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Wanting to get starting in miniature wargaming
I have always been interested in wargaming, but have never really been able to play. There are no hobby shops here in my home town to meet other players, much less buy miniatures. Are there any places on the net where you can go and meet other gamers that might be from your area and slug it out?<br>
I really want to create a Romano-british army from the 5th or 6th Century, if that makes any difference.<br>
Thanks for any help.<br>
Cavetus <p></p><i></i>
You might want to have a look at the yahoo group ancmed, the bulletin board of the Society of Ancient. They are a helpful lot!<br>
Paulus <p></p><i></i>
Cavetus <p></p><i></i>
Where do you live? The magazine MWAN has a listing of Wargaming clubs across the world. There are also computer email and postal mail games, and campaigns, as well as rules for Solo Wargaming. Most figures can be obtained from the internet. Most basic rules and painting guides are also available from internet stores. <p></p><i></i>
Caius Fabius Maior
Charles Foxtrot
moderator, Roman Army Talk
link to the rules for posting
I live in Albany, GA. I've never heard of any wargaming groups, but I rule nothing out<br>
Cavetus <p></p><i></i>
Georgia USA has several wargame clubs/groups.<br>
Atlanta has 4 listed groups.<br>
Augusta has one, Ft. Benning has one, Richmond Hill? has one, Gainesville has one, Kennesaw Mountain / Marietta has a listing, as does North Georgia. A wargames shop in Alabama where I do internet business is run by Rudy Nelson and called TimePortal Hobbies. He is near Anniston, Alabama I think.<br>
There is a wargaming group in Tallahassee, Florida as well. <p></p><i></i>
Caius Fabius Maior
Charles Foxtrot
moderator, Roman Army Talk
link to the rules for posting
Of the ones you listed, it's a toss-up between Columbus (Ft Benning) and Tallahassee, FL.<br>
Should have known there wouldn't be a group here<br>
Cavetus <p></p><i></i>
I thought you'd guys would get a kick out of this event from a con, Alesia in 15mm, a pretty impressive setup.<br>
I've been thinking of doing this in 6mm. With each stand being a cohort (I use 16 figs per stand for HI) I could probably field 10 Legions. And I have plenty of skirmishers, archers and what not. I also have a similar size cartaginian army which of course contains TONS fo gauls.Will probably use some felt and magic marker to make caesar's gardens, but trying t figure out how to simply make walls and forts. Was thinking of using furing strips, painted and laid flat, so stands could be placed atop them for the walls. As for the forts, again might do something with wood and paint. Anyways....<br>
Los <p></p><i></i>

aka Carlos Lourenco
you could always start your own wargaming club. Put a notice in your town paper or community noticeboard. You're bound to find someone who would like to play. That way you're learning together and not getting hammered by experienced players! Though with a bit of luck you might find someone who has played who can guide you too.<br>
Maybe start off with something fairly simple and portable - I went for the larger scale figures so I could do more detail in painting, but then I kind of regretted it cos the game board is so darn large. They are also expensive. The smaller scale are cheaper (so you can afford to buy two full armies yourself if you have to) and quicker to do a rough paint job, and the board is much smaller too. We got a couple of pieces of MDF from the hardware store for the baseboard, with some extra pieces of MDF cut into shapes for movable hills. Very basic but a starting point.<br>
Perhaps you could start with DBA -<br>
to get a feel for it.<br>
good luck<br>
Pictoria <p></p><i></i>

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