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Massive gathering in Germania in 2009
The museum has squandered a momentous opportunity. When I initially contacted them, I pointed out that any commemorative ceremony had the potential to (1) draw tourists from around the world which would (2) increase recognition for the museum and (3) benefit the local economy. Involving re-enactors (representing both sides of the conflict) in a re-creation of events would (4) attract even more tourism dollars and provide the museum with the opportunity to take (5) professional still photographs and/or motion pictures for advertising and displays. It is truly sad.

I find it unusual that the museum is scheduling the anniversary celebration in June when the original battle took place in the autumn.

As for setting up a competing event, it would not be easy as time is running out. Christian Koepfer’s suggestion about using a local farm/estate might be difficult (in June) if the farmer was sowing his fields. A fall 2009 event could run into snags if the same farmer was harvesting his crops. That is not to say that a location could not be found, however a coordinator/facilitator in Germania is essential if re-enactors wanted this to happen.

Quote:I find it unusual that the museum is scheduling the anniversary celebration in June when the original battle took place in the autumn.
It's bound to be tourism..... ironically.
TARBICvS/Jim Bowers
Good weather attracts bigger crowds....
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
[b]Legio XIIII GMV. (Q. Magivs)RMRS Remember Atuatuca! Vengence will be ours!
Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel
Anyone knows if an english group has been invited by Kalkriese organizators?

One of our members lives in London and we would look for a shared transport to Kalkriese.
Luca Bonacina
Provincia Cisalpina - Mediolanum
Unfortunately, I don't think any UK groups have been invited for 2009 Luca. Cry
What a pity!
Luca Bonacina
Provincia Cisalpina - Mediolanum
I finally received a formal reply from the museum (to my last email sent in July of 2008) on 27 Nov 08. The writer said that regrettably she could not extend an invitation because there was insufficient space. Well, I/we am/are disappointed. I/we started communications years ago - and no 'compensation' was requested. We only sought the opportunity to participate. So, the Brits are excluded (or so it seems from reading Marcus' comments), and the Canuks are out (unless someone knows something different). Too bad. We will visit another continent/country in 2009. Our tourist dollars in these tough times have been re-allocated.

Does anybody know which groups are invited, or will take part?

From Italy:
- Legio I Italica
- Cohors II Praetoria
- Cohors III Praetoria (my group)

I don't know about non italian groups.

Another question. Anybody knows about customs difficulties while passing with reenacting equipment through Switzerland? Suggestions? Contacts?
Luca Bonacina
Provincia Cisalpina - Mediolanum
Luca try this website and ask them what if any, are the possible requirements.

Fasta Ambrosius Longus

We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

[Image: Peditum3.jpg]
I know I am planning on going to the event in June. If not as a reenactor, then at least as a tourist. I will however, still be wearing my tunic, trousers, and bog shoes. I don't think I would be able to stand being at a Roman reencatment and not being dressed (or undressed) like a German or Celt. Hopefully the museum staff won't have a problem with that. Big Grin
(Steven Bulman)

Member of Legio V Alaudae
I wonder where this reenactment event will be held. I visited the site yesterday (the museum is closed, btw) to talk to Tony Clunn for the upcoming AW special, and the park is full of 'art', full as in covered in artful standards sporting an enlarged face mask with peace messages. Hope they'll remove those for the event!

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
Well, for their 2000-year anniversary they still have enough time time to remove those (until 2016).... :lol:
Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.
Jasper, the last event I had in an Armoury Museum a speech about "the museum of peace" was made by the political representant. The Museum it´s politically incorrect, even that it has no Army connection, and being put in charge of it has been used as "touch of attention", something like the Russian Front. :evil: And indication of the interest on it. :evil:

Battle reenactments are motivated for fun, not a nowadays stupid or forgotten reason for a war, althrough "being educative" it´s the most used excuse... :wink:

And the children doesn´t worry of P.I. issues. They complain if there is no blood after the fencing exhibition, if there are no watermelons smashed, and because only an idiot wouldn´t use words as hack, slash, crush, pierce, smash and so while explaining what the weapons are for. :roll:
-This new learning amazes me, Sir Bedevere. Explain again how
sheep´s bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.
[Image: escudocopia.jpg]Iagoba Ferreira Benito, member of Cohors Prima Gallica
and current Medieval Martial Arts teacher of Comilitium Sacrae Ensis, fencing club.
A last annoucement from the reenactor side of this event:

The concept of the “ commentated Battle scene“ for the „Römer- und Germanentage Kalkriese 2009“

The commentated Battle scene was created by the Reenactment group Chasuari ( ) in 2005 at Museum Kalkriese. Followed by an improved version, with more actors, and shown to a broad audience in 2007. the Battle takes place on the partly reconstructed original earthenwork rampart.
The Point is to give an authentic but lively impression of roman-germanic hostilities during the Varus-Campaign to the Audience.

Based on this concept the museum ordered this for 2009 on a greater scale with reenactors from all about Europe.

Time schedule:
12th June : Dress Rehearsal
13h - 14th : Battlereenactment at 14:30
about 75 minutes time
The Reenactor gear is relaid most accurately at the results of the state-of-the-art science of archeology and historians.

The Reenators gear and clothing are not Fantasy-Role playing outfits, they represent the latest results in archeological and historical studies.
Except for the sake of personal security the actors will use only show-fighting weapons.

In Kalkriese, the center of events is the battlefield, discovered in 1989. It is located in the western area of the museum, and excavations are going on until today. But on this Weekend about 160 Germanic warriors and 200 Legionaries’ will clash in different sequences and show how events could have taken place in the year 9 AD.(except for the heavy rains, we do hope), when the most skilled army of the time was defeated and completely destroyed by an underdog adversary.
A main factor for the Germanic success was a primitive rampart, which has been recreated on 110 meters according of the archaeological results. It is built of fortified soil and lawn. Around this, the battle will take place.

The international known military historian Dr. Marcus Junkelmann, one of todays leading roman-army-experts, will moderate the battle scenes.
As this is not a stage play there won´t be an Arminius or Varus,neither there will be spoken dialogues of any kind.
Rather we try to give an impression of the events that took place on this soil 2000 years ago, like the findings shown in the Museum indicate today.
Different kinds of roman Army Units were proven by finds on this ground. These Legionaries, Auxiliary and Cavalry will be fighting in the antique military context. The civilians and baggage will take part too.

There are only view hints of Rome’s enemies, the Germanics
But there are known remains of their settlements near the battle field. Germanic villages are found at Venne and Engter nowadays small modern towns.

The last scene shows the arrival of the troops of the roman army leader Germanicus on his campaign six years after the defeat of Varus.
This is linked to the eight pile of bones excavated nearby. These are believed to be created by Germanicus troops, entombing the remains oft the roman army which was abolished.

The Planning and Execution was ordered by the museum Kalkriese.
The voluntary Reenactors are organized by the network Comitatius.
( ).

For the Planning Team:
Robert Brosch & Dr. Ulrike Hindersmann

List of Reenactmentgroups “Römer- und Germanentagen Kalkriese 2009”


Chasuari Germany (Niedersachsen)
Foederati Germany (Thüringen)
Forntjotr Germany (NRW)
Hermunduren Germany (Thüringen)
Iron Roots Poland
Kwerer Germany (Thüringen)
Projekt AUXILIA REX G. T. Germany (Norddeutschland)
Projekt Brukterer Germany (NRW, Bremen)
Projekt Sueben Germany (Baden-Württemberg),
Austria (Vorarlberg)
Res Gestae Saxonicae Germany (NRW)


Cohors I Germanorum Germany
Cohors II Augusta Praetoria Italy
Cohors IIII Vindelicorum Germany
Gemina Projekt Netherlands
Legio I Italica Italy
Legio XI Claudia Belgium
Legio XI Claudia Switzerland
Legio XIIII GMV Poland
Legio XV Apollinaris Austria
Timetrotter Germany
Vigilia Romana Vindriacum Germany
Milites Bedenses Germany
Legio XXII Primigenia Bitburg Germany

Some comments from my side:
My apologies, that I havn´t annouce this earlier. The Situation was, that we, the "inner organisation" of the reenactors present at Kalkriese had not a free hand to organize this event like we wished. We are not partners of the museum, but merely consultans. The Museum of Kalkriese is the only authority in that matter. We tried to make the best out of it and I think we did well. At least, we will see this week, if we were succesful.

The battle scenes are probaply the main attraction and is our main subject at this event. Beside this, With nearly 200 participants Kalkriese will see the biggest gathering of "germanic warriors and civilians "of the 1st. AD since 2000 years. Together with our roman friends we are now able to interpret the common history around the Battle of Varus, as it wasn´t possible before. Hopefully this brings us to a new level of germanic and roman reenactment! At least, this is our wish.

I´m looking forward to meet some people of this forum at Kalkriese.

A final note:
All participants got Event-ID-Cards, which identify the obligated reenactors. Any visitor in period attire won´t get access to the event by decision of the museum! Therefore I discourage any interested reenactor to come with his or her historical attire and equipment!


Robert Brosch">
Germanic warriors of 1st ct. AD">
Network of germanic Reenactors of 1st ct. AD

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