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Glossary of Roman army terminology
Here is my glossary of Latin and Greek Roman military terms. Not to be reproduced without prior permission and proper statement of origin.<br>
Sander van Dorst<br>
<em>A copiis militaribus</em> (LA): 'in charge of military supplies'; imperial secretary responsible for military expenses.<br>
<em>A rationibus</em> (LA): 'in charge of accounts'; imperial secretary responsible for the treasury.<br>
<em>A rationibus castrensis</em> (LA): camp accounting secretary'; offical responsible for accounting supplies and provisions.<br>
<em>Ab actis</em> (LA): 'in charge of acts'; clerk.<br>
<em>Ab epistulis</em> (LA): ín charge of letters'; imperial secretary responsible for military promotions.<br>
<em>Absentia rei publicae causa</em> (LA): absence on behalf of the state; military service meant that most types of legal action against a soldier were frozen untill his discharge.<br>
<em>Accensus</em> (LA): 'reservist'; light legionary infantry soldier.<br>
<em>Acceptarius</em> (LA): discharged soldier.<br>
<em>Acceptum</em> (LA): amount received by soldier after deductions from his pay.<br>
<em>Acies</em> (LA): battle line.<br>
<em>Acies duplex</em> (LA): double battle lines.<br>
<em>Acies triplex</em> (LA): triple battle lines.<br>
<em>Aclis</em> (LA): javelin.<br>
<em>Actarius</em> (LA): clerk.<br>
<em>Ad pila et spathas</em> (LA): close quarter combat.<br>
<em>Ad signa</em> (LA): 'with the standards'; present with unit.<br>
<em>Ad stercus</em> (LA): latrine fatigue duty.<br>
<em>Ad triarios redisse</em> (LA): 'to fall back on the <em>triarii</em> (LA)'; to have reached a desperate situation.<br>
<em>Adaeratio</em> (LA): recruitment tax.<br>
<em>Adcrescens</em> (LA): adolescent; soldier's offspring that would follow in the hereditary military service of the fourth century AD and received rations before taking up actual service.<br>
<em>Adiutor</em> (LA): assistant; batman.<br>
<em>Adiutor librarii</em> (LA): assistant clerk.<br>
<em>Adiutor praetorii</em> (LA): headquarter's adjutant.<br>
<em>Adiutor signorum</em> (LA): assistant of the standards.<br>
<em>Adiutrix</em> (LA): 'supporter'; title borne by two legions raised from naval soldiers.<br>
<em>Adlectus</em> (LA): picked or transferred soldier.<br>
<em>Adlocutio</em> (LA): formal speech.<br>
<em>Adstatus</em> (LA): variant spelling of <em>hastatus</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Aedes</em> (LA): sanctuary in the HQ where the standards were stored and a likeness of the emperor was kept.<br>
<em>Aenator</em> (LA): military musician.<br>
<em>Aerarium</em> (LA): treasury; pay chest.<br>
<em>Aerarium militare</em> (LA): military pension fund.<br>
<em>Aestiva</em> (LA): summer campaigning camp.<br>
<em>Aetos</em> (GR): eagle standard.<br>
<em>Agens in rebus</em> (LA): late Roman intelligence operative.<br>
<em>Ager publicus</em> (LA): 'public land'; confiscated land belonging to the Roman state.<br>
<em>Agger</em> (LA): (1) earth wall; (2) assault ramp.<br>
<em>Agmen</em> (LA): column.<br>
<em>Agmen quadratum</em> (LA): square marching formation.<br>
<em>Agrimensor</em> (LA): surveyor.<br>
<em>Aichmè</em> (GR): spear; javelin.<br>
<em>Akontistès</em> (GR): javelineer; light infantryman.<br>
<em>Ala</em> (LA): 'wing'; (1) unit of the allies; (2) unit of auxiliary cavalry.<br>
<em>Ala dromedaria</em> (LA): cavalry unit with attached camel riders.<br>
<em>Ala milliaria</em> (LA): auxiliary cavalry unit with an establishment strength of some thousand men.<br>
<em>Ala quingenaria</em> (LA): auxiliary cavalry unit with an establishment strength of some five hundred troopers.<br>
<em>Ala sociorum</em> (LA): unit of several thousand soldiers drawn from the <em>socii</em> (LA) or allies.<br>
<em>Alaris</em> (LA): 'wingman'; soldier serving in <em>ala</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Alaudae</em> (LA): 'crested larks'; <em>cognomen</em> (LA) for the <em>legio</em> (LA) V originally raised by Caesar as a <em>legio vernacula</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Album veteranorum</em> (LA): list of veterans.<br>
<em>Allagè</em> (GR): relief of duty.<br>
<em>Allectus</em> (LA): chosen man; elite soldier.<br>
<em>Ambulatio</em> (LA): marching exercise.<br>
<em>Ambulatura</em> (LA): marching exercise.<br>
<em>Amentum</em> (LA): thong attached to a throwing spear to increase range and accuracy.<br>
<em>Angareia</em> (GR): requisition of transport.<br>
<em>Angaria</em> (LA): requisitioning of transport.<br>
<em>Angusticlavius</em> (LA): decorated with thin purple stripe.<br>
<em>Angusticlavus</em> (LA): thin purple stripe on tunic indicating membership of the equestrian order.<br>
<em>Ankoon</em> (GR): catapult arm.<br>
<em>Annona</em> (LA): (1) provisions; (2) tax in kind.<br>
<em>Annona foederatica</em> (LA): subsidy given to allies.<br>
<em>Annona militaris</em> (LA): 'military ration'; (1) ration; (2) tax in kind to provide for rations.<br>
<em>Antecursor</em> (LA): 'front runner'; advanced skirmisher.<br>
<em>Antepilanus</em> (LA): 'in front of the spearbearers'; soldier stationed in first or second battle line.<br>
<em>Antesignanis</em> (GR): elite legionary.<br>
<em>Antesignanus</em> (LA): soldier fighting in front of the standards; elite legionary foot soldier capable of fighting as both heavy and light infantry.<br>
<em>Anularium</em> (LA): money grant received from military association.<br>
<em>Aper</em> (LA): boar; one of the five original legionary standards of a republican <em>legio</em> (LA) and symbol of the imperial <em>legio</em> XX and l<em>legio</em> X <em>Fretensis</em>.<br>
<em>Apollinaris</em> (LA): dedicated to Apollo.<br>
<em>Aquila</em> (LA): eagle standard.<br>
<em>Aquilae natalis</em> (LA): 'birthday of the eagle'; anniversary of the official founding of a <em>legio</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Aquilifer</em> (LA): eaglebearer; standardbearer carrying the legion's eagle.<br>
<em>Archigybernes</em> (LA): senior helmsman.<br>
<em>Architectus</em> (LA): engineer; constructor of torsion guns.<br>
<em>Archoon tou kontuberniou</em> (GR): 'commander of the tent party'; squad leader, term used as equivalent of <em>dekarchos</em> (GR).<br>
<em>Arcuballista</em> (LA): torsion gun; crossbow.<br>
<em>Arcus</em> (LA): bow.<br>
<em>Arcuarius</em> (LA): bowyer.<br>
<em>Areani</em> (LA): late Roman scout/spy unit based in Britannia.<br>
<em>Aries</em> (LA): battering ram.<br>
<em>Arithmos</em> (GR): military unit; Greek equivalent of <em>numerus</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Arma</em> (LA): weapons.<br>
<em>Arma antesignana</em> (LA): the weapons of the <em>antesignani</em> (LA); <em>lonchè</em> (GR) or <em>lancea</em> (LA) and <em>aspis</em> (GR).<br>
<em>Arma legionaria</em> (LA): legionary weapons.<br>
<em>Arma postsignana</em> (LA): the weapons of the <em>postsignani</em> (LA);<br>
<em>xyston</em> (GR) or <em>pilum</em> (LA) and <em>thyreos</em> (GR) or <em>scutum</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Arma velitaria</em> (LA): the weapons belonging to the <em>velites</em> (LA); <em>hasta velitaris</em> (LA) and <em>parma</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Armamentarium</em> (LA): weapons storage.<br>
<em>Armatura</em> (LA): (1) advanced weapons training; (2) weapon instructor; (3) soldier with advanced weapons training; (4) armament.<br>
<em>Armatura duplaris</em> (LA): weapons instructor on double rations.<br>
<em>Armatus</em> (LA): armed.<br>
<em>Armicustos</em> (LA): soldier tasked with the administration and supply of weapons and equipment.<br>
<em>Armidoctor</em> (LA): equivalent of <em>doctor armorum</em> (LA); weapons instructor.<br>
<em>Armiger</em> (LA): 'weaponbearer'; armed man.<br>
<em>Armilausa</em> (LA): military clothing item.<br>
<em>Armilla</em> (LA): arm band used as military decoration.<br>
<em>Artifex</em> (LA): artisan.<br>
<em>Arx</em> (LA): fortress.<br>
<em>Aspis</em> (GR): shield.<br>
<em>Aspis koilè</em> (GR): curved shield used by legionary heavy infantry.<br>
<em>Aspis platea</em> (GR): flat shield used by legionary light infantry.<br>
<em>Assiduus</em> (LA): propertied citizen with military service obligation.<br>
<em>Aurum tironicum</em> (LA): money tax levied instead of <em>protostasia</em> (GR).<br>
<em>Auspicia</em> (LA): supreme authority.<br>
<em>Auxilia</em> (LA): auxiliaries.<br>
<em>Auxilia palatina</em> (LA): late Roman crack infantry units.<br>
<em>Auxiliaris</em> (LA): auxiliary soldier.<br>
<em>Auxilium</em> (LA): late Roman infantry unit.<br>
<em>Auxilium palatinum</em> (LA): elite late Roman field army infantry unit.<br>
<em>Bacaudae</em> (LA): late Roman rebel group in Gaul.<br>
<em>Ballista</em> (LA): torsion gun.<br>
<em>Ballista quadrirotis</em> (LA): ?fourwheeled torsion gun?; mobile catapult.<br>
<em>Ballistarius</em> (LA): artillery soldier.<br>
<em>Balteus</em> (LA): military belt.<br>
<em>Bandifer</em> (LA): Byzantine standard bearer.<br>
<em>Bandon</em> (GR): late Roman military unit.<br>
<em>Bandum</em> (LA): late Roman military standard.<br>
<em>Barbaricum</em> (LA): the world beyond the imperial frontiers.<br>
<em>Barbarus</em> (LA): non Roman; foreigner.<br>
<em>Baro</em> (LA): servant; groom.<br>
<em>Barcarius</em> (LA): bargeman.<br>
<em>Barritus</em> (LA): battle cry.<br>
<em>Basileus</em> (GR): emperor.<br>
<em>Basilica equestris exercitatoria</em> (LA): cavalry training hall.<br>
<em>Basilica exercitatoria</em> (LA): drill hall.<br>
<em>Basilikon telos</em> (GR): imperial guard.<br>
<em>Basilikos</em> (LA): imperial.<br>
<em>Batavus</em> (LA): (1) Batavian; (2) nickname of imperial horse guard trooper.<br>
<em>Battualia</em> (LA): fighting exercise.<br>
<em>Bearcus</em> (LA): variant spelling of <em>biarchus</em> (LA); late Roman noncom.<br>
<em>Bearcus draconarius</em> (LA): late Roman senior standardbearer.<br>
<em>Bebra</em> (LA): barbarian heavy javelin.<br>
<em>Bellator</em> (LA): fighter; warrior.<br>
<em>Bellum</em> (LA): war.<br>
<em>Belos</em> (GR): missile.<br>
<em>Beneficium</em> (LA): military promotion.<br>
<em>Beneficiarius</em> (LA): (1) soldier on special assignment; (2) military police.<br>
<em>Beneficiarius consularis</em> (LA): soldier attached to a provincial governor's staff.<br>
<em>Beneficiarius legati legionis</em> (LA): soldier attached to staff of legionary commander.<br>
<em>Beneficiarius tribuni</em> (LA): soldier attached to the staff of a <em>tribunus</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Benephikiarios</em> (GR): Greek equivalent of <em>beneficiarius</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Biarchus</em> (LA): late Roman NCO.<br>
<em>Bipennis</em> (LA): double headed axe.<br>
<em>Boukellarèos</em> (GR): personal retainer, Greek equivalent of <em>Buccellarius</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Bracae</em> (LA): trousers.<br>
<em>Brittunculus</em> (LA): 'little Briton'; derogatory name for Roman adversary in Britannia.<br>
<em>Buccellarius</em> (LA): private retainer.<br>
<em>Buccellatum</em> (LA): hard tack; ration.<br>
<em>Bucculla</em> (LA): helmet cheeck piece.<br>
<em>Bucina</em> (LA): musical instrument.<br>
<em>Bucinator</em> (LA): trumpeter.<br>
<em>Bucinator principalis</em> (LA): trumpeter with NCO rank.<br>
<em>Burgarius</em> (LA): soldier stationed at <em>burgus</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Burgus</em> (LA): small fortification.<br>
<em>Cacula</em> (LA): military servant.<br>
<em>Caesim ferire</em> (LA): to slash (with a sword).<br>
<em>Calceus</em> (LA): shoe; boot.<br>
<em>Calciarium</em> (LA): 'shoe money'; bounty demanded by troops for prolonged marching.<br>
<em>Caliga</em> (LA): leather personnel carrier; military boot.<br>
<em>Caligatus</em> (LA): person wearing <em>caligae</em> (LA); soldier, NCO or officer below the social rank of <em>eques Romanus</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Calo</em> (LA): horse groom; military servant.<br>
<em>Campicursio</em> (LA): military exercise.<br>
<em>Campidoctor</em> (LA): drill instructor.<br>
<em>Campigenus</em> (LA): 'born at the exercise field'; elite legionary soldier.<br>
<em>Campus</em> (LA): cavalry training area; exercise field.<br>
<em>Campus Martius</em> (LA): field of Mars where during the republic troops were assembled prior to military campaigns.<br>
<em>Canabae</em> (LA): civilian settlement attached to military base.<br>
<em>Candidatus</em> (LA): (1) soldier awaiting promotion; (2) late Roman guardsman.<br>
<em>Cannensis</em> (LA): the nickname of the soldiers who had survived the defeat at Cannae and were kept in service until Carthage was defeated in the Second Punic War.<br>
<em>Capite censi</em> (LA): 'head count'; citizens that could not meet the property demands required for military service.<br>
<em>Capsa</em> (LA): container with bandages and medical implements carried by medics.<br>
<em>Capsarius</em> (LA): medic.<br>
<em>Caput contubernii</em> (LA): head of tentparty.<br>
<em>Caput porcinum</em> (LA): 'boar's head'; attack column or wedge formation.<br>
<em>Carcer</em> (LA): prison cell.<br>
<em>Carcerarius</em> (LA): prison guard.<br>
<em>Carroballista</em> (LA): torsion artillery.<br>
<em>Cassis</em> (LA): helmet.<br>
<em>Castellum</em> (LA): fort.<br>
<em>Castigatio</em> (LA): corporal punishment.<br>
<em>Castra</em> (LA): camp.<br>
<em>Castra aestiva</em> (LA): summer campaigning camp.<br>
<em>Castra hiberna</em> (LA): winter base.<br>
<em>Castra movere</em> (LA): to break camp.<br>
<em>Castra nova</em> (LA): 'new camp'; second base for imperial horse guard at Rome after the unit was increased in size.<br>
<em>Castra peregrina</em> (LA): military base at Rome for personel seconded from the provincial armies.<br>
<em>Castra praetoria</em> (LA): praetorian camp; (1) base of the praetorian guard at Rome established by Tiberius; (2) dense close ordered formation in the late Roman army.<br>
<em>Castra priora</em> (LA): 'earlier camp'; original base of imperial horse guard at Rome.<br>
<em>Castrense peculium</em> (LA): possessions acquired by soldier during military service which remained outside the <em>patria potestas</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Cataphracta</em> (LA): body armour.<br>
<em>Cataphractarius</em> (LA): heavily armoured cavalryman.<br>
<em>Cataphractus</em> (LA): heavily armoured cavalryman.<br>
<em>Catapulta</em> (LA): 'shield smasher'; torsion gun.<br>
<em>Causarius</em> (LA): soldier discharged for wounds or other medical reasons.<br>
<em>Cedo alteram</em> (LA): 'give me another'; nickname of a hated <em>centurio</em> killed in the Pannonian mutiny of AD 14 who used to break his vine sticks on the back of his men.<br>
<em>Celeusta</em> (LA): naval officer.<br>
<em>Cenaticum</em> (LA): provision of (money for) food; often extorted by soldiers billeted on civilians.<br>
<em>Centenaria</em> (LA): small fortification.<br>
<em>Centenarius</em> (LA): late Roman officer of equivalent rank as <em>centurio</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Centenus</em> (LA): unit of nominally a hundred men.<br>
<em>Centuria</em> (LA): 'hundred'; military unit of some thirty to two hundred foot soldiers.<br>
<em>Centurio</em> (LA): 'commander of hundred'; centurion; officer.<br>
<em>Centurio alti ordinis</em> (LA): centurion of higher rank.<br>
<em>Centurio classicus</em> (LA): naval centurion.<br>
<em>Centurio deputatus</em> (LA): centurion on detached duty.<br>
<em>Centurio exercitator</em> (LA): cavalry training officer.<br>
<em>Centurio frumentarius</em> (LA): centurion of the military intelligence service.<br>
<em>Centurio legionarius</em> (LA): legionary centurion.<br>
<em>Centurio ordinarius/ordinatus</em> (LA): centurion commanding a<br>
<em>centuria</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Centurio posterior</em> (LA): second in command of a <em>manipulus</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Centurio prior</em> (LA): senior centurion of a <em>manipulus</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Centurio protector</em> (LA): 'bodyguard centurion'; officer among the <em>protectores</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Centurio regionarius</em> (LA): district centurion responsible for administration and law enforcement.<br>
<em>Centurio retentus</em> (LA): centurion serving on after term of service.<br>
<em>Centurio speculatorum Augustorum</em> (LA): officer attached to the <em>speculatores</em> (LA) of the praetorian guard.<br>
<em>Centurio statorum</em> (LA): centurion in charge of military constabulary.<br>
<em>Centurio stratorum</em> (LA): officer in charge of horse supply to the army which was at times placed in command of the <em>pedites singulares</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Centurio supernumerarius</em> (LA): supernumerary centurion with special assignments.<br>
<em>Cervus</em> (LA): 'animal horn'; obstacle made of pointed stakes.<br>
<em>Cetra</em> (LA): shield; small Hispanic buckler.<br>
<em>Cetratus</em> (LA): (1) soldier equipped with a small shield; (2) skirmisher.<br>
<em>Charax</em> (GR): wall.<br>
<em>Cheloonion</em> (GR): catapult block.<br>
<em>Cheiroballistra</em> (GR): torsion artillery.<br>
<em>Chiliarchia</em> (GR): unit of nominally a thousand men.<br>
<em>Chiliarchos</em> (GR): 'commander of a thousand'; Greek term for <em>tribunus</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Choortè</em> (GR): cohort.<br>
<em>Cibaria</em> (LA): rations.<br>
<em>Cibariator</em> (LA): commissariat clerk.<br>
<em>Cibus</em> (LA): food; ration.<br>
<em>Cinctus</em> (LA): 'girded with sword belt'; combat ready.<br>
<em>Cingulum</em> (LA): late Roman military belt.<br>
<em>Cingulum militare</em> (LA): late Roman military belt.<br>
<em>Circitor</em> (LA): late Roman junior cavalry NCO originally tasked with making rounds to inspect sentries.<br>
<em>Circumvallatio</em> (LA): circumvallation.<br>
<em>Civis Romanus</em> (LA): Roman citizen.<br>
<em>Civium Romanorum</em> (LA): epithet of auxiliary units that were either originally recruited from Roman citizens or had received a mass grant of the citizenship for outstanding service.<br>
<em>Clades</em> (LA): defeat.<br>
<em>Clades Lolliana</em> (LA): 'Lollian defeat'; defeat of governor Lollius against invading Germanic tribesmen in 16 BC.<br>
<em>Clades Variana</em> (LA): 'Varian defeat'; defeat of Varus in the Teutoburgian forest in 9 AD.<br>
<em>Classiarius</em> (LA): sailor; marine.<br>
<em>Classicum</em> (LA): military musical salute.<br>
<em>Classicus</em> (LA): naval soldier; sailor, marine.<br>
<em>Classis</em> (LA): (1) part of population with military service obligations; (2) fleet.<br>
<em>Classis Germanica</em> (LA): 'German fleet'; Rhine fleet.<br>
<em>Classis praetoria</em> (LA): 'praetorian fleet'; main naval fleet stationed at Ravenna or Misenum.<br>
<em>Classis praetoria Ravennatium</em> (LA): 'praetorian fleet of Ravenna'; main Roman fleet based in Adriatic Sea.<br>
<em>Classis praetoria Misenatium</em> (LA): 'praetorian fleet of Misenum'; main Roman fleet based in Tyrhenean Sea.<br>
<em>Clavarium</em> (LA): 'hobnail money'; allowance given to soldiers for purchase of extra nails when involved in prolonged marching.<br>
<em>Clavis lignea</em> (LA): wooden practice sword.<br>
<em>Clavicula</em> (LA): curved wall and ditch extension protecting a gate of a marching camp.<br>
<em>Clavicularius</em> (LA): guard stationed at the gate.<br>
<em>Clavus</em> (LA): tunic decoration.<br>
<em>Clibanarius</em> (LA): 'field oven man'; heavily armoured cavalry trooper.<br>
<em>Clibanus</em> (LA): field oven.<br>
<em>Clinicus</em> (LA): medic.<br>
<em>Clipeus</em> (LA): buckler.<br>
<em>Cognomen</em> (LA): (honorary) nickname.<br>
<em>Cohors</em> (LA): military unit.<br>
<em>Cohors alaria</em> (LA): allied - or auxiliary unit.<br>
<em>Cohors classica</em> (LA): auxiliary unit originally formed of sailors and marines.<br>
<em>Cohors equitata</em> (LA): unit of auxiliary infantry with attached mounted squadrons.<br>
<em>Cohors Germanorum</em> (LA): the unit of <em>Germani custodes corporis</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Cohors milliaria</em> (LA): 'thousand strong unit'; military unit with an establishment strength of a 1000 soldiers.<br>
<em>Cohors palatina</em> (LA): 'palace unit'; tetrarchic title of <em>cohors praetoria</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Cohors peditata</em> (LA): infantry unit.<br>
<em>Cohors praetoria</em> (LA): (1) bodyguard of a general during the republic; (2) unit of imperial guard.<br>
<em>Cohors quingenaria</em> (LA): military unit with an establishment strength of 500 men.<br>
<em>Cohors speculatorum</em> (LA): guard unit of Marcus Antonius composed of scouts.<br>
<em>Cohors togata</em> (LA): unit of praetorian guard in civilian dress tasked with duties within the <em>pomerium</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Cohors torquata</em> (LA): auxiliary unit granted a <em>torques</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Cohors tumultuaria</em> (LA): irregular auxiliary unit.<br>
<em>Cohors urbana</em> (LA): urban cohort; military police unit.<br>
<em>Cohors vigilum</em> (LA): cohort of the watchmen; unit of the police force annex fire brigade.<br>
<em>Cohortalis</em> (LA): soldier belonging to a <em>cohors</em>.<br>
<em>Collatus</em> (LA): soldier picked for service in other unit.<br>
<em>Collega</em> (LA): member of the same unit.<br>
<em>Comes</em> (LA): 'companion'; (1)friend of the emperor; (2) late Roman army commander (3) elite cavalryman.<br>
<em>Comes domesticorum</em> (LA): commander of the household troops.<br>
<em>Comes domesticorum equitum</em> (LA): 'count of the household cavalry'; late Roman guard cavalry commander.<br>
<em>Comes rei militaris</em> (LA): 'count of military affairs'; late Roman military commander.<br>
<em>Comitatensis</em> (LA): soldier belonging to late Roman field army.<br>
<em>Comitatus</em> (LA): 'following'; imperial field army of the third century AD.<br>
<em>Comites dominorum nostrorum</em> (LA): 'companions of our lords'; imperial horse guards from the tetrarchy.<br>
<em>Comitia centuriata</em> (LA): popular assembly based on ancient army structure of <em>centuriae</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Comitiatus</em> (LA): senior officer elected by popular assembly.<br>
<em>Commanipularis</em> (LA): fellow soldier; brother in arms.<br>
<em>Commoda</em> (LA): discharge benefits.<br>
<em>Commodiana</em> (LA): 'Commodus' own'; honorary unit title.<br>
<em>Commeatus</em> (LA): leave.<br>
<em>Commentariensis</em> (LA): legal staff administrator.<br>
<em>Commentarii</em> (LA): field commander's report to the senate.<br>
<em>Commilito</em> (LA): fellow soldier.<br>
<em>Comminus</em> (LA): close quarter fighting.<br>
<em>Compar</em> (LA): soldier of the same rank.<br>
<em>Conalaris</em> (LA): 'fellow wingman'; trooper belonging to same cavalry unit.<br>
<em>Concha</em> (LA): ?seashell?; shipwreck.<br>
<em>Concordia exercituum</em> (LA): 'concord of the armies'; propaganda slogan used on coins.<br>
<em>Conditorium</em> (LA): depot.<br>
<em>Conductor</em> (LA): supply contractor.<br>
<em>Congeries armorum</em>: pile of military equipment.<br>
<em>Conquisitor</em> (LA): recruiting officer.<br>
<em>Consilium</em> (LA): imperial advisory council.<br>
<em>Consistorium</em> (LA): late Roman imperial advisory council.<br>
<em>Constitutio</em> (LA): service regulation. Several sets of military <em>constitutiones</em> (LA) were formulated by emperors, among them Augustus and Hadrianus.<br>
<em>Consul</em> (LA): consul; highest magistrate in republican Rome commanding major military forces.<br>
<em>Consularis</em> (LA): former <em>consul</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Contarius</em> (LA): heavy cavalry soldier armed with two handed pike.<br>
<em>Contiro</em> (LA): fellow recruit.<br>
<em>Contributus</em> (LA): transferred soldier.<br>
<em>Contubernalis</em> (LA): (1) officer cadet; (2) squad member.<br>
<em>Contubernium</em> (LA): tentparty; group of soldiers sharing a tent.<br>
<em>Contus</em> (LA): spear; heavy two handed thrusting spear.<br>
<em>Conubium</em> (LA): legal marriage.<br>
<em>Conveteranus</em> (LA): fellow veteran.<br>
<em>Copiae</em> (LA): (1) military forces; (2) supplies.<br>
<em>Cornicen</em> (LA): horn-blower.<br>
<em>Cornicularius</em> (LA): NCO with administrative duties.<br>
<em>Cornicularius consularis</em> (LA): NCO heading provincial governor's administrative staff.<br>
<em>Cornicularius legati</em> (LA): NCO at head of administrative staff of legionary legate.<br>
<em>Cornicularius praefectorum praetorio</em> (LA): NCO supervising administrative staff of praetorian prefects.<br>
<em>Cornicularius praefecti classis</em> (LA): NCO at head of administrative staff of fleet prefect.<br>
<em>Cornicularius praefecti Aegypti</em> (LA): NCO supervising administrative staff of governor of Egypt.<br>
<em>Cornicularius praefecti legionis</em> (LA): NCO at head of administrative staff of legionary prefect.<br>
<em>Cornicularius praesidis</em> (LA): NCO heading administrative staff of equestrian governor.<br>
<em>Cornicularius procuratoris Augusti</em> (LA): NCO at head of imperial procurator's administrative staff.<br>
<em>Cornicularius tribuni</em> (LA): NCO supervising tribune's administrative staff.<br>
<em>Corniculum</em> (LA): small horn used as a military decoration.<br>
<em>Cornu</em> (LA): (1) horn; (2) wing of battle formation.<br>
<em>Cornuti</em> (LA): 'horned ones'; late Roman <em>auxilium palatinum</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Corona</em> (LA): wreath or crown awarded as military decoration.<br>
<em>Corona aurea</em> (LA): gold crown.<br>
<em>Corona civica</em> (LA): wreath of oak leaves awarded for saving a fellow citizen's life.<br>
<em>Corona classica</em> (LA): fleet crown; naval decoration.<br>
<em>Corona exploratoria</em> (LA): crown awarded to scouts.<br>
<em>Corona graminea/obsidionalis</em> (LA): grass crown awarded for saving an entire army.<br>
<em>Corona muralis</em> (LA): crown awarded to first man reaching the top of an enemy wall.<br>
<em>Corona navalis</em> (LA): naval crown.<br>
<em>Corona vallaris</em> (LA): crown awarded to first man on top of an enemy rampart.<br>
<em>Corvus</em> (LA): 'raven'; movable boarding bridge.<br>
<em>Covinus</em> (LA): Celtic war-chariot.<br>
<em>Cratis</em> (LA): wickerwork shield.<br>
<em>Crista</em> (LA): helmet crest.<br>
<em>Crista transversa</em> (LA): transverse helmet crest used as recognition mark of centurion.<br>
<em>Cristatus</em> (LA): crested.<br>
<em>Cuneus</em> (LA): 'wedge'; (1) attack column or wedge formation; (2) cavalry unit.<br>
<em>Cuneus equitum</em> (LA): cavalry unit.<br>
<em>Cura copiarum</em> (LA): supply management.<br>
<em>Cura explorationis</em> (LA): responsibility for scouting.<br>
<em>Curam agens</em> (LA): soldier in charge.<br>
<em>Curator</em> (LA): (1) soldier, NCO or officer with special responsibilities; (2) supply administrator.<br>
<em>Curator cohortis</em> (LA): interim commander of auxiliary regiment.<br>
<em>Curator Germanorum</em> (LA): commander of the <em>Germani custodes corporis</em> (LA), the imperial bodyguard.<br>
<em>Curator operis armamentarii</em> (LA): person in charge of arms supply.<br>
<em>Curator veteranorum</em> (LA): officer in charge of time served soldiers awaiting discharge.<br>
<em>Cursores</em> (LA): 'runners'; assault troops.<br>
<em>Cursus clabularis</em> (LA): wagon post; imperial wagon transportation service.<br>
<em>Cursus honorum</em> (LA): the public career path of Roman nobles consisting of both civilian and military posts.<br>
<em>Cursus publicus</em> (LA): imperial posting system.<br>
<em>Custos</em> (LA): guard; guardian; sentry.<br>
<em>Custos armorum</em> (LA): soldier tasked with the registration and supply of weapons and equipment.<br>
<em>Custos basilicae</em> (LA): caretaker of training hall.<br>
<em>Custos vivarii</em> (LA): guard of animal enclosure.<br>
<em>Decanus</em> (LA): commander of <em>contubernium</em> (LA) or tentparty.<br>
<em>Decimipilus</em> (LA): centurion of the <em>pili</em> of the tenth cohort of a legion.<br>
<em>Decumanus</em> (LA): soldier of the <em>legio</em> X.<br>
<em>Decurio</em> (LA): cavalry officer; (1) officer commanding ten to thirty horse men in the legion of the early republic; (2) officer commanding a <em>turma</em> (LA) in the <em>auxilia</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Decurio exercitator</em> (LA): cavalry training officer.<br>
<em>Decurio praepositus</em> (LA): decurion placed in command.<br>
<em>Decurio princeps</em> (LA): officer in charge of unit's administration.<br>
<em>Decursio</em> (LA): military exercise.<br>
<em>Dediticius</em> (LA): someone who has surrendered; prisoner of war.<br>
<em>Deditio</em> (LA): unconditional surrender.<br>
<em>Deducticius</em> (LA): settled veteran.<br>
<em>Defector</em> (LA): deserter.<br>
<em>Defensores</em> (LA): 'defenders'; troops in close order defensive formation.<br>
<em>Dekanos</em> (GR): militia man; police man.<br>
<em>Dekarchos</em> (GR): (1) cavalry officer; Greek equivalent of <em>decurio</em> (LA); (2) section commander, equivalent of <em>decanus</em> (LA).<br>
<em>Delectus</em> (LA): picked soldier.<br>
<em>Deposita</em> (LA): savings.<br>
<em>Deposita ad signa</em> (LA): 'deposits at the standards'; savings.<br>
<em>Deputatus</em> (LA): medical orderly.<br>
<em>Dexa</em> (GR): 'catch!'; motto inscribed on lead sling bullets.<br>
<em>Diaseismos</em> (GR): 'shakedown'; extortion was a relatively common military vice.<br>
<em>Dictator</em> (LA): senior magistrate granted emergency powers originally appointed for a period of six months.<br>
<em>Difalangia</em> (LA): double battle order, ie facing front and rear.<br>
<em>Digmata</em> (LA): shield decoration.<br>
<em>Dilectator</em> (LA): official in charge of conscription levy.<br>
<em>Dilectus</em> (LA): conscription levy.<br>
<em>Diogmitès</em> (GR): urban militia man.<br>
<em>Dioostra</em> (GR): catapult slider.<br>
<em>Diploma</em> (LA): discharge certificate.<br>
<em>Direptio</em> (LA): sack.<br>
<em>Discens</em> (LA): trainee.<br>
<em>Discens architecti</em> (LA): trainee artillery constructor.<br>
<em>Discens aquiliferum</em> (LA): trainee eagle standard bearer.<br>
<em>Discens aquiliferorum</em> (LA): trainee eagle standard bearer.<br>
<em>Discens capsariorum</em> (LA): soldier training for function as medical orderly.<br>
<em>Discens equitum</em> (LA): trainee cavalryman<br>
<em>Discens lanchiariorum</em> ((Bad) LA): trainee javelineer.<br>
<em>Discens mensorem</em> (LA): trainee surveyor.<br>
<em>Discens phalangarium</em> (LA): soldier training as a <em>phalangarius</em> (LA): during the third century AD several experiments were conducted with Macedonian phalanx tactics, apparently requiring special training in weapons handling and drill.<br>
<em>Discens signiferorum</em> (LA): trainee standardbearer.<br>
<em>Dispensator</em> (LA): imperial treasury slave.<br>
<em>Distributio numerorum</em> (LA): distribution of units; the order of battle of the Roman army in the <em>Notitia Dignitatum</em>.<br>
<em>Doctor</em> (LA): instructor.<br>
<em>Doctor armorum</em> (LA): weapons instructor.<br>
<em>Dolabra</em> (LA): axe.<br>
<em>Dolator</em> (LA): sailor in charge of rigging sail.<br>
<em>Dolus</em> (LA): trick, ruse.<br>
<em>Domesticus</em> (LA): 'household man'; late Roman imperial guard soldier.<br>
<em>Domitiana</em> (LA): 'Domitian's own'; honorary title for loyal army units in Domitian's reign.<br>
<em>Dona militaria</em> (LA): military decorations.<br>
<em>Donativum</em> (LA): extraordinary grant of money.<br>
<em>Donis donatus</em> (LA): rewarded with decorations.<br>
<em>Dory</em> (GR): spear.<br>
<em>Dory makron</em> (GR): long spear or pike; weapon used by legionary <em>phalangarii</em> (LA) in third century.<br>
<em>Doryphoros</em> (GR): 'spearman'; guard soldier.<br>
<em>Doux</em> (GR): military commander.<br>
<em>Draco</em> (LA): 'dragon'; windsock standard.<br>
<em>Draconarius</em> (LA): dragon bearer; late Roman standardbearer.<br>
<em>Dromedarius</em> (LA): camel trooper.<br>
<em>Ducenarius</em> (LA): late Roman officer.<br>
<em>Duovir navalis</em> (LA): republican era naval commander.<br>
<em>Duplaris</em> (LA): NCO on double basic pay.<br>
<em>Duplicarius</em> (LA): NCO on double basic pay.<br>
<em>Duumvir navalis</em> (LA): member of naval committee of two; republican era naval commander.<br>
<em>Dux</em> (LA): commander.<br>
<em>Dux ripae</em> (LA): 'river bank commander'; subordinate commander of frontier section. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Sander van Dorst</A> at: 4/20/03 7:20:17 pm<br></i>

Messages In This Thread
Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Guest - 03-19-2003, 11:29 AM
Glossary of Roman army terminology. E-H - by Guest - 03-19-2003, 11:31 AM
Glossary of Roman army terminology. I - M - by Guest - 03-19-2003, 11:33 AM
Glossary of Roman army terminology. N - Q - by Guest - 03-19-2003, 11:34 AM
Glossary of Roman army terminology. R - U - by Guest - 03-19-2003, 11:37 AM
Glossary of Roman army terminology. V - X - by Guest - 03-19-2003, 11:38 AM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Anonymous - 03-19-2003, 02:01 PM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Anonymous - 03-19-2003, 04:16 PM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Guest - 03-19-2003, 04:51 PM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Guest - 03-20-2003, 11:25 AM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Guest - 03-20-2003, 03:04 PM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Anonymous - 03-21-2003, 02:56 PM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Guest - 03-21-2003, 04:30 PM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Anonymous - 04-06-2003, 12:24 PM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Guest - 04-08-2003, 09:05 AM
Re: Glossary of Roman army terminology - by Anonymous - 07-06-2003, 02:49 AM

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