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Early greek kopis reconstruction
Heya Lysandros,

Apologies for the delay. Back from my holidays now and so here are the dimensions of the kopis from the National Museum in Athens. Bare in mind that the one I examined had it's handle bent over backwards and leans in towards the blade. In all other respects it is the same sword as the one in your picture. Anyway here goes:

Described as Iron Sabre/Kopis in the Musuem
Length excluding handle: 56 cm
Length of the curved back part (i.e. handle + small part of the blade): 15.5 cm
Because handle is bent over I measured height difference between it and the blade (makes the overall more accurate ): 5.5 cm
Max width of the blade: 5 cm
Min width of the blade (in towards the tip - very end of tip missing): 0.5 cm
Mid rib (i.e. ridge that runs down the center of the blade) runs at max width from bottom edge (cutting edge) of blade: 1,7-2 cm
From top edge, max: 3 cm (Maximums were measured at the widest part of the blade)
Thickness of the blade, max. (closest to handle): 0.5 cm; from there it gradually thins to 0.1/0.2 cm at tip of blade
Handle total dimensions (shaped like a bird's head); L: 12.5 cm, W: 7 cm (small part juts out at near 8 cm)
Gap in handle (i.e. where hand fits); L: 9 cm, W: 3 cm - it's curved to better fit the outside of the hand but the measurements are the same
Grip part of the handle; L: 10 cm (excludes bird's head which provides cover for hand and measures approx 5 cm in L), Max W: 3 cm, Min. W: 2 cm (towards bird's head)
Thickness of handle, at max. thickness (by blade) at 2 cm, at min thickness 1.5 cm
Didn't have any portable scales with me so couldn't get precise weight - will try to rectify this in the near future.
Hope this helps.


Messages In This Thread
Early greek kopis reconstruction - by Lýsandros - 07-27-2009, 07:59 PM
Re: Early greek kopis reconstruction - by Kineas - 07-31-2009, 01:54 PM
Re: Early greek kopis reconstruction - by Kineas - 07-31-2009, 09:31 PM
Re: Early greek kopis reconstruction - by KRD - 08-19-2009, 01:45 PM
Re: Early greek kopis reconstruction - by KRD - 08-20-2009, 11:07 AM
Re: Early greek kopis reconstruction - by KRD - 08-20-2009, 02:17 PM
Re: Early greek kopis reconstruction - dimensions - by KRD - 09-04-2009, 04:02 PM
Re: Early greek kopis reconstruction - by Apostolos - 02-08-2010, 09:54 PM

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