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Trajan's Column in Colour
Slightly O.T.:
So glad that I got up (...well, ah ..quite... :mrgreen: ) early today, because there on HR-3 TV they repeated the ARTE report on "Bunte Götter. Vom Farbrausch der Antike"/"Cloured Gods. A Rush of Colours in Antiquity".
(First staged on 18th of January 2009, duration: 26 Minutes). Let me say this first: it was one of the occassions my (relatively new) TV-set paid off. :wink:
I cite the programm advertisement:
"Der Film räumt auf mit der Vorstellung, die Antike sei marmorweiß gewesen - sie war kreischend bunt./This film does away with the conception of the Antique heving been "marble-white" -- it has been outrageously coloured.
Viele der Skulpturen und Tempelarchitekturen waren nicht nur farbig, sondern von greller Buntheit, und zeigten eine höchst irritierende und suggestive Bemalung./ Many of the sculptures and and temple arcitectures have not only been cloloured, but screamingly/outrageously so.
Kronzeuge der "farbigen" Antike mit ihren überaus bunten Göttern und Göttinnen ist der Archäologe Vinzenz Brinkmann, der die Antikensammlung des Frankfurter Museums Liebieghaus leitet. Gemeinsam mit einer Gruppe von Wissenschaftlern erforscht er seit mehr als 25 Jahren dieses Thema./ Chief witness of a "colorful" Antiquity with its exceedingly coloured Gods and Goddesses is archeologist (Prof.) Vinzenz Brinkmann, head of the Antiques Collection at Frankfurt's Liebighaus Museum.
Mit den neuesten Techniken wurden Farbreste auf originalen Skulpturen analysiert, Originalabdrücke von den Plastiken genommen und diese authentisch bemalt. /
By utilizing most up-to-date techniquues remains of colours on the original sculptures habe been analyzed, plasters from the originals taken and (then) authentically painted.
Heraus kam ein greller Figurenreigen, der eher Disneyland vermuten lässt als Alt-Athen. / Out came a "loud" roster of statues supposedly more akin to Disneyland than to ancient Athens.
Der Film erzählt vom langen Weg der Erkenntnis, den die Kunsthistoriker seit dem 19. Jahrhundert gegangen sind, und konfrontiert mit der erheiternd verstörenden Wahrheit einer popfarbenen Antike. /
The film details on the long way of cognition that historians have gone since the 19th century, confronting with an amusingly disturbing truth about a "pop-coloured" Antiquity.
Am Beispiel des sogenannten Perserreiters, der einst auf der Akropolis stand, wird gezeigt, wie die Bemalung der Repliken zustande kommt./
Taking as an example the so called "persian rider", once sited on the Acropolis, it is shown here, how the painting of the replicas has been brought about.
Filmautor Rudolf Schmitz begleitete Brinkmann bei seiner weiteren Spurensuche in Griechenland, reiste zum Aphaia-Tempel auf der Insel Ägina und erhielt schließlich eine Sondergenehmigung für Dreharbeiten im noch nicht eröffneten neuen Akropolis-Museum in Athen. /
Author Rudolf Schmitz accompanied Brinkmann on his further quest for further traces in Greece, travelling to the temple of Aphaia on Ägina island, finally being granted a permission to film in the new Akropolis Museum at Athens, that had not been opened yet at that time.
Wie geht man heute um mit der bunten Wahrheit, mit der schockfarbenen Antike, der verblüffenden Pop Art im Antikenmuseum? /
How do we handle the colourful truth, the shockingly coloured Antiquity, the baffling Pop Art at the Museum of Antiques nowadays ?
Will man die Sinnlichkeit der Antike wirklich sehen, will man ihre Erzähllust genießen, ins pralle Leben eintauchen? /
Do we really want to see Antiquities' sensuality, enjoy its lust for "telling stories", delve into "full life" ?
Oder verletzt es die Gefühle, die bisherige Auffassung von abendländischer Kultur? /
Or does it hurt our feeling, the (hitherto) conventional conception of occident ?
Der Film öffnet sich einem sinnenverwirrenden Experiment und sucht nach Antwort./
This movie opens up to an experiment in sensual perturbation and looks for answers. "
So far--- so good.
What's not included in the ad is the more essential parts.
I missed the fisrt 10 minutes so the further notes apply to the last 15 minutes approximately.
.......cutting in when they referred to the works of Bavarian King Ludwig I. and his chief architect Leo von Klenze, who built up the Antiques Collection of the Glyptothek at Munich from 1828.
The concept of which not having remained unchalled, though, already in those times.
Some of the artworks exposed comprised pieces from the temple of Aphaia, both persons having been on location before concepting the exhibition at Munich.
Other parts exhibited here also come from different locations in Greece, like the Akropolis in Athens.
(Some shots from the Museum on Ägina included here with colored pieces of sculptures/architecture)
The report went on to give more detailed information on the means of research, the develop of glassfibre optics being crucial for the course of progress here.
Pointed light is used for spotting/researching traces of colours in the material (here: marble), whereas straylight is used to discover the structures of ornamentary work on it.
Research on steles at cemeteries exposed a more "advertising" colouration on them, probably because these cemetaries mostly lay on vital roads.
The research also brought about the "reconstruction" of some "colour-making" techniques utilized in antiquity.
(Shots with the fabrication of "tempera" colours)
In some instances sculptures of persons hitherto perceived as ordinary persons turned out to be depictions of Gods/Goddes clearly when viewed "in their original" colour.
(Shots on warrior sculptures/pictures where the colours applied easily enabled the "identification friend/foe". More shots on coloured architectural parts.)
Now the story went on to Athens, where chief of museum Dimitrios Pandermalis [I missed the under-title here, so it's an educated guess from the Museum's website here], having studied at Munich also, remained sceptic
as to if colured copies of the sculptures should also be displayed. (--- well I'm putting that mildly here if I got him right. I think the "hint" towards his claim that the original parts should be displayed at their original place, in the original
-- that means unrestored, state.) Where's the Sublime !?
The final question pose was "is a-marble-white" Antiquity just a dream (/phantom) ?
For further reference:
Acropolis-Museum , Athens (GR)
[url:1jzri60t][/url]in English
Museum Liebighaus, Frankfurt/M. (D)
[url:1jzri60t][/url] in German
Picture Index (b/w) :
In German
Coloured examples from the „Stiftung Archäologie“/ „Foundation Acheology”
In German
project overview
In German
Still more on it.
(In German)
I could not retrieve the introductionary *.pdf on the Frankfurt exhibition, though by nay means, partly because the links being dead.
Happy reading. Enjoyable Sunday.

Siggi K.
Bloody he**, my memory is getting me into trouble.... :roll: :x lol:
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
[b]Legio XIIII GMV. (Q. Magivs)RMRS Remember Atuatuca! Vengence will be ours!
Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel
Were any colour pictures with Trajan's Column posted on the net ? I am interested more in Trajan and accompanying Roman Army Senior Staff clothes and armour colours rather than rank and file equipment. I am also interesed in the latter too, but to a lesser degree. The only painted scenes I could find were showing only auxilliary soldiers (not even ordinary soldiers serving with the legions !).

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