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Why are the people of Troy called Trojans?
Quote:Now the Hittite tableta talk of Toroyia or (Torojia in some German books) with her citadel Wilusa or Filousa (Ilion) which suggest that uncle Homer did not invented the names.

Alexander the Great also visited reportedly Troy after he embarked in Asia Minor with his army. This means that the location of Troy must still be known in the classical antiquity. I wonder if Schliermann in his search for the exact location was also aware of this visit.
Stefan (Literary references to the discussed topics are always appreciated.)

Messages In This Thread
Re: Why are the people of Troy called Trojans? - by Anonymous - 08-16-2006, 10:33 AM
Re: Why are the people of Troy called Trojans? - by Eleatic Guest - 08-16-2006, 06:29 PM
Re: Why are the people of Troy called Trojans? - by Anonymous - 08-17-2006, 09:53 AM

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