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Glossary of Roman army terminology
<em>Natalis aquilae</em> (LA): birthday of the eagle; military holiday.<br>
<em>Natio</em> (LA): 'nation'; barbarian auxiliary force.<br>
<em>Navis</em> (LA): ship.<br>
<em>Navis longa</em> (LA): 'longship'; warship.<br>
<em>Navis oneraria</em> (LA): transport vessel.<br>
<em>Navis praetoria</em> (LA): flag ship.<br>
<em>Navis speculatoria</em> (LA): scouting ship.<br>
<em>Nauta</em> (LA): sailor.<br>
<em>Nauarchus</em> (LA): ship's captain; naval officer.<br>
<em>Nauclarius</em> (LA): late Roman marine.<br>
<em>Nauphylax</em> (LA): ship's guard.<br>
<em>Naupegus</em> (LA): ship's carpenter.<br>
<em>Nobiscum Deus</em> (LA): 'God with us'; late Roman/Byzantine battle cry.<br>
<em>Nomen Latinum</em> (LA): 'Latin name'; league of Latin allies.<br>
<em>Notae</em> (LA): 'symbols'; short hand writing.<br>
<em>Notarius</em> (LA): secretary.<br>
<em>Numerarius</em> (LA): administrative official; clerk.<br>
<em>Numerus</em> (LA): military unit.<br>
<em>Numerus collatus</em> (LA): provisional unit.<br>
<em>Numerus peregrinorum</em> (LA): provisional unit of soldiers based at the <em>castra peregrina</em> (LA) at Rome.<br>
<em>Numerus statorum praetorianorum</em> (LA): unit of praetorian military police.<br>
<em>Obelos</em> (GR): 'spit'; the long iron point of a <em>pilum</em> (LA) or <em>soliferreum</em> (LA) javelin.<br>
<em>Obsidio</em> (LA): siege.<br>
<em>Ocrea</em> (LA): greave.<br>
<em>Officialis</em> (LA): member of administrative staff.<br>
<em>Officium</em> (LA): (1) staff; (2) office.<br>
<em>Officium rationum</em> (LA): accounting office.<br>
<em>Oikeios</em> (GR): organic; incorporated into permanent strucure of a military unit.<br>
<em>Oiketès</em> (GR): household retainer; private bodyguard.<br>
<em>Onager</em> (LA): 'wild ass'; torsion gun.<br>
<em>Onagros</em> (GR): 'wild ass'; torsion gun.<br>
<em>Opera vacans</em> (LA): soldier exempt from fatigue duty; first century AD term for the type of soldier called an <em>immunis</em> (LA) from the second century AD on.<br>
<em>Oppidum</em> (LA): fortified town.<br>
<em>Oppugnatio</em> (LA): assault.<br>
<em>Optimas</em> (LA): (1) noble, war lord; (2) Byzantine horse guard.<br>
<em>Optimates</em> (LA): Byzantine elite cavalry force.<br>
<em>Optime Maxime, conserva numerus omnium militantium</em> (LA): Best and Greatest, protect the collective of all serving soldiers; motto used on military equipment..<br>
<em>Optio</em> (LA): 'chosen one'; (1) NCO; (2) private with special responsibilities.<br>
<em>Optio ad carcerem</em> (LA): chosen man on prison duty.<br>
<em>Optio ad spem ordinis</em> (LA): NCO selected for promotion to centurionate.<br>
<em>Optio candidatus</em> (LA): NCO singled out for promotion to rank of <em>centurio</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Optio carceris</em> (LA): NCO in charge of the prison cells.<br>
<em>Optio centuriae</em> (LA): 'chosen men of the company'; NCO serving as rearrank officer of a <em>centuria</em>, in the imperial army classed as a <em>duplicarius</em> (LA), a NCO on double basic pay.<br>
<em>Optio centurionis</em> (LA): 'chosen man of the centurion'; NCO serving as rearrank officer of a <em>centuria</em>.<br>
<em>Optio custodiarum</em> (LA): <em>optio</em> (LA) in charge of guard posts.<br>
<em>Optio draconarius</em> (LA): chosen man among the dragon bearers; late Roman senior standardbearer.<br>
<em>Optio equitum</em> (LA): NCO of the legionary or praetorian horsemen.<br>
<em>Optio fabricae</em> (LA): soldier or NCO in charge of a work shop.<br>
<em>Optio navaliorum</em> (LA): NCO or specialist soldier in charge of boats.<br>
<em>Optio praetorii</em> (LA): specialist soldier or NCO attached to headquarters.<br>
<em>Optio principalis</em> (LA): NCO; not all <em>optiones</em> were noncommissioned officers, called <em>principales</em> from the second century on.<br>
<em>Optio speculatorum</em> (LA): NCO of elite cavalry bodyguards.<br>
<em>Optio spei</em> (LA): NCO selected for promotion to centurionate.<br>
<em>Optio statorum</em> (LA): NCO of military constabulary.<br>
<em>Optio tribuni</em> (LA): assistant to tribune.<br>
<em>Optio valetudinarii</em> (LA): orderly in charge of hospital.<br>
<em>Optioon</em> (GR): NCO.<br>
<em>Opus</em> (LA): work; job; task.<br>
<em>Ordinarius/Ordinatus</em> (LA): centurion.<br>
<em>Ordinatio</em> (LA): (1) battle deployment; (2) commissioning as <em>centurio</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Ordo</em> (LA): (1) battle line; (2) military unit; (3) post of <em>centurio</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Ordo equester</em> (LA): the equestrian order: originally the class of wealthy citizens from which the cavalry was recruited, later the class from which many senior officers were drawn.<br>
<em>Origo</em> (LA): origin.<br>
<em>Origo castris</em> (LA): 'born in the camp'; soldier originating from civilian settlement adjacent to an army base.<br>
<em>Oothismos</em> (GR): the shoving between two <em>phalanges</em> (GR).<br>
<em>Ouetranos</em> (GR): veteran; discharged soldier.<br>
<em>Ouexillatioon</em> (GR): detachment; provisional unit; Greek term for <em>vexillatio</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Ornithoboros</em> (GR): 'bird carrier'; unarmed Byzantine NCO who apparently no longer carried an eagle standard.<br>
<em>Oulamos</em> (GR): squadron; cavalry unit.<br>
<em>Ouragos</em> (GR): rearrank officer; <em>optio</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Otium castrorum</em> (LA): time off-duty.<br>
<em>Ovatio</em> (LA): triumphal entry for victorious commander.<br>
<em>Oxybelès</em> (GR): torsion gun.<br>
<em>Pabulatio</em> (LA): collection of fodder.<br>
<em>Paenula</em> (LA): cloak.<br>
<em>Pachos hyssos</em> (GR): thick javelin; heavier variant of <em>pilum</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Palaistratiootès</em> (GR): veteran.<br>
<em>Palatinus</em> (LA): soldier belonging to late Roman field army.<br>
<em>Paludamentum</em> (LA): officers' cloak.<br>
<em>Palus</em> (LA): stake used as target for weapons training.<br>
<em>Panis militaris</em> (LA): military bread.<br>
<em>Panoplia</em> (LA): armour.<br>
<em>Papilio</em> (LA): 'butterfly'; tent.<br>
<em>Parazonium</em> (LA): sword carried by senior officers.<br>
<em>Parma</em> (LA): usually round buckler.<br>
<em>Parma equestris</em> (LA): cavalry shield.<br>
<em>Parmè</em> (GR): usually round buckler.<br>
<em>Parmula</em> (LA): small round shield.<br>
<em>Pectorale</em> (LA): body armour.<br>
<em>Pecuarius</em> (LA): soldier attending to live stock.<br>
<em>Pedatura</em> (LA): infantry.<br>
<em>Pedes</em> (LA): foot soldier.<br>
<em>Pedes singularis</em> (LA): auxiliary infantry guardsman.<br>
<em>Peditatus</em> (LA): infantry.<br>
<em>Pelekophoros</em> (GR): axeman.<br>
<em>Pelekus</em> (GR): battle-axe or war hammer.<br>
<em>Pellis</em> (LA): animal skin.<br>
<em>Peltastès</em> (GR): skirmisher equipped with light shield.<br>
<em>Peltè</em> (GR): light shield.<br>
<em>Pentèrès</em> (GR): quinquereme; galley with five oarsmen on either two or three levels.<br>
<em>Peregrinus</em> (LA): (1) freeborn provincial without Roman citizenship; (2) soldier attached to <em>castra peregrina</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Perfuga</em> (LA): turncoat.<br>
<em>Perikephalaios</em> (GR): helmet.<br>
<em>Pes</em> (LA): foot; length unit of either 294 mm or 332 mm.<br>
<em>Petitor</em> (LA): equstrian requesting military posting.<br>
<em>Pezakontistès</em> (GR): infantry javelineer.<br>
<em>Pezos</em> (GR): infantryman.<br>
<em>Phalangarius</em> (LA): foot soldier trained in Macedonian phalanx tactics.<br>
<em>Phalangitès</em> (GR): infantry man in <em>phalanx</em> (GR).<br>
<em>Phalanx</em> (GR): (1) close formation of heavy armed infantry equipped with spears and round shields; (2) battle line; (3) legion.<br>
<em>Phalarica</em> (LA): spear.<br>
<em>Phalera</em> (LA): decorative disc.<br>
<em>Phalerae</em> (LA): set of discs used as military decorations.<br>
<em>Pharetra</em> (LA/GR): quiver.<br>
<em>Phederatos</em> (GR): allied soldier.<br>
<em>Phrouria</em> (GR): guard post.<br>
<em>Phrouros</em> (GR): guard.<br>
<em>Phylax</em> (GR): guard; sentry.<br>
<em>Phylax tès chooras</em> (GR): 'guardian of the land'; militia soldier; police man.<br>
<em>Pia</em> (LA): dutiful.<br>
<em>Pilanus</em> (LA): equivalent for <em>triarius</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Pilos hysteros</em> (GR): centurion; Greek equivalent of <em>pilus posterior</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Pilleus Pannonicus</em> (LA): 'Pannonian cap'; late Roman military cap.<br>
<em>Pilum</em> (LA): heavy javelin with long metal shank.<br>
<em>Pilum murale</em> (LA): 'wall javelin'; term nowadays often incorrectly used to designate pallisade stakes.<br>
<em>Pilum praepilatum</em> (LA): training weapon tipped with a ball to prevent injury.<br>
<em>Pilus</em> (LA): equivalent for <em>triarius</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Pilus posterior</em> (LA): deputy to <em>pilus prior</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Pilus prior</em> (LA): centurion commanding a <em>manipulus</em> (LA) of <em>pili</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Pittakion</em> (GR): chit; warrant.<br>
<em>Pitulus</em> (LA): drummer; used on ships to set the pace for the rowers.<br>
<em>Planata</em> (LA): flat shield.<br>
<em>Plèrooma</em> (GR): ship's crew.<br>
<em>Plinthion</em> (GR): catapult frame.<br>
<em>Plumbata</em> (LA): lead weighted dart.<br>
<em>Pluteus</em> (LA): protective screen.<br>
<em>Poliorketès</em> (GR): besieger.<br>
<em>Poliorkia</em> (GR): siege.<br>
<em>Pomerium</em> (LA): sacred boundary of the city of Rome within which the wearing of war gear was prohibited.<br>
<em>Popanum</em> (LA): republican era cavalry shield shaped like a sacrifical cake.<br>
<em>Populus</em> (LA): 'people'; part of the population with military service obligations, the people-in-arms.<br>
<em>Populus Romanus</em> (LA): 'the Roman people'; Roman citizen body with service obligations.<br>
<em>Porta</em> (LA): gate.<br>
<em>Porta decumana</em> (LA): gate opposite <em>porta praetoria</em> (LA), originally near the spot where the tenth <em>manipuli</em> (LA) of an army were camped.<br>
<em>Porta praetoria</em> (LA): gate facing the enemy.<br>
<em>Porta principalis dextra</em> (LA): right side gate.<br>
<em>Porta principalis sinistra</em> (LA): left side gate.<br>
<em>Postsignanus</em> (LA): soldier fighting behind the standards; legionary heavy infantry soldier.<br>
<em>Praeco</em> (LA): herald.<br>
<em>Praeda</em> (LA): spoils; plunder.<br>
<em>Praefectus</em> (LA): senior officer.<br>
<em>Praefectus alae</em> (LA): commander of a cavalry regiment.<br>
<em>Praefectus castrorum</em> (LA): camp commandant.<br>
<em>Praefectus cohortis</em> (LA): commander of a <em>cohors</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Praefectus classis</em> (LA): fleet commander.<br>
<em>Praefectus equitatus</em> (LA): cavalry commander.<br>
<em>Praefectus equitum</em> (LA): cavalry commander.<br>
<em>Praefectus fabrum</em> (LA): officer in charge of artisans.<br>
<em>Praefectus legionis</em> (LA): equestrian legionary commander.<br>
<em>Praefectus legionis agens vice legati</em> (LA): equestrian acting legionary commander.<br>
<em>Praefectus praetorio</em> (LA): equestrian commander of <em>cohortes praetoriae</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Praefectus sociorum</em> (LA): Roman officer appointed to a command function in an <em>ala sociorum</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Praefectus urbanus</em> (LA): city prefect.<br>
<em>Praefectus vigilum</em> (LA): commander of the <em>vigiles</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Praemia</em> (LA): discharge benefits.<br>
<em>Praemia militiae</em> (LA): discharge benefits.<br>
<em>Praenomen imperatoris</em> (LA): first name of the emperor; all emperors carried <em>Imperator</em>, Commander-in-chief, as their <em>praenomen</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Praepositus</em> (LA): commander.<br>
<em>Praepositus copiarum</em> (LA): supply offical.<br>
<em>Praepositus horrei</em> (LA): official in charge of the granary.<br>
<em>Praeses</em> (LA): equestrian provincial governor.<br>
<em>Praesidium</em> (LA): military outpost; fort.<br>
<em>Praetensio</em> (LA): military post; fort.<br>
<em>Praetensione colligare</em> (LA): to fortify; to strengthen with military posts.<br>
<em>Praetentura</em> (LA): forward part of the camp in front of the <em>praetorium</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Praetor</em> (LA): (1) senior Roman magistrate; during republic commander of minor military forces; (2) commander of allied contingent.<br>
<em>Praetorianus</em> (LA): soldier belonging to a <em>cohors praetoria</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Praetorium</em> (LA): commander's living quarters; HQ.<br>
<em>Praeventor</em> (LA): late Roman skirmisher.<br>
<em>Praiphektos</em> (LA): officer; Greek transliteration of <em>praefectus</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Praipositos</em> (GR): commander.<br>
<em>Prata legionis</em> (LA): fields or meadows reserved for the use of the legion.<br>
<em>Pretium annonae</em> (LA): ration allowance.<br>
<em>Pridianum</em> (LA): monthly or yearly strength report.<br>
<em>Primanus</em> (LA): soldier belonging to <em>legio</em> I.<br>
<em>Primicerius</em> (LA): late Roman officer.<br>
<em>Primipilaris</em> (LA): former <em>primus pilus</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Primiscrinius</em> (LA): senior administrator.<br>
<em>Primus ordo</em> (LA): 'first officer'; centurion of the first cohort, whose officers outranked the other <em>centuriones</em> of the legion.<br>
<em>Primus pilus</em> (LA): 'first spearman'; highest ranking legionary <em>centurio</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Primus pilus bis</em> (LA): 'first spearman for the second time'; senior centurion serving a second stint.<br>
<em>Primus pilus iterum</em> (LA): centurion serving second term as <em>primus pilus</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Princeps</em> (LA): 'leader'; (1) legionary heavy infantry soldier; (2) centurion in command of unit or administrative office.<br>
<em>Princeps ordinarius vexillationis</em> (LA): centurion in command of a detachment.<br>
<em>Princeps peregrinorum</em> (LA): 'commander of the foreigners'; <em>centurio</em> (LA) in charge of troops in the <em>castra peregrina</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Princeps posterior</em> (LA): deputy to <em>princeps prior</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Princeps praetorii</em> (LA): centurion attached to headquarters.<br>
<em>Princeps prior</em> (LA): centurion commanding a <em>manipulus</em> (LA) of <em>principes</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Principalis</em> (LA): NCO.<br>
<em>Principia</em> (LA): HQ building.<br>
<em>Privatus</em> (LA): citizen without official capacity.<br>
<em>Privatus cum imperio</em> (LA): citizen granted extraordinary powers without holding office as magistrate.<br>
<em>Privilegium</em> (LA): privilege, perk.<br>
<em>Probatio</em> (LA): examination.<br>
<em>Probatoria</em> (LA): enrolment document.<br>
<em>Probatus</em> (LA): recruit deemed fit for service.<br>
<em>Procinctus</em> (LA): military readiness.<br>
<em>Proconsul</em> (LA): former <em>consul</em> (LA) exercising similar <em>imperium</em> (LA) after his term of office; provincial governor.<br>
<em>Procursator</em> (LA): advanced skirmisher.<br>
<em>Proditor</em> (LA): traitor.<br>
<em>Proelium</em> (LA): combat.<br>
<em>Proletarius</em> (LA): Roman citizen unable to meet property requirements for military service.<br>
<em>Promachos</em> (GR): soldier belonging to the first battle line.<br>
<em>Propagator imperii</em> (LA): extender of the empire.<br>
<em>Propraetor</em> (LA): former <em>praetor</em> exercising similar <em>imperium</em> after his term of office; provincial governor.<br>
<em>Propugnator</em> (LA): 'frontrank fighter';(1) elite soldier;(2) marine.<br>
<em>Proreta</em> (LA): assistant helmsman.<br>
<em>Protector</em> (LA): (1) bodyguard; (2) staff officer.<br>
<em>Protector divini lateris</em> (LA): late Roman staff officer.<br>
<em>Protector domesticus</em> (LA): 'household bodyguard'; late Roman staff officer.<br>
<em>Protostasia</em> (GR): recruiting tax levied on landownership.<br>
<em>Provincia</em> (LA): province; area of responsibility.<br>
<em>Provincia inermis</em> (LA): 'unarmed province'; province without a permanent legionary garrison.<br>
<em>Psilos</em> (GR): light infantryman.<br>
<em>Pterophoros</em> (GR): 'feather bearer'; messenger.<br>
<em>Pteryges</em> (GR): 'wings'; leather or linen strips for the protection of upper arms and thighs.<br>
<em>Pugio</em> (LA): dagger.<br>
<em>Pugna</em> (LA): fight; battle.<br>
<em>Pugnator</em> (LA): fighter; warrior.<br>
<em>Punctim ferire</em> (LA): to stab (with a sword).<br>
<em>Quadrata</em> (LA): rectangular shield.<br>
<em>Quadrieris</em> (LA): warship with four rowers on two levels.<br>
<em>Quadriga falcata</em> (LA): scythed chariot.<br>
<em>Quaestionarius</em> (LA): interrogator; torturer.<br>
<em>Quaestor</em> (LA): (1) state official with financial responsibilities; (2) soldier of financial administrative department.<br>
<em>Quarta militia</em> (LA): fourth equestrian military post involving command of an <em>ala milliaria</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Qui ordines sequentur</em> (LA): 'the ones who follow the centurions'; the NCO's.<br>
<em>'Quincunx'</em> (LA): modern term for the chequerboard manipular battle order resembling the five dots on dice; note that this was NOT a term used by the ancient Romans for this type of battle deployment.<br>
<em>Quingenaria</em> (LA): five hundred strong.<br>
<em>Quinquatria</em> (LA): religious festival that opened campaigning season.<br>
<em>Quinqueremis</em> (LA): 'fiver'; quinquereme; ship with five rowers on either two or three levels.<br>
<p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Sander van Dorst</A> at: 4/20/03 7:25:14 pm<br></i>

Messages In This Thread
Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Guest - 03-19-2003, 11:29 AM
Glossary of Roman army terminology. E-H - by Guest - 03-19-2003, 11:31 AM
Glossary of Roman army terminology. I - M - by Guest - 03-19-2003, 11:33 AM
Glossary of Roman army terminology. N - Q - by Guest - 03-19-2003, 11:34 AM
Glossary of Roman army terminology. R - U - by Guest - 03-19-2003, 11:37 AM
Glossary of Roman army terminology. V - X - by Guest - 03-19-2003, 11:38 AM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Anonymous - 03-19-2003, 02:01 PM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Anonymous - 03-19-2003, 04:16 PM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Guest - 03-19-2003, 04:51 PM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Guest - 03-20-2003, 11:25 AM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Guest - 03-20-2003, 03:04 PM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Anonymous - 03-21-2003, 02:56 PM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Guest - 03-21-2003, 04:30 PM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Anonymous - 04-06-2003, 12:24 PM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Guest - 04-08-2003, 09:05 AM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Anonymous - 07-06-2003, 02:49 AM

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