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Roman military finds at Augusta Raurica, near Basel.
I came upon this. Scroll down for the english version.<br>
It says there numerous segmentata clasps have been found, some of the Corbridge type, some of a different type. It also says they found evidence of a dismantled segmentata, probably by a smitty saving the scrap metal. Very interesting.<br>
Do our specialists know anymore about this? Studies were done in '91, they say in the text.<br>
Antonius' information comes from the summary of Eckhard Deschler-Erb's highly recommendable "new" book "Ad arma! Römisches Militär des 1. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. in Augusta Raurica" = The roman military in A. R. in the 1st century AD; Augst 1999 (ISBN 3-7151-0028-1). I repeat here the summary parts in question:<br>
"...The armour category [of Augusta Raurica] likewise includes examples of every type known to the early imperial army, only excluding muscle cuirasses. There are pieces of helmets and shields, clasps from segmental plate armour or chain mail, and scales from scale armour. The numerous segmental plate armour clasps not only allow the generally well-known Corbridge type of segmental plate armour to be identified, but also provide evidence of other types. (...) Particularly remarkable is the large number of finds in the region of Insula 22. Closer investigation has shown that a complete set of segmental plate armour must have been dismantled in a smithy on this site - probably to salvage the metal for scrap."<br>
Altogether the author describes 872 military objects of the 1st century AD in his catalogue, most of them are depicted (drawings) on 45 plates. 105 objects are parts of <i> loricae segmentatae</i>, and in the northwestern part of <i> insula</i> 22, 40 out of the 46 <i> militaria</i> are <i> segmentata</i> parts. 30 of these are from the timber-framed building located directly on the corner, and of these again 20 come from a smith's workshop in that building, out of the forge and small pits. In one of the pits they found (1988 ) 18-20 quite small fragments (4x4 cm max.), heavily burnt and corroded, of the iron plates of presumably one <i> lorica segmentata</i>, together with five separate bronze seg. fittings (Deschler-Erb has not included the iron fragments in the numbers given above nor in his catalogue but gives a photo).<br>
Because of these circumstances and the fact that none of the bronze fittings were found still attached to the cuirass parts, he concludes: "...everything speaks well for the fact that in this smithy a segmental cuirass had been dismantled to save the scrap metal for reuse. (...) It seems less likely that the cuirass was in the workshop to be repaired because of the fragmentary condition of the bronze and iron pieces. Especially the bronze fittings seem to have been torn off by force. A similar concentration of <i> militaria</i> has been located in <i> insula</i> 50 where numerous sword parts were found; here we have a workshop for the production and repairing of <i> gladii</i>."<br>
<br> new spectacular segmental cuirass in this case, I'm afraid - but a nice assemblage for the archaeololgist.<br>
Martin <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Magister Navis</A> at: 5/20/02 10:29:21 pm<br></i>

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