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Roman Battles on Computer
Am surprised no one has mentioned DBA Online [url=" target="top][/url].<br>
It's an on-line port of the popular miniature rule set DBA. No AI in the game, but if you subscribe you can play against human opponents (as trial player you get a few free games against the mentors, and are otherwise limited to "short" games).<br>
There is however a tournament coming up soon where Trial players (like me) can play full games. Prize: of course a free subscription. A good opportunity to try out the game, and find out if it is worth subscribing.<br>
P.S. Knowledge of DBA is a distinct bonus. <p>Strategy <br>
Designer/Developer <br>
Imperium - Rise of Rome</p><i></i>

Michael A./MicaByte
I've tried Pretorians (I think..) And I didn't like the graphics. This zoom feature annoys me.<br>
I am far from being a specialist. I've tried the hexgames on computer like Caesar's and Alexander's battles but this needs learning. So maybe one day'll try and learn.<br>
Age of Empires is enough for my warlike moments. I like the graphics and it's simple yet sohisticated enough to develop strategies and tactics.<br>
I am presently experimenting "Arrian" tactics. That is an army of 40 (the max.number) made up of ten cannons, five priests/doctors, ten swordsmen and the rest in bowmen and musketeers. All this set on "close ranks" and "defence". They will blow away almost everything that stands in their way.<br>
Of course you also need cavalry around. And of course, I play Byzantium.<br>
and...ahem... Against the Huns, it doesn't work that good I reckon.. <p></p><i></i>
As co-designer of the boardgame/GBoH system, which was morphed into a computer version some years ago, I think that, despite its use of hexes (it was some time ago, folks), it is still the best computer game for detailed, accurate orders of battle . . .and fighting historical battles using a system that, within the parameters of a game (which is, after all, rather far removed for Reality) , mirrors what happened and provides the player with choices similar to those the on-site commanders had to make.<br>
However, this sort of computer game has been losing favor in the market . . . the public prefers the run-and-shoot variety of game.<br>
"Of course you also need cavalry around. And of course, I play Byzantium . . . and...ahem... Against the Huns, it doesn't work that good I reckon..:"<br>
The number of games in the boardgame area is far, far richer - especially those interested in the history (in all aspects) as opposed to just playing a game (which can be fun, but is a different sort of fun) - than the computer bins. On the above statement, GMT's GBoH series has CATAPHRACT, a game covering the Belisarius era, and the module for that, "Attila", wherein you can see just how/why the Huns did so well against the Byzantines (the battle of The Utus) . . . and why they didn't do so well against the Romans (whose spine was stiffened greatly by the Visigoths . . .at The Catalaunean Fields, or Chalons).<br>
It truly depends on why you play these games . . .<br>
Hi Berg<br>
I remember you had a leader with your name in the GB editor<br>
I have played the GB series for some years with some friends, dedicated players, and developed a serie of house rules to cope with the game shortcomings, and I even designed some scenarios to better fit those houserules, however after I upgraded to win XP that was over, the game editor doesn´t work<br>
However there were some issues that would require the source code to be fully adressed, unfortunately unavailable. I don´t know if that was based on the same engine, but Horse & Musket (an XVIII century PC wargamegame) used a very similar system as GB but improving most of the features, I think a group movement and a fatigue model were lacking to make it perfect.<br>
"However there were some issues that would require the source code to be fully adressed, unfortunately unavailable."<br>
Probably true . . . but I'm not the man to discuss that with. My expertise is in boardgames, not computer games. Given the age of the compouter versions of the GBoH series, i would expect that much could be done . . .<br>
RHB <p></p><i></i>
Richard, forgive me but I had to ask. Are you the same person who used to run SPI under Jim Dunnigan? I have all the Strategy and Tactics mags plus masses of SPI games fron the seventies.<br>
Col Francis <p></p><i></i>
Mr. Berg, thank you for GBoH. Did you have anything to do with GBoA? I remember the peals of laughter when we played the computer version and saw the little persian bodies floating downstream. Ah, memories...<br>
I played the original total war game and while very impressed with the graphics, was still overly disappointed. The units would fight almost to the death before fleeing and they maneuvered way too fast and efficiently. Unfortunately I think the general public would never play a "realistic" (well we don't REALLY know how battles were actually fought but have good(?) educated guesses) game as being too boring.<br>
My two shekels,<br>
Leon <p></p><i></i>
To return briefly to the original subject:<br>
There is a computer PBeM version of Phil Sabin's excellent miniature rule set, Strategos, in the works. Check the "Strategos_rules" mailing list on Yahoo groups for details. As I understand, it should be nearing completion (its a free effort) fairly soon.<br>
Also, I'm likely to look for volunteers to participate in the second phase of development testing on Imperium (development testing = finding bugs, bugs, and more bugs), so watch that space for an announcement if that is something of interest. <p>Strategy <br>
Designer/Developer <br>
Imperium - Rise of Rome</p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>StrategyM</A> at: 3/21/04 1:54 am<br></i>

Michael A./MicaByte
After I asked you to let me be a beta tester all those years ago, you'd better have me on your short list, Strategy! We have history!<br>
Jenny <p></p><i></i>
Founder, Roman Army Talk and

We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson
Jenny, all you have to do is ask. I haven't gone around asking people to volunteer, since testing is not exactly entertaining, but if you at anytime feel you have the time and energy to participate in the testing, just drop me a line. <p>Strategy <br>
Designer/Developer <br>
Imperium - Rise of Rome</p><i></i>

Michael A./MicaByte
Strategy - I too would be interested.<br>
Barkhorn. <p></p><i></i>
Strat --<br>
Yup, still interested in helping out.<br>
Pax Romana wasn't bad, but I think you will do them one better.<br>
Sitting in desert, facing the choice every evening between computing, or getting tipsy and singing karaoke in the French bar, hmmm... sure, I have time enough for both!<br>
Jenny <p></p><i></i>
Founder, Roman Army Talk and

We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson

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