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Hi! I\'m a 2nd century Roman re-enactor. What\'s your name?
Guys and Gals,<br>
Matt and I over a couple of fabricas and a couple of girlie Mikes Hard Iced Teas were discussing effective methods of broaching the subject of our hobby to a prospective mate. It's a difficult thing in my opinion. Most 'mundanes' tend to be a little stand-offish when being introduced to 'The Hobby'.<br>
So, when did you do it? After you've established a good repor with the prospective person or first thing? Methods you've used to introduce them to well.. this hobby/lifestyle?<br>
So lets hear it<br>
Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix <p></p><i></i>
Fib about your net worth in the same breath?<br>
You should probably restrict dating potentials to the classics dept at the local university. <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX<br>
Richard Campbell
Legio XX - Alexandria, Virginia
RAT member #6?
Hey, Baby - what's your gens?<br>
Y'know - you're really cute for a Vestal...<br>
Let me show you something I learned in Pompei...<br>
My pater is the Emporer...<br>
I choose that one. Bathe her and bring her to me...<br>
Adam MacDonald

<a class="postlink" href="">
Good idea, give yourself more problems by chatting up a Vestal Virgin. Want her buried alive? <p>Greets<br>

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
Have you tried during a re-enactment festival? They say that we guys look much better when in uniform (specially if it is shining polished armour!)<br>
Aitor <p></p><i></i>
It\'s all an accident, an accident of hands. Mine, others, all without mind, from one extreme to another, but neither works nor will ever.

Rolf Steiner
Since I am female, this advice is slightly skewed towards men, but deep inside, everyone likes to play dress up. So you've got to awake that dormant gene, is all.<br>
I recommend putting it in practical terms. Say to your mate, "You know, I've got this living history event to attend and I've been having trouble stitching up my tunic. Do you think you could help me?" DO NOT start out by asking if your woman can sew!<br>
Or in my case, I said to my man, "Hey, this is pretty neat, look at these armor patterns; you could make your own!" Since he had already told me that he idly strung together a 5x5 swatch of chainmail once, he was drawn into the Legio XX website and somewhat fascinated.<br>
Next thing, I sewed a male tunic and asked him to help me see if it was big enough to fit a man. He patiently put it on and even admired himself in it. He hasn't made any commitments but I think he's halfway to Xanten at this rate.<br>
The secret is to make an event sound like a volunteer educational sort of thing, not "nerds camping in the woods and bashing each other with sticks the next day." You make it sound interesting more for the practical things you demonstrate to visitors, than the "romance" of pretending to be a Roman. Most people find the idea of living in the past to be interesting; fire-starting, for instance, or grinding grain to make bread, etc.<br>
In this way, you can gradually seduce your mate into the hobby, so that they -- not you -- come to see the romance for themselves and eventually succumb to it of their own accord.<br>
Jenny <p></p><i></i>
Founder, Roman Army Talk and

We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson
Heck, outside of work the only people I know are reenactors! It's the only social life I have or could imagine. I met my wife almost literally on the field of battle, and would never bother trying to start a serious relationship with anyone who didn't already have at least a basic understanding of reenacting and/or history. Not saying that "outsiders" are not worth my time! I just don't have enough in common with non-historical folks to maintain more than a casual relationship.<br>
Now, if CASUAL is all you're after, that's different! Hit the bars in full regalia, and anything worthwhile will come to you. (At least, that's what I've heard, I've never tried it.) (No, really.) (Stop laughing!) "Hey, wanna hold my sword?"<br>
Matthew/Quintus <p></p><i></i>
Matthew Amt (Quintus)
Legio XX, USA
<a class="postlink" href="">
I like Jen's gradual bit. It was up in Lancaster on one October day. The wife was cold and a bit bored, but at that moment the sun came out and hit the armor and helmets of 14 legionaries: she got the mental impression of the sun hitting 5000 legionaries, and decided Rome could not be beaten. She'd had enough of standing around, so she researched came up with the caupona.<br>
Good thing she has been both an actress and a teacher, so this fit in. <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX<br>
</p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>RichSC</A> at: 3/10/03 9:55:45 pm<br></i>
Richard Campbell
Legio XX - Alexandria, Virginia
RAT member #6?
Well, I must be doing something wrong, or meeting the wrong people...(mind you, I spend my only night out at the bars...), because when I hand out my legion business card to girls so they can have my phone number, I never get called back <br>
Mind you, it acts as a great filter.... <p><br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" </p><i></i>
Buisness card. I still have a chuckle at that approach. Pretty gutsy, will also say imaginative. Good way to set yourself apart particularly with the 'mundane' crowds we find ourselves in.<br>
However, so far everything points to waiting for a mate that has an open mind and appreciates imagination and creativity.<br>
Denti Storti! <p></p><i></i>
hmm, Tiberius Magnus, that isn't the business card with the colour photo of you in armor sans underwear?<br>
I showed my intended some photos from last year's Lafe event, and then the photos from the Germany trip, then we went to a museum, and she started looking for Roman ladies clothing patterns and wool cloth......<br>
greetings from Ukraine, on the way to the Crimean coast to look at Roman and Byzantine ruins...<br>
<p>"Just before class started, I looked in the big book where all the world's history is written, and it said...." Neil J. Hackett, PhD ancient history, professor OSU, 1987</p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Caius Fabius</A> <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="" BORDER=0> at: 3/27/03 10:02:32 am<br></i>
Caius Fabius Maior
Charles Foxtrot
moderator, Roman Army Talk
link to the rules for posting
Hope you are having fun my friend, let us all know when you are back. <p><br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" </p><i></i>

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