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Roman battlefield found deep inside Germany
....meanwhile , "down in Spain" -- a report on Kalefeld:
I'm not that good in translating Spanish, but this seem s to be a roundup of older findings together with a note on the conctinuation the the excavations there.
Ahmmm -- can we translate: "Charcuteria gemana, II siglo" as "Butchery, german style, 3rd century" ? :mrgreen:

Siggi K.
Update here : <!-- l <a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=17&t=29946&p=271172#p271172<!-- l


Siggi K.
According to : [url:3iru80qk][/url]
NDR-TV will be broadcasting a 45-minute TV-Feature on the Harzhorn, titled something like "Enigma: Roman Battle" on Tuesday, 1st of September 2010.
Rumours have it that this will be on sale as DVD exactly "the day after".
BTW: No reaction by Dr. Petra Lönne as yet regarding my plea for an english version of their website ca. 4 weeks ago.
(I'm still "combing" the web for more specific informations as may have been issued on the press conference)


Siggi K.
.....'scuse me, :roll:
----of course it should be broadcast on Tuesday, August 31st 2010, 22.45 CentralEuropeanSummerTime.
And the release date of the DVD would be on Wednesday 1st of September 2010.
(Did I mention it was in German?!)

Siggi K.
Quote:Did I mention it was in German?!

No, but it doesn't mind :twisted: Thank You very much for the tipp. This evening is saved (sorry for the 'denglish') :wink:

Greets - Uwe
Greets - Uwe
...... O.K. , I guess some of you 'd like to have a word or two about that TV-feature.
Hear ye !
The first shot showed a still of woods in a forrest, very much like some of the pictures in that feature in National Geographic/Germany . ( June 2010)
Well, i said to myself : Hallywoode, here thou comethst.
Boy, was I wrong, as the feature turned into something like a pleasant surprise.
No overly lenghty reenactment sequences with unadequately dressed people like e.g. some of the "roman features" on ZDF-TV with ... well, we've discussed this here enough ...
The short sequences , as far as I got them (some were very short ..) seemed to have done with folks correctly equipped .
The experts "in charge" mostly were Prof. Dr. Günther Moosbauer, University of Osnabrück and Prof. Dr. Michael Meyer, Free University of Berlin, [obviously the people mainly handling excavation/organisation and "data-deriving"]
with a "honourable mention" of Dr. Henning Haßmann, Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege ( ~Upper monument authority of Nether Saxonia).
Surprisingly , Dr. Petra Lönne played no role -- or did I overlook some very short scenes ?
Yes, and they also did give credits and ample time "to have their say" to the Excavation Technicians Michael Brangs and Thorsten Schwarz.
Hey: .... and NO contradictionary (and stupid) comments by an "off-scene" "narrator/commenter" like in other dreadful productions about similar topics !
The course of the movie ran somewhat different to my immpressions that I gained from the press-realeases and and press-reports on the Harzhorn.
I think that this is owed to a special dramaturgy which carries the the story of the movie. "Excursions", luckily not overly lenghty also play a role in this course.
My impression is also, that this is not harmful to the subject, --on the contrary !!
(P.S. It starts, probably like in "real life" also, with a private surveyor who found that he thought was a "candle-holder" -- and turned out to be a hippo-sandal ...)
We learn a lot here about what the people involved in prospection and excavation think, how and why they acted ... that includes informations about modern prospection- and excavation-techniques.
(There ARE some people having fun out there, obviously)
Some tiny aspects were even new to me.
All done quite logic and "organic" --- at least to my impression.
I also gained a lot of informations on the Harzhorn-research. And, yes, pictures DO speak louder than words.
e.g. the close-up on the (broken) germanic spear-tip, where you could clearly see the engraving on it.
They also put emphasize on the meaning of the hobnail-finds for the course of reasoning about the battles' run and outcome.
(The balistae's bolt-tips were also "touched" but only slightly so, with an emphasize on that they were bent -- also the coin finds did not play a too great a role in the movie's dramaturgy)
It also became clear that cavalry forces were involved, pointing towards the find of a horses bones (=2009), it's analysis and a lance-shoe that whas found (nearby ?).
All in all I think it was a "must-see", although most on the informations given semmed to be "2009 vintage". But nevertheless there was a lot of new information in it for me.
I'm seriously thinking about buying the DVD.


Siggi K.
Bought the DVD (~15 €) . Running Time : ~63 mins. instead of ~45 mins. on broadcast.
Says also: ~25 mins. of Bonus Material. (Making-of; Trailer; Picture Gallery; Experts interviewed)
Language: German. No Subtitles.
Will do a review as soon as I've time to do so.


Siggi K.
Cool! Thanks Siggi.
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
....the review-thread on the Harzhorn-DVD was started here:
link from old RAT


Siggi K.

..... part 2 of the review added.
EDIT: O.K. -- the first day back after a long time seems to have sort-of-a "bad day"
Of course it's not the link mentioned first (neither i-t-s "Monty Python's .......... )
Its there:
link from old RAT

Siggi K.
Update .
The "Official" website:
now sports summaries in English (>"Besucher-Information")---hope they'll be adding up more.



O.K. --- having problems with linkin again ....
Siggi K.
Newspaper-report in German here:
(Many pics !)



BTW: Prof. Dr. Moosbauer & Dr. Petra Lönne on SWR3-TV (Germany), today, May 26th at 15.00 MEZ(S)>> "Die Römer in Deutschland"
Siggi K.
Slight update
My mouse is driving me nuts, this is about the 6th attempt to write this with this f.....
thingy cutting, copying an pasting at its own "will". Well -- and erasing, where it should store the message. :mad:
O.K. Let's try it till it works.
A few things that got beyond under my "Google-Alert":
1) There is a note on the onset of the excavation campaign by the end of July -- so far so well (known).
But two sentences are really interesting:
"Untersucht wird auch die mögliche Marschrichtung der Legionäre vor über 1.750 Jahren. Sprach man anfangs noch von einer Nord-Süd-Bewegung, so wäre laut Dr. Petra Lönne inzwischen auch denkbar, dass sich die Römer in West-Ost-Richtung auf dem Kamm des Harzhorn bewegten und vereinzelt in Hinterhalte gelockt wurden."
That means that the course of movement of this roman expeditionary forces are going to be re-assessed. Were they certain about a north-south movement of the Romans, they are now taking an alternative route east-west along the crest of the Harzhorn into account,
with a number of ambushes along the way.
2. More has been published on that subject (In German):
A 4-pager by the author.
b) Definitely more here:
Berichte zur Denkmalpflege in Niedersachsen Heft (=Issue) 1/2011 (In German)
Two publications on the subject:
First a report by Lönne/Geschwinde on the campaigns of 2009 and 2010.
With a roster of 16 essays in all in this issue, chances are that this may be hardly much more than the usual 2-pager that has been published by them from time to time.
Much more interesting should be the report of Dr. Horst Caliess on "Historical reasonings
about the roman-germanic Battlefield at the Harzhorn."
I'm still in the process of deciding whether to buy that volume or not.
Reporting back in case of news.


I'd like to add here that the essay mentioned under b) obviously had a predecessor:
a 4-pager in .... ahhmmm you guessed it .... German. :mrgreen:
From "Berichte zur Denkmalpflege in Niedersachsen, 1/2009 ".

For a change-- one in english :
Summary of a paper published in 2011
Siggi K.
Pretty exciting, but how do they know its 3rd. Cent? Have some things been carbon dated? How far away is this from the scene of the Varus debacle? Are there records of operations up there at all? FRom what I can see the site is indeed very deep inside Germany, south and very slightly east of Hannover... How would they have gotten that far in without battles enroute? Is it possible they took ships and landed on the coast and marched south? I hope more news emerges soon and makes its way to New Zealand where I live. Unfortunately, there is an election soon and people here tend to be somewhat insular so only major news from outside reaches here. I look forward to hearing more...
Caesar audieritis hoc
Quote:Pretty exciting, but how do they know its 3rd. Cent?
Through typology and through the coins found on the site.
Quote:Have some things been carbon dated?
No need.
Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.

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