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Did the Greeks ever adopt foreign equipment ..
Can you prove beyond reasonable doubt that heavily armed hoplite marine from cargo vessel guard who took part in an engagement that was witnessed by locals did not make an impression? The options range from a brawl to assisting the locals against their enemies or fending off pirates. Choose your pick.

Can you also prove beyond reasonable that the locals had already known composite armor?
So far chances favor the Greeks unless some archaeological item proves beyond doubt that some invention was theirs truly or someone else's.

Certainly the Greeks did not invent everything but from the items that you mentioned who can tell conclusively that they didn't and who can tell us conclusively that they did not adopt foreign customs. If you survive a couple of generations in foreign soil you probably have adapted to some degree to local customs and products wherever you go.

Kind regards

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Re: Did the Greeks ever adopt foreign equipment .. - by hoplite14gr - 11-28-2011, 12:44 AM

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