

Some add civilian impressions that are limited to "local native inhabitants" and others encourage a wide range of social status impressions and a range of cultural impressions from across "The Empire".

Write to each club that you find interesting, review their webpages, phone their head person.


You cannot dig ditches in a toga!

A nationwide club with chapters across N America
Quote:Though you're right, Matt Lukes has been making some FABULOUS things lately, though I don't know if he's actually keeping any of the good stuff or just selling it off! For all we know, he could be running around in old MRL stuff, eh?

Ooooo- now that's just mean LOL But funnily enough you're right about not keeping anything good- I actually have almost no gear right now of my own, just a gladius and a scutum. Everything else was sold because I improved my knowledge and techniques so could make far more accurate pieces, but then the orders started coming in and I haven't had a chance to make anything at all for myself for a very long time... Cry Luckily enough, there isn't a reenactor group here in Vancouver so it's not like I have to resort to MRL stuff :wink:

I'd definitely say it's impossible to say who's 'best' for all the same reasons that have already been pointed out. The great thing is that everyone seems to always be trying to improve Big Grin
See FABRICA ROMANORVM Recreations in the Marketplace for custom helmets, armour, swords and more!
Hmmm....the thought of Matt at an event in nothing but a gladius and scutum.... Confusedhock:

Darn! There's not vomiting

What about a tunic and stuff?
Du Courage Viens La Verité

Legion: TBD

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