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Brows of pseudo corinthian origin?
Uhrissa wrote:
Quote: don't know if this has been investigated, but i was wondering. Are the brows on roman and celtic helmets inspired by those on Pseudo Corinthian helmets?

....despite Christian's answer ( which I suspect should be interpreted narrowly to mean "just" Apulo-Corinthian helmets) , it is quite possible that the adoption of 'eyebrows' on Celtic helmets was inspired by similar decoration on Graeco-Roman types.

Celtic and Italic peoples came into regular cultural contact from around 400 BC when the Celts invaded and occupied northern Italt ( 'cisalpine Gaul'). From that time onward, there was considerable exchange in culture and military ideas. The Italians adopted the montefortino helmet, adding cheekpieces, which in turn were adopted by the Gauls/Celts. Gallic/Celtic cheekpieces were made to decoratively resemble the Samnite 'triple disc' cuirass. The Gauls/Celts seem to have adopted horsehair crests from the Italians too. Most famously, the Gauls/Celts almost certainly adopted the large rectilinear/oval 'scutum' from the Italic peoples and spread it throughout the Mediterranean world. The Italic peoples adopted Gallic/Celtic Mail and iron helmets........etc, etc.

Popular Greek helmets in 5-4 C BC Italy included the so-called 'Attic' type, and the Chalcidic type. These were usually decorated with an upsweeping 'mono-brow' which met in the centre ( the shape re-inforced the forehead area), or two 'eyebrows', and often both ! The Apulo-Corinthian type, also frequently sporting eyebrows was at the height of its poularity at this time and could also have conceivably been the inspiration .

I believe it is possible, especially given that it was not just decorative, but functional, that these inspired similar design in Gallic/Celtic helmets - though the latter did not appear in numbers until the late second/early first century, after Rome had destroyed Gallic/Celtic civilisation in Northern Italy. However, at this time there were some large-scale wars between Celtic/Germanic invaders and Rome such as the wars of Marius. The 'Attic' type was probably still in use by the Romans/Italic Allies in numbers at this time, and could well have been the inspiration for Gallic/Celtic 'eyebrows'..... Smile D

While we cannot be certain, given the many centuries of inter-action between Italic and Gallic/Celtic peoples, and the fact that the 'eyebrows' appeared first on Greek style helmets ( whether Apulo-Corinthian or Attic), it would appear one way or another that the Celtic peoples adopted them from Graeco-Roman types.... :wink:
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(It is a sweet and proper thing to die for ones country)

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Messages In This Thread
Brows of pseudo corinthian origin? - by Uhrisa - 11-08-2009, 07:46 PM
Re: Brows of pseudo corinthian origin? - by Paullus Scipio - 11-12-2009, 09:16 PM

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