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Cohors Classica Aeliana
So...what do we think. Is this the Germanic Cohors I Classica with an extra epithet (Ã la Spaul) or is this a separate unit? IIRC the newest diploma made two units the more probable explanation. But if so, where did it come from? Was the ClBr reduced in strength and the superfluous soldiers formed into a cohort? Was it founded completely separately from the ClBr?

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
I should think it was a separate unit - after all, as far as I am aware the Cohors Classica in Germany is a somewhat early phenomenon (correct me if I'm wrong here)...

I think it must have been a new unit, unlikely to have been carved out of the Classis Britannica - after all, the entire structure of naval units was changed (or at least it seems to have been so...). But then, it's an interesting idea that the leftovers of a large naval unit may have been used to form a new one...

Will have a trundle through some books and think and spout more nonsense at you soon! Smile
Christoph Rummel
IIRC the Cohors I Classica is still mentioned in 2nd century diplomata from Germania Inferior, so they would have existed side by side.

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
Jasper - help me!

Can't find it, but what is the earliest mention of the Cohors Classica Aemiliana? Can't spout more nonsense until I know that!
Christoph Rummel
Aemiliana? Never :wink:
Aeliana, IIRC somewhere in the 120s AD

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
aaah... my famous brain-finger-keyboard coordination skills kick in! Must stop smoking things when thinking...

If it really is around as early as 120s, I think the CLBRIT idea is unlikely. In archaeological terms, Dover does undergo disinct changes at this point in time, but the main base at Boulogne appears to continue without any major interruptions at all.

Of coure its always difficult to indetify changes in archaeology, but from all we know, there CLBRIT remained one unit and remained in a more or less set format from the Flavian period until the mid 3rd century...

I still opt for the Aeliana as an entirely new creation!

Btw - what 2nd cent. diploma is the Cohors Classica mentioned in? what a drag, to have one of those carrying on into the 2nd century...
Christoph Rummel
Quote:what 2nd cent. diploma is the Cohors Classica mentioned in? what a drag, to have one of those carrying on into the 2nd century...

Never answered. Sloppiness!
- RMD-01, 00039 = AE 1962, 00264 = IDR-01, 00013 is Hadrianic (121/2), from Dacia and mentions I Classica Gallica Capitalis(!!!)
- RMD-04, 00239 = AE 1997, 01314 is Hadrianic (128/9) from Germania Inferior and mentions I Classica.
IIRC there was one from 154 too, but I haven't got them handy.

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine

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