
Full Version: The person below me! (TPBM)
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True, especiially the 18th century wench bodices, allll riiiggght (Best Quagmire voice)

TPBM has given their gladius a name and talks to it when no one else is around.
False, I rather do it with my ...

[Image: 13168982.jpg]

[size=200:2pfut0b0]... helmet[/size]. [Image: cunaoo.jpg]

TPBM trains scutum and gladius fight, completely naked in front the mirror.

TPBM believes that it would take a Republican Roman general six months to cross a river (RTW, anyone?).

TPBM only takes part in this game to raise his post count & rank :wink:

TPBM always askes women if they want to see his Roman "sword"
False. Helmet.

TPBM secretly has a leather lorica segmentata stashed away in the attic.


False! How-ow-ow da-a-are you!

TPBM likes dogs.
false (i like cats)

TPBM has jingobells all over his clothes.

TPBM is making his own leather musculata!

TPBM has seen 'Helen of Troy' more than five times.
False, Only 4,5 time...

TPBM is still thinking of becoming a Roman Prostitude Impression
False :lol:

TPBM is fanatic admirer of the Roman Empire.

TPBM thinks that roman re-anactors are physically too weak to wrestle with Trekkies... :twisted:



But I'd like to se Jason and the Argonauts more than 5 times. That's where the First International Ancient Greek Festival really began...

TPBM loved Talos (the man of bronze)

TPBM likes Aphrodite...
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