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Re: Romans + Christianity - Historicula - 03-01-2007

Quote:What's the earliest occurrance of the chi-rho as a definate Christian symbol? Constantine?

I believe Lactantius is the earliest known account of Constantine's Milvian Bridge experience, he mentions it in Chp. 44 of The Deaths of the Persecutors. Eusebius also chronicles the event in Chp. 27 of The Life of Constantine, though he wrote somewhat later and with an obvious Christian bias.

"After Jesus: The First Christians" Webpages (CNN) - Restitvtvs - 07-15-2007


This program was shown in December 2006 and April 2007. I missed it both times...

Anyway, CNN has kept some nice webpages, briefly covering the program's contents.

Maybe CNN will show it again this December?

[ADDED 07.15.07, in reply to next post: Robert! Good, considering. Hope you & yours are well. I'll write offline. Pax vobiscvm, +r]

Re: Romans + Christianity - Robert Vermaat - 07-15-2007

Hi William!

Long time no see! How are you?

Re: Jewish Christian Sects Religions Evolution Roman Greek - Daniyal - 07-29-2007

Quote:The following websites & webpages cover the origin & evolution of Christianity, during the Roman period; with Jewish, Roman, Greek, and other influences; emphasizing growing Christian-Jewish divergence (Christianity started as a diverse Jewish "cult" or "sect" [aka "The Way\\n
Quote:, became the dominant, official state religion of the Roman Empire). The websites and webpages are posted here for critical analysis. Their contents are written from various perspectives. Their detail, accuracy, and neutrality differ.

[Work in Progress]
Looks like it may be at least a few weeks before I update this previous post. My Early Christianity studies during the past few months, with much primary literature, has unavoidably extended well beyond the study of people & their places, things, times, religions, etc. Ultimately, worldwide, we all are brothers & sisters. What a mixed bunch we are, individually & collectively. It goes well beyond the physical. What's real. What's imagined? What's misunderstood? Is anything fully understood? It's like I'm still in grad school (applied & theoretical). That's good.

I have a general idea where this all may lead. There's so much fog & we have so many limitations. It seems so complex, and it is, and yet it is also so simple. "It" has been said & written many times before. Understanding "it" is another matter. Living "it" fully is yet another matter. One size does not fit all. Yet, there are at least a few universal absolutes. It's tough & it's easy. Among various things, I pray most for wisdom. So, when the time comes, I will finish updating my previous post with more links for Roman period voices about "it".

Pax vobiscvm, +r
Christ truly has an international family !!!

Christian Roman (and Other) Period Timeline Webpage - Restitvtvs - 09-03-2007

Christian Roman (and Other) Period Timeline Webpage:


Fantastic timeline images. Click on the smaller images on this webpage, for the larger images.

Re: Romans + Christianity - Salvianus - 09-05-2007

Nice study aids, laudes Big Grin

I'm still working on what Christian ceremonies might have looked like in the army ~400 A.D. We recently based a reconstruction on Matthew 6 with open arms like orantes.

Pax Domini Sit Semper Vobiscum

Christian Artwork Images Added to First Page of This Thread - Restitvtvs - 10-03-2007

I have added ancient (mostly Roman) Christian artwork images to my posts on the first page of this thread.

Planned: I'll post these & many other Christian artwork images on photo hosting websites later this year, and add the applicable website links to my signature block.

Shalom, 'a

Re: Romans + Christianity - Salvianus - 10-04-2007

Nice one, thanks Will, laudes.

Re: Romans + Christianity - Hugh Fuller - 10-04-2007

I seem to remember an image of Christ the Victorious, perhaps from Ravenna, that shows him with one foot on a crown. Does anyone else remember that one? Perhaps it is in Pelikan's book. I'll try to check.

Romans and Christianity - Restitvtvs - 10-04-2008

Good overview of five centuries of the Romans and Christianity, from Christianity's Jewish origins to the Fall of the West[ern Roman Empire].

Nice Christianity timeline, including Roman period: ... index1.htm

Thread Summary:

Finally completed part-time studies of Romans, Jews, Judaism, “The Way,” early Christianity, etc. Reaching point of diminishing returns.

So many persons, motives, and interactions in many places over centuries. So many factors and details that simple explanations don’t do justice, and just explanations would take longer than I can afford and some may like.

Summary: Romans and Christianity is a large, complex mix. Good and bad, cause and effect, facts and opinions, genuine and fraudulent, synergies and negations, spiritual and worldly, beautiful and ugly, individuals and groups, east and west, north and south, natives and immigrants, cultural and commercial, pros and cons, kind and cruel, co-opting and legacies, certainties and probabilities, real and imagined, lumpers and splitters, hoped and feared, and on and on and on.

During the course of my studies, I came to even better know and understand how people (including myself) and their systems generally become increasingly complex, and not always beneficially so; how basic principles can be misunderstood and intentionally and unintentionally, mis-communicated, distorted, redirected, misused, etc.; how what's good can come to be called bad and vice versa; how the road to hell can be paved with good intentions; how meanings can be lost and re-discovered, independently "discovered" or "created" in different places at different times.

Some people might feel offended or worse if they know the “truth” behind some of their beliefs. Among us, who really knows the absolute truth(s)?

I am absolutely certain about only four things in the universe of possible things, yet I know that I could also be wrong about any or all of these things. Some people erroneously think that’s contradictory. Not so,

Interestingly, I read 25+ years ago, and after decades of subsequent personal experience I can personally confirm, that we can travel far and wide for answers that were at home, within, all along. Much effort for little gain. Ecclesiastes chapter 5.

Some things are much simpler and easier than we may think. Others aren’t.

Some things we must learn for ourselves, the hard way.

Some things we should test for ourselves, rather than accept unquestioned.

Some things are truly worth effort. G-d, family, friends, friends-to-be, good helping.

A few years of these studies, like life experiences and other kinds of studies, can teach us much more than we originally planned, including things about ourselves, and what matters most in life.

I’ll check back here from time to time, be glad to answer thread questions here, and other questions in applicable threads or private messages.

Early Christianity Online Course Prof. Alan Hayes - Restitvtvs - 06-11-2009

For anyone interested, here's a good online Early Christianity course, by Prof. Alan L. Hayes, Director, Toronto School of Theology, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada:

This course provides a very good, basic overview of (1) how Judaism and Christianity evolved, and (2) their interactions with, and their influences on and from each other, the Romans, and other cultures and relgions.

The course webpages include class notes and a good number of citations and weblinks to sources for further readings.

It's free. Hard to beat the price! Smile

Early Christianity Classes: Gnostic Literature - Restitvtvs - 04-08-2011

Five classes on Early Christianity: Gnostic literaure :grin:

Christian \"Heresies\" 1 through 500 AD - Restitvtvs - 04-08-2011

Nice summary of Christian "heresies" (One person's heresy is another's orthodoxy?) during the first five centuries AD.


Romans + Christianity : Chi Rho to Cross Timeline - Restitvtvs - 04-17-2011

Marten Kullman's timeline showing Christian symbolism transition from "Chi Rho" in the 4th century to the "Cross" in the 5th century.


Biblical & Christological Timelines - Restitvtvs - 09-11-2011

Here are several biblical & Christological timeline weblinks. Includes before, during & after Roman Republic and Roman Empire periods; and Roman and Christianity diversity, interactions & influences on each other.