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List of Roman Battles
I've recently started to compose a list of all (known) battles involving the Roman Republic/Empire, with some additional info like dates, commander, results, etc.

I'll just post everything I already have here, might be useful Smile
As soon as I finish a part, I'll add it to this post.
If I forgot a battle, please let me know Smile
Same if you happen to know any of the 'missing' data, or found an error - please let me know.

A lot of battles are only vaguely mentioned/referenced to by Roman historians, without giving any further info about them.
Because of the complete lack of any info, they're not included in this list.

Battle of Lake Regillus
Date: Date unknown, probably somewhere between 510BC and 490BC
Location: Frascati, near Rome, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Latins or Etruscans
Roman Commanders: Aulus Postumius & Aebutius Helva
Latin / Etruscan Commanders: Octavius Mamilius & Tarquinius Superbus
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Latin / Etruscan Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Latin / Etruscan Casualties: ?

Battle of the Cremera
Date: 477BC
Location: Cremera, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Veii
Roman Commander: Kaeso Fabius Vibulanus
Veiian Commander: ?
Result: Etruscan victory
Roman Strength: ?
Veiian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Veiian Casualties: ?

Siege Of Antium
Date: 459BC
Location: Antium, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Volsci
Roman Commander: Quintus Fabius Vibulanus
Volscian Commander: ?
Result: Romans broke off the siege, to attack Tusculum
Roman Strength: ?
Volscian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Volscian Casualties: ?

Battle of Tusculum
Date: 459BC
Location: Tusculum, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic & Tusculans vs. Aequi
Roman Commanders: Quintus Fabius Vibulanus & Lucius Cornelius Maluginensis
Aeqian Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Aeqian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Aeqian Casualties: ?

Battle of Mons Algidus
Date: 458BC or 457BC
Location: Mons Algidus, near Rome, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Aequi
Roman Commanders: Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus & Minucius Esquilinus
Aeqian Commander: Gracchus Clelius
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Aeqian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Aeqian Casualties: ?

Battle of Corbione
Date: 446BC
Location: Latium, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Aequi & Volsci
Roman Commander: Titus Quinctius Capitolinus Barbatus
Aeqian & Volscian Commander(s): ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Aeqian & Volscian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Aeqian & Volscian Casualties: ?

Siege of Fidenae
Date: 435BC
Location: Fidenae, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Veii
Roman Commander: ?
Veiian Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Veiian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Veiian Casualties: ?

Siege of Veii
Date: 396BC (?)
Location: Veii, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Veii
Roman Commander: Marcus Furius Camillus
Veiian Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Veiian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Veiian Casualties: ?

Battle of the Allia
Date: 390BC or 387BC
Location: Allia river, near Rome, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Gauls (Senones)
Roman Commander: Quintus Sulpicius
Gallic Commander: Brennus
Result: Gallic victory
Roman Strength: 40000
Gallic Strength: 70000
Roman Casualties: ?
Gallic Casualties: ?

Siege of the Capitoline Hill
Date: 390BC or 387BC
Location: Capitoline Hill, Rome, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Gauls (Senones)
Roman Commanders:Quintus Sulpicius? &Marcus Furius Camillus (commander relief army)
Gallic Commander: Brennus
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Gallic Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Gallic Casualties: ?

Battle of Suessula
Date: 343BC
Location: Hills around Samnium, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Samnites
Roman Commander: ?
Samnite Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Samnite Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Samnite Casualties: ?

Battle of Mount Gaurus
Date: 342BC
Location: Mount Gaurus, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Samnites
Roman Commander: Marcus Valerius Corvus
Samnite Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Samnite Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Samnite Casualties: ?

Battle of Vesuvius
Date: 339BC
Location: Near Vesuvius, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Latins
Roman Commanders: Publius Decimus Mus & Titus Manlius Imperiosus
Latin Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Latin Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Latin Casualties: ?

Battle of Trifanum
Date: 338BC
Location: Caserta province, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Latins
Roman Commander: Titus Manlius Imperiosus
Latin Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Latin Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Latin Casualties: ?

Battle of the Caudine Forks
Date: 321BC
Location: Caudine Forks, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Samnites
Roman Commanders: Titus Veturius Calvinus & Spurius Postumius Albinus
Samnite Commander: Gaius Pontius
Result: Samnite victory / Roman surrender
Roman Strength: ?
Samnite Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: Very low / none
Samnite Casualties: Very low / none

Battle of Lautulae
Date: 316BC
Location: Near Terracina, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Samnites
Roman Commander: Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus
Samnite Commander: ?
Result: Samnite victory
Roman Strength: ?
Samnite Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Samnite Casualties: ?

Battle of Lake Vadimo
Date: 310BC
Location: Lake Vadimo, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Etruscans
Roman Commander: Lucius Papirius Cursor
Etruscan Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Etruscan Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Etruscan Casualties: ?

Battle of Bovianum
Date: 305BC
Location: Bovianum, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Samnites
Roman Commanders: Curvus Paetinus & Postumius Megellus
Samnite Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Samnite Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Samnite Casualties: ?

Battle of Camerinum
Date: 298BC
Location: Camerinum, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Samnites
Roman Commander: Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus
Samnite Commander: ?
Result: Samnite victory
Roman Strength: ?
Samnite Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Samnite Casualties: ?

Battle of Sentinum
Date: 295BC
Location: Sentinum, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Samnites & Gauls
Roman Commanders: Decimus Mus & Fabius Maximus Rullianus
Samnite & Gallic Commander: Egnatius
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: around 38000
Samnite & Gallic Strength: around 38000
Roman Casualties: ?
Samnite & Gallic Casualties: ?

Battle of Aquilonia
Date: 293BC
Location: Aquilonia, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Samnites
Roman Commander: Lucius Papirius Cursor
Samnite Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Samnite Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Samnite Casualties: ?

First Battle of Arretium (Siege?)
Date: 284BC
Location: Arretium, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Gauls (Senones)
Roman Commander: Lucius Caecilius Metellus Denter
Gallic Commander: Britomaris
Result: Gallic victory
Roman Strength: 5000
Gallic Strength: 8000
Roman Casualties: 3500-4000
Gallic Casualties: 1200-2000

Second Battle of Arretium (Siege?)
Date: 283BC
Location: Arretium, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Gauls (Senones)
Roman Commander: Publius Cornelius Dolabella
Gallic Commander: Britomaris
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Gallic Strength: 6000-6800?
Roman Casualties: ?
Gallic Casualties: ?

Battle of Lake Vadimo
Date: 283BC
Location: Lake Vadimo, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Etruscans & Gauls (Boii)
Roman Commander: Publius Cornelius Dolabella
Etruscan & Gallic Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength:
Etruscan & Gallic Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Etruscan & Gallic Casualties: ?

Battle of Populonia
Date: 282BC
Location: Populonia, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Etruscans
Roman Commander: ?
Etruscan Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Etruscan Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Etruscan Casualties: ?

Battle of Heraclea
Date: 280BC
Location: Heraclea, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Epirus & Magna Graecia
Roman Commander: Publius Valerius Laevinus
Greek & Epirote Commander: Pyrrhus of Epirus
Result: Greek & Epirote victory
Roman Strength: 29000 infantry, 6000 cavalry
Greek & Epirote Strength: 31500 infantry, 4000 cavalry, 20 elephants
Roman Casualties: 7000 dead
Greek & Epirote Casualties: 4000 dead

Battle of Asculum
Date: 279BC
Location: Asculum, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Epirus & Magna Graecia
Roman Commander: Publius Decimus Mus
Greek & Epirote Commander: Pyrrhus of Epirus
Result: Greek & Epirote victory
Roman Strength: 40000 infantry & cavalry, 300 anti-elephants chariots
Greek & Epirote Strength: 40000 infantry and cavalry, 20 elephants
Roman Casualties: 6000 dead
Greek & Epirote Casualties: 3500 dead

Battle of Beneventum
Date: 275BC
Location: Beneventum, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Epirus & Magna Graecia
Roman Commander: Manius Curius Dentatus
Greek & Epirote Commander: Pyrrhus of Epirus
Result: Inconclusive (Roman victory?)
Roman Strength: ?
Greek & Epirote Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Greek & Epirote Casualties: ?

Battle of Agrigentum
Date: 261BC
Location: Agrigentum, Sicily
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commanders: Lucius Postumius Megellus & Quintus Mamilius Vitulus
Carthaginian Commanders: Hanno & Hannibal Gisco
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 40000
Carthaginian Strength: 50000 infantry,6000 cavalry,6000 elephants+garrison of Agrigentum
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: 3500

Naval Battle of the Lipari Islands
Date: 260BC
Location: Lipari harbour, Sicily
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Asina
Carthaginian Commanders: Boodes & Hannibal Gisco
Result: Carthaginian victory
Roman Strength: 17 ships
Carthaginian Strength: 20 ships
Roman Casualties: Fleet captured
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Naval Battle of Mylae
Date: 260BC
Location: Offshore Mylae, Sicily
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Gaius Duilius
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Gisco
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: About 120 ships
Carthaginian Strength: About 130 ships
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Naval Battle of Cape Ecnomus
Date: 256BC
Location: Offshore Cape Ecnomus, Sicily
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commanders: Marcus Atilius Regulus & Lucius Manlius Vulso Longus
Carthaginian Commanders: Hamilcar & Hanno
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: About 330 ships
Carthaginian Strength: About 350 ships
Roman Casualties: 24 ships sunk
Carthaginian Casualties: 30 ships sunk, 65 ships captured

Battle of Adis
Date: 255BC
Location: Hills outside Adis, Africa
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Marcus Atilius Regulus
Carthaginian Commanders: Hasdrubal & Bostar & Hamilcar
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 15000 infantry, 500 cavalry
Carthaginian Strength: 5000 infantry, 500 cavalry, unknown number of elephants
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: Most of the infantry

Battle of Tunis
Date: 255BC
Location: Tunis, Africa
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Marcus Atilius Regulus
Carthaginian Commander: Xanthippus
Result: Carthaginian victory
Roman Strength: 15000 infantry, 500 cavalry
Carthaginian Strength: 12000 infantry, 4000 cavalry, 100 elephants
Roman Casualties: 12000 dead, 500 captured
Carthaginian Casualties: 800 dead

Battle of Panormus
Date: 251BC
Location: Panormus, Sicily
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Lucius Caecilius Metellus
Carthaginian Commander: Hasdrubal
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?, including elephants
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Naval Battle of Drepana
Date: 249BC
Location: Offshore Drepana, Sicily
Combatants: Roman republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Publius Claudius Pulcher
Carthaginian Commanders: Ad herbal & Hamilcar Barca
Result: Carthaginian victory
Roman Strength: about 120 ships
Carthaginian Strength: about 120 ships
Roman Casualties: 93 ships captured or sunk
Carthaginian Casualties: none

Battle of Lilybaeum
Date: ?
Location: Lilybaeum, Sicily
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: ?
Carthaginian Commander: ?
Result: ?
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of Drepana
Date: ?
Location: Drepana, Sicily
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: ?
Carthaginian Commander: ?
Result: ?
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of Mount Ercte
Date: ?
Location: Near Mount Ercte, Sicily
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: ?
Carthaginian Commander: ?
Result: ?
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

First Battle of Mount Eryx
Date: ?
Location: Near Mount Eryx, Sicily
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: ?
Carthaginian Commander: ?
Result: ?
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of Tarentum
Date: ?
Location: Tarentum, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: ?
Carthaginian Commander: ?
Result: ?
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Second Battle of Mount Eryx
Date: ?
Location: Near Mount Eryx, Sicily
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: ?
Carthaginian Commander: ?
Result: ?
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Naval Battle of the Aegates Islands
Date: March 10, 241 BC
Location: Aegadian Islands, Sicily
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Gaius Lutatius Catulus
Carthaginian Commander: Hanno the Great
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: About 200 ships
Carthaginian Strength: About 250 ships
Roman Casualties: 30 ships sunk
Carthaginian Casualties: 50 ships sunk, 70 ships captured

First Illyrian War (can't find good info about the battles)
Date: 229BC-228BC
Location: Illyria
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Illyria
Roman Commanders: Lucius Postumius Albinus & Gnaeus Fulvius Centumalus
Illyrian Commander: Teuta
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Illyrian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Illyrian Casualties: ?

Second Illyrian War (can't find good info about the battles)
Date: 220BC-219BC
Location: Illyria
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Illyria
Roman Commander: Lucius Aemilius Paullus
Illyrian Commander: Demetrius of Pharos
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Illyrian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Illyrian Casualties: ?

Battle of Faesulae
Date: 225BC
Location: Faesulae, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Gauls
Roman Commanders: Lucius Aemilius & an unknown Praetor
Gallic Commander: ?
Result: Gallic victory
Roman Strength: 6000 commanded by the Praetor + a full consular army (size unknown)
Gallic Strength: 10000?
Roman Casualties: ?
Gallic Casualties: ?

Battle of Telamon
Date: 224BC
Location: Telamon, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Gauls
Roman Commanders: Atilius Regulus & Aemilius Papus
Gallic Commanders: Concolitanus & Aneorestus
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 70000 infantry, 5400 cavalry
Gallic Strength: 50000 infantry, 4000 cavalry
Roman Casualties: ?
Gallic Casualties: 40000 killed, 10000 captured

Battle of Clastidium
Date: 222BC
Location: Clastidium, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Gauls
Roman Commander: Marcus Claudius Marcellus
Gallic Commander: Viridomarus
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Gallic Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Gallic Casualties: ?

Naval Battle of Lilybaeum
Date: 218 BC, Spring
Location: Near Lilybaeum, Sicily
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Amellius, Praetor of Sicily
Carthaginian Commander: ?
Result: Roman Victory
Roman Strength: 35 Quinqueremes
Carthaginian Strength: 20 Quinqueremes and Triremes
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: 7 ships captured

Battle of Ticinus
Date: 218 BC, November
Location: Ticinus River, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Publius Cornelius Scipio the elder
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Carthaginian Victory
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: 6000 cavalry
Roman Casualties: Minimal
Carthaginian Casualties: Minimal

Battle of Trebia
Date: 218 BC, 18 December
Location: Trebbia River, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Tiberius Sempronius Longus
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Carthaginian Victory
Roman Strength: 36000-38000 infantry, 4000 cavalry
Carthaginian Strength: 10000 cavalry, 28000 infantry, 30 elephants
Roman Casualties: 20000
Carthaginian Casualties: Unknown, but low

Battle of Cissa
Date: 218 BC, Fall
Location: Cissa, Spain
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus
Carthaginian Commander: Hanno
Result: Roman Victory
Roman Strength: 20000 infantry, 2200 cavalry
Carthaginian Strength: 10000 infantry, 1000 cavalry
Roman Casualties: Unknown, light
Carthaginian Casualties: 6000 killed, 2000 captured

Battle of Lake Trasimene
Date: 217 BC, June 24
Location: Lake Trasimeno, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Gaius Flaminius
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Carthaginian Victory
Roman Strength: 30000-40000
Carthaginian Strength: 30000
Roman Casualties: 15000 killed or drowned, 15000 captured
Carthaginian Casualties: 1500

Naval Battle of Ebro River
Date: 217 BC, Spring
Location: Mouth of Ebro River, Spain
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus
Carthaginian Commander: Himilco
Result: Decisive Roman Victory
Roman Strength: 55 Quinqueremes and Triremes
Carthaginian Strength: 40 Quinqueremes
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: 4 sunk, 25 captured

Battle of Ager Falernus
Date: 217 BC, Summer
Location: Mount Callicula, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Quintus Fabius Maximus
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Carthaginian Victory
Roman Strength: 4000 infantry, plus reserves
Carthaginian Strength: 2000 infantry, 2000 oxen, 2000 camp followers
Roman Casualties: 1000+
Carthaginian Casualties: light

Battle of Geronium
Date: 217 BC, Fall
Location: Geronium, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commanders: Marcus Minucius Rufus & Quintus Fabius Maximus
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Tactical Carthaginian victory, strategic draw
Roman Strength: 4 legions + 4 in reserve
Carthaginian Strength: 36000 infantry, 10000 cavalry
Roman Casualties: Severe
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of Cannae
Date: 216 BC, Tuesday, August 2
Location: Cannae, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commanders: Gaius Terentius Varro & Lucius Aemilius Paullus
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Decisive Carthaginian Victory
Roman Strength: 86400-87000 men (16 Roman & Allied legions)
Carthaginian Strength: 40000 heavy infantry, 6000 light infantry, 8000 cavalry
Roman Casualties: 50000-70000 killed, 11000 captured
Carthaginian Casualties: 6000 killed, 10000 wounded

Battle of Nola (Siege)
Date: 216 BC
Location: Nola, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Marcus Claudius Marcellus
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Roman Victory
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of Dertosa
Date: 215 BC, Spring
Location: Tortosa, Spain
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commanders: Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus, Publius Cornelius Scipio
Carthaginian Commander: Hasdrubal Barca
Result: Roman Victory
Roman Strength: 30000 infantry, 3000 cavalry
Carthaginian Strength: 25000 infantry, 4000 cavalry, 20 elephants
Roman Casualties: Heavy
Carthaginian Casualties: Heavy

Battle of Nola (Siege)
Date: 215 BC
Location: Nola, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Marcus Claudius Marcellus
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Roman Victory
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of Cornus
Date: 215 BC, Fall
Location: Cornus, Sardinia
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Titus Manlius Torquatus
Carthaginian Commander: Hasdrubal The Bald
Result: Roman Victory
Roman Strength: 20000 infantry, 1200 cavalry
Carthaginian Strength: 15000 infantry, 1500 cavalry, unknown amount of Sardinians
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: Most killed or captured

Naval Battle of Sardinia Sea
Date: 215 BC, Fall
Location: Somewhere between Sardinia and Africa
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Titus Ocatilius Crassus
Carthaginian Commander: ?
Result: Roman Victory
Roman Strength: 100 Quinqueremes (Sicilian contingent of the Roman fleet)
Carthaginian Strength: 60 Quinqueremes and unknown number of transports
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: 7 Ships captured

Battle of Nola (Siege)
Date: 214 BC
Location: Nola, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Marcus Claudius Marcellus
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Roman Victory
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of Beneventum
Date: 214 BC
Location: Benevento, Campania, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Tiberius Gracchus
Carthaginian Commander: Hanno
Result: Roman Victory
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of Tarentum (Siege)
Date: 212 BC
Location: Tarentum, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Marcus Livius
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Carthaginian Victory
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: 10000
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

First Battle of Capua
Date: 212 BC
Location: Capua, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commanders: Quintus Fulvius Flaccus & Appius Claudius Pulcher
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Carthaginian Victory
Roman Strength: 40000
Carthaginian Strength: 30000
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of the Silarus
Date: 212 BC
Location: Near Sele River, Campania, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Marcus Centenius Penula
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Carthaginian Victory
Roman Strength: 16000
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: 15000
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of Herdonia
Date: 212 BC
Location: Ordonia, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Gnaeus Fulvius Flaccus
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Decisive Carthaginian Victory
Roman Strength: 18000
Carthaginian Strength: 20000-30000
Roman Casualties: 16000
Carthaginian Casualties: Low

Siege of Syracuse
Date: 214 BC – 212 BC
Location: Syracuse, Sicily
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Syracuse
Roman Commander: Marcus Claudius Marcellus
Syracusan Commander: ?
Result: Roman Victory
Roman Strength: ?
Syracusan Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Syracusan Casualties: ?

Battle of the Upper Baetis
Date: 211BC
Location: Near the Upper Baetis, Spain
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commanders: Publius Cornelius Scipio & Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus
Carthaginian Commanders: Hasdrubal Barca & Mago Barca & Hasdrubal Gisco
Result: Carthaginian victory
Roman Strength: 50000 infantry, 3000 cavalry
Carthaginian Strength: 42500 infantry, 3000 cavalry
Roman Casualties: 22000
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Second Battle of Capua (Siege)
Date: 211BC
Location: Capua, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: ?
Carthaginian Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Second Battle of Herdonia
Date: 210BC
Location: Herdonia, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Fulvius Centumalus
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Carthaginian victory
Roman Strength: 20000
Carthaginian Strength: 30000
Roman Casualties: 7000-13000 killed, 3000-7000 captured
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of Cartagena
Date: ?
Location: Cartagena, Spain
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: ?
Carthaginian Commander: ?
Result: ?
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of Numistro
Date: 210BC
Location: Numistro, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Marcus Claudius Marcellus
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Inconclusive
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of Asculum
Date: 209BC
Location: Asculum, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Marcus Claudius Marcellus
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Indecisive
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

First Battle of Lamia
Date: 209BC
Location: Lamia, Greece
Combatants: Roman Republic & Aetolia & Pergamum vs. Macedonia
Roman & Aetolian & Pergamum Commander: Phyrrhias
Macedonian Commander: Philippos V
Result: Macedonian victory
Roman & Aetolian & Pergamum Strength: ?
Macedonian Strength: ?
Roman & Aetolian & Pergamum Casualties: ?
Macedonian Casualties: ?

Second Battle of Lamia
Date: 209BC
Location: Lamia, Greece
Combatants: Roman Republic & Aetolia & Pergamum vs. Macedonia
Roman & Aetolian & Pergamum Commander: Pyrrhias
Macedonian Commander: Philippos V
Result: Macedonian victory
Roman & Aetolian & Pergamum Strength: ?
Macedonian Strength: ?
Roman & Aetolian & Pergamum Casualties: ?
Macedonian Casualties: ?

Battle of Baecula
Date: 208BC
Location: Baecula, Spain
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major
Carthaginian Commander: Hasdrubal Barca
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 35000
Carthaginian Strength: 25000 + Spanish allies
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: About 6000 killed, 10000 captured

Battle of Grugentum
Date: 207BC
Location: Grugentum, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Gaius Claudius Nero
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Indecisive
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of the Metaurus
Date: 207BC
Location: Near Metaurus River, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commanders: Gaius Claudius Nero & Marcus Livius Salinator
Carthaginian Commander: Hasdrubal Barca
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 37000
Carthaginian Strength: 30000
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: 10000

Battle of Ilipa
Date: 206BC
Location: Ilipa, Spain
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major
Carthaginian Commanders: Mago Barca & Hasdrubal Gisco & Masinissa
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 43000
Carthaginian Strength: 54000-70000 + Numidian and Spanish allies
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: Entire army destroyed

Battle of Crotona
Date: 204BC
Location: Crotona, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Sempronius Tuditanus
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Indecisive
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of Bagbrades
Date: 203BC
Location: Northern Africa
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major
Carthaginian Commanders: Hasdrubal Gisco & Syphax
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of Cirta
Date: 203BC
Location: Northern Africa
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commanders: Gaius Laelius & Masinissa
Carthaginian Commander: Syphax
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Po Valley Raid
Date: 203BC
Location: Po Valley, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: ?
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca?
Result: ?
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of the Great Plains
Date: 203BC
Location: Near Utica, Northern Africa
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman CommandersTongueublius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major &Masinissa & Gaius Laelius
Carthaginian Commanders: Hasdrubal & Syphax
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Carthaginian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Carthaginian Casualties: ?

Battle of Zama
Date: 202BC, October 19
Location: Zama, near Carthage, Northern Africa
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commanders: Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major & Masinissa
Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 34000 infantry, 9000 cavalry
Carthaginian Strength: 50000 infantry, 4000 cavalry, 80 elephants
Roman Casualties: 1500 killed, 4000 wounded
Carthaginian Casualties: 20000 killed, 11000 wounded, 15000 captured

Battle of Cremona
Date: 200BC
Location: Cremona, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Gauls
Roman Commander: ?
Gallic Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Gallic Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Gallic Casualties: ?

Battle of the Aous
Date: 198BC
Location: Illyria
Combatants: Roman Republic ( + Pergamum & Rhodes?) vs. Macedonia
Roman Commander: Titus Quinctius Flaminius
Macedonian Commander: Philippos V
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Macedonian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Macedonian Casualties: ?

Battle of Cynoscephalae
Date: 197BC
Location: Thessaly, Greece
Combatants: Roman Republic & Pergamum & Rhodes vs. Macedonia
Roman Commander: Titus Quinctus Flaminius
Macedonian Commander: Philippos V
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 33400, including elephants
MacedonianStrength: 23500 infantry, 2000 cavalry
Roman Casualties: 700
Macedonian Casualties: 8000 killed, 5000 captured

Battle of Mutina
Date: 194BC
Location: Mutina, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Gauls
Roman Commander: ?
Gallic Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Gallic Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Gallic Casualties: ?

Battle of Gythium
Date: 195BC
Location: Gythium, Greece
Combatants: Roman Republic & Achaean League & Rhodes & Pergamum & Macedon vs. Sparta
Roman & Allied Commanders: Titus Quinctius Flaminius & Eumenes II of Pergamum
Spartan Commanders: Dexagoridas & Gorgopas
Result: Roman & Allied victory
Roman & Allied Strength: about 50000
Spartan Strength: ?
Roman Casualties:
Spartan Casualties: ?

Battle of Thermopylae
Date: 191BC
Location: Thermopylae, Greece
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Seleucid Empire
Roman Commander: Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus
Seleucid Commander: Antiochus III
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 22000
Seleucid Strength: 10500 + allies
Roman Casualties: 200?
Seleucid Casualties: 10000 (killed & captured)

Naval Battle of the Eurymedon
Date: 190BC
Location: Eurymedon River, current Turkey
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Seleucid Empire
Roman Commander: Lucius Aemilius Regilius
Seleucid Commander: Hannibal Barca
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Seleucid Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Seleucid Casualties: ?

Naval Battle of Myonessus
Date: 190BC
Location: Myonessus
Combatants: Roman Republic & Rhodes vs. Seleucid Empire
Roman & Rhodian Commanders: Lucius Aemilius Regilius & Eudores
Seleucid Commander: Polyxenidas
Result: Roman & Rhodian victory
Roman & Rhodian Strength: 58 Roman ships, 25 Rhodian ships
Seleucid Strength: 90 ships
Roman & Rhodian Casualties: 2 ships sunk
Seleucid Casualties: 16 ships sunk, 13 ships captured

Battle of Magnesia
Date: 190BC, December
Location: Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia
Combatants: Roman Republic & Pergamum vs. Seleucid Empire
Roman & Pergamum Commanders: Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus & Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major & Eumenes II
Seleucid Commander: Antiochus III
Result: Roman victory
Roman & Pergamum Strength: 49000 infantry, 5000 cavalry, 16 elephants
Seleucid Strength: 23700 infantry, 12000 cavalry, 54 elephants, scythed chariots
Roman & Pergamum Casualties: ?
Seleucid Casualties: ?

Conquest of Galatia (can't find info about the battles)
Date: 189BC
Location: Galatia
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Galatia
Roman Commander: Manlius Vulso
Galatian Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Galatian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties:
Galatian Casualties: ?

Conquest of Istria
Date: 177BC
Location: Istria, Illyria
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Illyria
Roman Commander: ?
Illyrian Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Illyrian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Illyrian Casualties: ?

Battle of Callicinus
Date: 171BC
Location: Callicinus?
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Macedonia
Roman Commander: Publius Licinius Crassus
Macedonian Commander: Perseus
Result: Macedonian victory
Roman Strength: ?
Macedonian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Macedonian Casualties: ?

Invasion Attempt of Macedonia
Date: 169BC
Location: Macedonia?
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Macedonia
Roman Commander: Quintus Marcius Philippus
Macedonian Commander: ?
Result: Macedonian victory
Roman Strength: ?
macedonian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Macedonian Casualties: ?

Battle of Scodra
Date: 168BC
Location: Scodra, Illyria
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Illyria
Roman Commander: ?
Illyrian Commander: Gentius
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Illyrian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Illyrian Casualties: ?

Battle of Pydna
Date: 168BC, June 22
Location: Pydna, Greece
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Macedonia
Roman Commander: Lucius Aemilius Paulus Macedonicus
Macedonian Commander: Persues
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 33400 infantry, 4600 cavalry
Macedonian Strength: 40000 infantry, 4000 cavalry
Roman Casualties: over 1000 dead, numerous wounded
Macedonian Casualties: 25000 killed & wounded

Battle against the Apuani
Date: 155BC
Location: ?
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Apuani
Roman Commander: Marcus Claudius Marcellus
Apuanian Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Apuanian Roman Strength: ?
Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Apuanian Casualties: ?

Battle against the Dalmatians
Date: 155BC
Location: Dalmatia?
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Dalmatians
Roman Commander: Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Corculum
Dalmatian Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Dalmatian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Dalmatian Casualties: ?

Battle against the Lusitanians & Celtiberians
Date: 151 BC
Location: Spain
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Lusitanians & Celtiberians
Roman Commander: Marcus Claudius Marcellus
Lusitanian & Celtiberian Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Lusitanian & Celtiberian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Lusitanian & Celtiberian Casualties: ?

Battle of Pydna
Date: 148BC
Location: Pydna, Greece
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Macedonian rebels
Roman Commander: Quintus Caecilius Metellus
Rebel Commander: Andriscus
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Macedonian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Macedonian Casualties: ?

Siege of Carthage
Date: 149BC/148BC-146BC, Spring
Location: Carthage, Northern Africa
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Carthage
Roman Commander: Publius Scipio Aemilianus Numantinus Africanus
Carthaginian Commander: Hasdrubal
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 40000
Carthaginian Strength: 90000
Roman Casualties: 17000
Carthaginian Casualties: 62000

Battle against the Celtiberians
Date: 144BC
Location: Spain
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Celtiberians
Roman Commander: Quintus Caecilius Metellus
Celtiberian Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Celtiberian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Celtiberian Casualties: ?

Battle against the Numantians
Date: 133 BC
Location: Numantia?
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Numantia
Roman Commander: Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus Africanus Numantinus
Numantian Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Numantian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Numantian Casualties: ?

First Servile War (can't find info about the battles)
Date: 135BC-132BC
Location: Sicily
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Rebel Slaves
Roman Commanders: Lucius Calpurnius Piso &Publius Rupilius &Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus Africanus Numanticus
Rebel Commanders: Eunus & Cleon
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Rebel Strength: 200000?
Roman Casualties: ?
Rebel Casualties: ?

Battle against the Iapydes
Date: 129 BC?
Location: Illyria
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Iapydes (Illyrians)
Roman Commander: Caius Sempronius Tuditanus
Iapyde Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Iapyde Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Iapyde Casualties: ?

Revolt of Fregellae (Siege?)
Date: 124 BC
Location: Fregellae, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Fregellae
Roman Commander: ?
Fregellaian Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Fregellaian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Fregellaian Casualties: ?

Battle against the Arverni & Allobroges
Date: 121BC
Location: Transalpine Gaul
Combatants: Roman Republic (& Aedui allies?) vs. Arverni & Allobroges
Roman Commander: Quintus Fabius Maximus
Gallic Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Gallic Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Gallic Casualties: ?

Battle against Barbarian Tribes
Date: 115BC
Location: Spain
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Spanish Barbarian tribes
Roman Commander: Gaius Marius
Barbarian Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Barbarian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Barbarian Casualties: ?

Battle of the Drava Valley
Date: 113BC
Location: Drava Valley
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Cimbri
Roman Commander: Gaius Papirius Carbo
Cimbrian Commander: ?
Result: Cimbrian victory
Roman Strength: ?
Cimbrian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Cimbrian Casualties: ?

Battle against the Numidians
Date: 110BC
Location: ?
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Numidia
Roman Commander: Aulus Postumius Albinus
Numidian Commander: Jugurtha
Result: Numidian victory
Roman Strength: ?
Numidian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Numidian Casualties: ?

Battle of the Rhodanus
Date: 109BC
Location: Near Rhodanus (Rhone) River, Gaul
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Cimbri & Teutones (& Helvetii?)
Roman Commander: Marcus Junius Silanus
Cimbrian & Teutonic Commander: ?
Result: Cimbrian & Teutonic victory
Roman Strength: ?
Cimbrian & Teutonic Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Cimbrian & Teutonic Casualties: ?

Battle of Suthul
Date: 109BC or 108BC
Location: North Africa
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Numidia
Roman Commander: ?
Numidian Commander: Jugurtha
Result: Numidian victory
Roman Strength: ?
Numidian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Numidian Casualties: ?

Battle of the Muthul
Date: 108BC
Location: Near Muthul River, Numidia
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Numidia
Roman Commanders: Quintus Caecilius Metellus Numidicus & Gaius Marius
Numidian Commander: Jugurtha
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Numidian Strength: ?, including elephants
Roman Casualties: ?
Numidian Casualties: ?

Battle of Burdigala
Date: 107BC
Location: Near Burdigala, gaul
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Helvetii
Roman Commander: Lucius Cassius Longinus
Helvetian Commander: ?
Result: Helvetian victory
Roman Strength: ?
Helvetian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Helvetian Casualties: ?

Battle of Thala
Date: Somewhere between 111BC and 104BC
Location: North Africa
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Numidia
Roman Commander: ?
Numidian Commander: Jugurtha
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Numidian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Numidian Casualties: ?

Battle of Arausio
Date: 105BC, October 6
Location: Arausio, near Rhodanus (Rhone) River, Gaul
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Cimbri & Teutones
Roman Commanders: Quintus Servilius Caepio & Gnaeus Mallius Maximus
Cimbrian & Teutonic Commanders: Boiorix & Teutobod
Result: Cimbrian & Teutonic victory
Roman Strength: 80000 legionary troops, up to 40000 auxiliaries and camp followers
Cimbrian & Teutonic Strength: About 200000
Roman Casualties: 112000?
Cimbrian & Teutonic Casualties: ?

Second Servile War (can't find info about the battles)
Date: 104BC-103BC
Location: Sicily
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Rebel Slaves
Roman Commander: Manius Aquilius
Commanders: Tryphon & Athenion & Salvius
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Casualties: ?

Battle of Aquae Sextiae
Date: 102 BC
Location: Aquae Sextiae, Gaul
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Teutones
Roman Commander: Gaius Marius
Teutonic Commander: Teutobod
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: About 40000 (including 6 legions)
Teutonic Strength: At least 110000
Roman Casualties: Less than 1000?
Tuetonic Casualties: 90000 killed, 20000 captured

Battle of the Adige Valley
Date: 102 BC
Location: Adige Valley, Gaul?
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Cimbri
Roman Commander: Quintus Lutatius Catulus Caesar
Cimbrian Commander: ?
Result: Cimbrian victory
Roman Strength: ?
Cimbrian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Cimbrian Casualties: ?

Battle of Vercellae
Date: 101 BC
Location: Vercellae, Cisalpine Gaul
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Cimbri
Roman Commanders: Gaius Marius & Quintus Lutatius Catulus Caesar & Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Commander: Boiorix
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 50000 (including 8 legions)
Strength: 160000-200000
Roman Casualties: Less than 1000?
Casualties: 100000-140000 killed, 60000 captured

Battle in the Forum
Date: 100BC
Location: Forum, Rome, Italy
Combatants: Roman Senate vs. Lucius Appuleius Saturninus and his followers
Senate Commander: Gaius Marius
Opposing Commander: Lucius Appuleius Saturninus
Result: Senate victory
Senate Strength: ?
Opposing Strength: ?
Senate Casualties: ?
Opposing Casualties: ?

Battle of Fucine Lake
Date: 89BC
Location: Near Fucine Lake, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Rebelling Italian cities
Roman Commander: Lucius Porcius Cato
Rebel Commander: ?
Result: Italian Rebel victory
Roman Strength: ?
Rebel Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Rebel Casualties: ?

Battle of Asculum
Date: 89BC
Location: Asculum, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Rebelling Italian cities
Roman Commander: Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo
Rebel Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Rebel Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Rebel Casualties: ?

Battle of Mount Scorobas
Date: 88BC
Location: near Mount Scorobas
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Pontus
Roman Commander: Manius Aquilius
Pontic Commander: Archelaus
Result: Pontic victory
Roman Strength: ?
Pontic Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Pontic Casualties: ?

Naval Battle against Pontus
Date: 88BC
Location: Mediterranean Sea
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Pontus
Roman Commander: Bruttius Sura
Pontic Commander: Metrophanes
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Pontic Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Pontic Casualties: ?

Battle of Piraeus
Date: 87BC
Location: Piraeus, Greece
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Pontus
Roman Commander: Bruttius Sura
Pontic Commander: Archelaus
Result: Pontic victory
Roman Strength: ?
Pontic Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Pontic Casualties: ?

Battle of Chaeronea
Date: 86BC
Location: Chaeronea, Greece
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Pontus
Roman Commander: Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Pontic Commander: Archelaus
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 40000
Pontic Strength: 120000
Roman Casualties: ? (Only 12 according to Appian & Plutarch - impossible)
Pontic Casualties: 110000 ???

Naval Battle of Tenedos
Date: 86BC
Location: Near Tenedos Island
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Pontus
Roman Commander: Lucius Licinius Lucullus
Pontic Commander: Neoptolemus
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Pontic Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Pontic Casualties: ?

Battle of Orchomenus
Date: 85BC
Location: Orchomenus, Greece
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Pontus
Roman Commander: Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Pontic Commander: Archelaus
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Pontic Strength: ?, about thrice as much as the Romans
Roman Casualties: ?
Pontic Casualties: ?

Battle of Mount Tifata
Date: 83BC, November
Location: Near Mount Tifata
Combatants: Optimates vs. Populares
Populares Commander: Gaius Norbanus
Optimates Commander: Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Result: Aristocratic victory
Optimates Strength: ?
Populares Strength: ?
Optimates Casualties: ?
Populares Casualties: ?

Second Mithridatic War (can't find info about the battles)
Date: 83BC
Location: Pontus
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Pontus
Roman Commander: Lucius Licinius Murena
Pontic Commander: Mithridates VI?
Result: Pontic victory
Roman Strength: 2 legions?
Pontic Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Pontic Casualties: ?

Battle of the Colline Gate
Date: 82BC, November
Location: Colline Gate, Rome, Italy
Combatants: Optimates vs. Populares (Samnites)
Optimates Commanders: Lucius Cornelius Sulla & Marcus Licinius Crassus
Samnite Commander: Pontius Telesinus
Result: Optimates victory
Optimates Strength: ?
Samnite Strength: ?
Optimates Casualties: ?
Samnite Casualties: ?

Battle of the Baetis River
Date: 80BC
Location: Near Baetis River, Spain
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Sertorius' Rebel Army
Roman Commander: Lucius Fulfidas
Rebel Commander: Quintus Sertorius
Result: Rebel victory
Roman Strength: ?
Rebel Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Rebel Casualties: ?

Battle Near Rome
Date: 77BC
Location: Outside Rome, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Roman Rebels
Roman Commander: Quintus Lutatius Catulus
Rebel Commander: Marcus Aemilius Lepidus
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Rebel Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Rebel Casualties: ?

Battle of Chalcedon
Date: 75BC
Location: Bithynia
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Pontus
Roman Commander: Marcus Aurelius Cotta
Pontic Commander: Mithridates VI
Result: Pontic victory
Roman Strength: ?
Pontic Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Pontic Casualties: ?

Battle of Cyzicus
Date: 74BC
Location: Cyzicus, Mysia
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Pontus
Roman Commander: Lucius Licinius Lucullus
Pontic Commander: Mithridates VI
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Pontic Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Pontic Casualties: ?

Battle of Mount Vesuvius
Date: 73BC
Location: Mount Vesuvius, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Slave Army
Roman Commander: Gaius Claudius Glaber
Slave Commander: Spartacus
Result: slave victory
Roman Strength: 3000 militia
Slave Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: Entire army destroyed
Slave Casualties: ?

Second Battle against Spartacus' Army
Date: 73BC
Location: Campania?, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Slave Army
Roman Commander: Publius Varinius
Slave Commander: Spartacus
Result: Slave victory
Roman Strength: ?
Slave Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Slave Casualties: ?

Battle of Mount Garganus
Date: 72BC
Location: Near Mount Garganus, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Slave Army
Roman Commander: Lucius Gellius Publicola
Slave Commander: Crixus
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Slave Strength: About 30000
Roman Casualties: ?
Slave Casualties: About 20000 killed

Battle against the Consular Armies
Date: 72BC
Location: Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Slave Army
Roman Commanders: Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Clodianus & Lucius Gellius Publicola
Slave Commander: Spartacus
Result: Slave victory
Roman Strength: 2 Consular Armies, size unknown
Slave Strength: About 120000
Roman Casualties: ?
Slave Casualties: ?

Second Battle against the Consular Armies
Date: 72BC
Location: Picenum, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Slave Army
Roman Commanders: Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Clodianus & Lucius Gellius Publicola
Slave Commander: spartacus
Result: Slave victory
Roman Strength: 2 Consular Armies?
Slave Strength: About 120000
Roman Casualties: ?
Slave Casualties: ?

Battle of Cabira
Date: 72BC
Location: Cabira, Pontus
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Pontus
Roman Commander: Lucius Licinius Lucullus
Pontic Commander: Mithridates VI
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Pontic Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Pontic Casualties: ?

Last Battle against Sertorius' Rebels
Date: 72BC
Location: Spain
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Roman Rebels
Roman Commanders: Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus & Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius
Rebel Commander: Marcus Perpenna Vento
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Rebel Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Rebel Casualties: ?

First Battle of Crassus against the Slave Army
Date: 71BC
Location: Picenum or Samnium, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Slave Army
Roman Commander: Marcus Licinius Crassus
Slave Commander: Spartacus
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 8 legions
Slave Strength: About 120000
Roman Casualties: ?
Slave Casualties: About 6000

Battle of Brutium
Date: 71BC
Location: Brutium?, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Slave Army
Roman Commander: Marcus Licinius Crassus
Slave Commanders: Gannicus & Castus
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Slave Strength: About 12000?
Roman Casualties: ?
Slave Casualties: About 12000

Last Battle against Spartacus' Slave Army
Date: 71BC
Location: ?, Italy
Combatants: Roman republic vs. Slave Army
Roman Commander: Marcus Licinius Crassus
Slave Commander: Spartacus
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Slave Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Slave Casualties: ?

Battle of Tigranocerta
Date: 69BC
Location: Tigranocerta, Armenia
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Armenia
Roman Commander: Lucius Licinius Lucullus
Armenian Commander: Tigranes the Great
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 10000 infantry, 3000 cavalry
Armenian Strength: 40000-300000 (mainly levies and peasants)
Roman Casualties: ?
Armenian Casualties: ?

Battle of Artaxata
Date: Artaxata, Armenia
Location: 68BC
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Armenia
Roman Commander: Lucius Licinius Lucullus
Armenian Commander: Tigranes the Great
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Armenian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Armenian Casualties: ?

Battle of Coracesium
Date: 67BC
Location: Mediterranean
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Pirates of Cilicia
Roman Commander: Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
Pirate Commander: Probably no commander
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 200 ships
Pirate Strength: 1000 ships??
Roman Casualties: ?
Pirate Casualties: ?

Battle of Lycus River
Date: 66BC
Location: Near Lycus River, Ionia
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Pontus
Roman Commander: Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
Pontic Commander: Mithridates VI
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Pontic Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Pontic Casualties: ?

Last Battle Against Tigranes the Great
Date: 65BC
Location: Armenia?
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Armenia
Roman Commander: Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
Armenian Commander: Tigranes the GReat
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Armenian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Armenian Casualties: ?

Battle of Pistoria
Date: 62BC
Location: Near Pistoria, Italy
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Lucius Sergius Catalina's forces
Roman Republic Commander: Marcus Petreius
Opposing Commander: Lucius Sergius Catalina
Result: Roman Republic victory
Roman Republic Strength: 2 or 3 legions
Opposing Strength: 2 legions
Roman Republic Casualties: ?
Opposing Casualties: ?

Uprising and Conquest of Lusitania
Date: 60BC
Location: Lusitania, Spain
Combatants: Roman republic vs. Lusitanians
Roman Commander: Gaius Julius Caesar
Lusitanian Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Lusitanian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Lusitanian Casualties: ?

Battle of the Arar
Date: 58BC, June
Location: River Arar, Gaul
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Helvetii
Roman Commander: Gaius Julius Caesar
Helvetian Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 3 Legions
Helvetian Strength: About 220000 (including non-combatants)
Roman Casualties: ?
Helvetian Casualties: At least 55000

Battle of Bibracte
Date: 58BC, July
Location: Bibracte, Gaul
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Helvetii
Roman Commander: Gaius Julius Caesar
Helvetian Commander: Divicus
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 6 Legions
Helvetian Strength: 70000 (370000 including non-combatants?)
Roman Casualties: ?
Helvetian Casualties: ?

Battle against Ariovistus
Date: 58BC, September
Location: Gaul
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Suebi
Roman Commander: Gaius Julius Caesar
Suebian Commander: Ariovistus
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 30000-40000
Suebian Strength: Around 70000 (including 6000 cavalry)
Roman Casualties: ?
Suebian Casualties: ?

Battle of Bibrax
Date: 57BC, May
Location: Near Bibrax Gaul
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Belgae
Roman Commander: Gaius Julius Caesar
Belgae Commander: Galba of Suessiones
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Belgae Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Belgae Casualties: ?

Battle of the Sabis
Date: 57BC, July
Location: Present-day Flanders, Gaul
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Nervii & Viromandui & Atrebates
Roman Commander: Gaius Julius Caesar
Gallic Commander: Boduognatus
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 8 Legions
Gallic Strength: 25000-150000
Roman Casualties: 2500 killed or wounded
Gallic Casualties: 3000 killed or wounded?

Siege of Aduatuca
Date: 57BC, September
Location: Aduatuca, Gaul
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Aduatuci
Roman Commander: Gaius Julius Caesar
Aduatucian Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Aduatucian Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Aduatucian Casualties: More than 4000 killed, 53000 (mainly civilians) captured

Siege of Octodurus (Romans besieged)
Date: Late 57 or early 56BC
Location: Octodurus, Gaul
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Veragri & Seduni
Roman Commander: Servius Sulpicius Galba
Gallic Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 8 under-strength cohorts
Gallic Strength: Around 30000 (?)
Roman Casualties: ?
Gallic Casualties: Around 10000 (?)

Naval Battle in the Gulf of Morbihan
Date: 56BC
Location: Gulf of Morbihan, Armorica, Gaul
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Veneti
Roman Commander: Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus
Veneti Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: ?
Veneti Strength: About 220 ships
Roman Casualties: ?
Veneti Casualties: ?

Battle Against the Sotiates
Date: 56 or 55BC
Location: Aquitania, Gaul
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Sotiates
Roman Commander: Publius Licinius Crassus
Gallic Commander:
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 1 (probably under-strength) legion
Gallic Strength: ?
Roman Casulaties: ?
Gallic Casualties: ?

Battle of Aquitania
Date: 56 or 55BC
Location: Aquitania, Gaul
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Aquitanian and Spanish tribes
Roman Commander: Publius Licinius Crassus
Gallic Commander: ?
Roman Strength: 1 under-strength legion
Gallic Strength: 50000?
Roman Casulaties: ?
Gallic Casualties: Around 35000?

First Invasion of Britannia
Date: 54BC, August/September
Location: Shores of Britannia
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Britons
Roman Commander: Gaius Julius Caesar
Briton Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 2 Legions
Briton Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Briton Casualties: ?

British Attack on the Roman Invasion Force
Date: 54BC
Location: Caesar's camp in Britannia
Combatants: Roman Republic vs. Britons
Roman Commander: Gaius Julius Caesar
Briton Commander: ?
Result: Roman victory
Roman Strength: 2 Legions
Briton Strength: ?
Roman Casualties: ?
Briton Casualties: ?

[Maximum post-length reached, I continued in the first post on page 2]
[size=75:18gu2k6n]- Roy Aarts[/size]
Awesome, thanks for posting.
Sean Marcum

Roma Victrix! 
Pretty good resource...Smile
Du Courage Viens La Verité

Legion: TBD
Great list, a good one to follow up with more entries.

I miss just one aspect: the sources who describe each battle.
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
Which reminds me of an earlier discussion, to make some sort of Roman Army Wiki. This might be the core of it. BTW, all dates before 300 BC are Varronian chronology, which may help you for the problematic date of the Allia.
Jona Lendering
Relevance is the enemy of history
My website
Quote:I miss just one aspect: the sources who describe each battle.
Are you going to make Roy reproduce John Drogu Montagu's book online? :wink:

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
Excellent thread, very comprehensive list Big Grin
Dave Bell/Secvndvs

[Image: comitatus.jpg]

<a class="postlink" href="">
Nice. I like those lists. Laudes added
Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio
Quote:I miss just one aspect: the sources who describe each battle.
Are you going to make Roy reproduce John Drogu Montagu's book online? :wink:

Never heard of that book before.
The cheapest copy I can find costs 68 pounds, so I think I'll pass on that for the time being Sad
Anyway, unlike that book, I don't intend to stop at 31BC :wink:

When I have time, I'll add the specific sources I used for every battle (might take a while though, because it takes a lot of time).

Quote:Which reminds me of an earlier discussion, to make some sort of Roman Army Wiki. This might be the core of it. BTW, all dates before 300 BC are Varronian chronology, which may help you for the problematic date of the Allia.

I already read that, but thanks anyway Smile
Because the 'real' BC dates seem so uncertain due the to different methods used by the Roman historians, I've just used wikipedia for the dates
[size=75:18gu2k6n]- Roy Aarts[/size]
Quote:all dates before 300 BC are Varronian chronology ...
Thanks, Jona. Another excellent page!

(I recently came across an on-line version of the Chronographus anni 354 which you might like to link to.)
posted by Duncan B Campbell
Thanks! Link will be inserted. Big Grin
Jona Lendering
Relevance is the enemy of history
My website
Corrected some mistakes, and added battles up to and including the Siege of Carthage - the end of the Third Punic War.
[size=75:18gu2k6n]- Roy Aarts[/size]
We should make this a sticky or something.
Du Courage Viens La Verité

Legion: TBD
Yeah, this is an excellent resource, it'd be a shame if it faded away.
Dave Bell/Secvndvs

[Image: comitatus.jpg]

<a class="postlink" href="">
The thread has now been stickified.
Roy, once it reaches a certain point of completeness (you can decide) we could move the thread to so it's even easier to find.

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine

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