Just out of curiousity.... - Printable Version

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Just out of curiousity.... - Gaius Opius Fugi - 10-16-2005

I've been preparing for an upcoming event, and was just working on a subligaculum. It got me to thinking about what other reenactors do for events. So, just out of curiousity.....

Re: Just out of curiousity.... - FAVENTIANVS - 10-17-2005

I've been using subligaculum for many years, made of wool.. before, I went comando, really comfortable but a bit itchy... :oops:

If you do it, do it right!...As far as you can... :wink:

Re: Just out of curiousity.... - Tarbicus - 10-17-2005

Leopard or tiger skin subligaculum for me. Always. It just .... feels right.

Re: Just out of curiousity.... - FAVENTIANVS - 10-17-2005

With the fur inside...? :lol:

Re: Just out of curiousity.... - Tarbicus - 10-17-2005

Quote:With the fur inside...?
Depends on the moment :wink:

Undies - Viventius - 10-17-2005

Since I'm not doing an impression of one of those bikini girls (re: Piazza Armerina) I don't feel the urge to wear any authentic Roman undies. When I'm a soldier I wear trousers and when I'm a girlie I wear two layers of clothing, so there's no real need to wear anything authentic, as it certainly won't be on show.

Mind you, I'm current working on a very posh silk peplos and fine undertunic, and that might at least require a breast band up top for this modest Roman lady :roll:

There are some gentleman in our group who are very authentic, I'm told :lol: Should have known Tarby would go for leopardskin knickers ...

Fur on the inside - ambrosius - 10-17-2005

Quote:Leopard or tiger skin subligaculum for me. Always. It just .... feels right.

Shucks, you probably even leave the claws on it, I'll bet. :oops: :lol:


Re: Undies - Arthes - 10-17-2005

Bridget Jones type undies are definitely more comfortable when in late male kit, especially when you are sliding down nettle infested banks at Arbeia....ouch :oops: :oops: !!!
Quote:Leopard or tiger skin subligaculum for me
As long as it is not real.... :evil: :evil:

Re: Just out of curiousity.... - Tarbicus - 10-17-2005

Quote:you probably even leave the claws on it,
Nah, I once had quite a nasty experience... Confusedhock:
Quote:As long as it is not real....
Of course [size=59:afdzx396] is[/size]

Re: Just out of curiousity.... - Tasciavanous - 10-17-2005

I have linen subligaculum. Before that I went for the commando option but changed my mind about the sense of that after a disturbing incident with a Hen party :!: :o !:
Now I think about it Jim might have suggested the perfect answer leopard skin.. Tasteful and practical Big Grin

Re: Just out of curiousity.... - A_Volpe - 10-18-2005

Tarbicus, you rock! Too funny!

I opt for the good ol briefers.

wait..why am I answering such a personal question? Oh right, Authenticity...Right...

Never gone "commando"...interesting term.

Haven't decided to go with the authentic Subgi or not yet. Actually never put much thought into it at all. After one embarrasing situation where I didn't pull the tunic down after putting on armor, I was glad I did have something on down there... :oops:

Although I will admit I have little or no shame in wearing the tunic and brifers in public. (i've gotten used to it I suppose...That or I'm just a Proud Geek) I've even changed from Roman to Medieval and back "in public" using the un-tied tunic as a "cover" and shimming up the hosen/tights up underneath. Yes, I'm sure you didn't need that kind of visual. But there it is.

I don't think American reenactors or spectators are even close to ready to experience the commando way. I think [we] find it hard enough to deal with bare-chested-Celtic types as it is. :roll:

The unofficial Leg. III CYR motto: Semper Ubi Sub Ubi!
Always wear the underwear!

Re: Just out of curiousity.... - marsvigilia - 10-19-2005

Quote:Leopard or tiger skin subligaculum for me. Always. It just .... feels right.
You animal.
LMAO :-) )

Animals - ambrosius - 10-19-2005

Quote:you probably even leave the claws on it,
Nah, I once had quite a nasty experience... Confusedhock:

Suspected as much from those red spots on your tunic :lol: Idea

subligaculum - TFLAVIUSAMBIORIX - 10-23-2005

When in torusers I go commando, when in tunic I'm commando about 50% of the time.

cavalry briefs - Arthes - 11-13-2005

after seeing a discussion on another forum about what certain auxilary cavalrymen may wear under their tunics..... :oops:
I thought I would ask.....they could not exactly go commando, so was the subligaculum also de rigour for Roman cavalrymen and auxiliaries...and did they wear them under breeches too or were they the 'modern' replacement?