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System of the montefortino in Spain
The helmets of type Montefortino found in Spain, they have a few so big diameters, which have made think to the experts that these had to have in his interior some type of covering that was diminishing such a diameter.
The find inside some specimen of montefortino of remains of wood and leather, makes think about a lining of this material covered with leather (I personally believe that it had to of treating itself about cork of oak) is it known slightly similar in the finds of montefortinos out of Spain? Some another theory?
Also there were found specimens that were containing remains of straps (even with the measures of the same ones) of leather decorated with buttons of bronze and that were closing with a buckle in the shape of "D", none of (55) specimens found in the Iberian peninsula, they have been recovered by the cheeks pieces is some find known out of Spain by remains of straps of leather?

Los yelmos de tipo Montefortino hallados en la península Ibérica, tienen unos diámetros tan grandes, que han hecho pensar a los expertos que estos tuvieron que tener en su interior algún tipo de recubrimiento que disminuyera tal diámetro.
El hallazgo en el interior de algún ejemplar de montefortino de restos de madera y piel curtida, hace pensar en un forro de este material recubierto de cuero (yo personalmente creo que debió de tratarse de corcho de encina) ¿se conoce algo similar en los hallazgos de montefortinos fuera de la península ibérica? ¿Alguna otra teoría?
También fueron hallados ejemplares que contenían restos de correas (incluso con las medidas de las mismas) de cuero decoradas con botones de bronce y que cerraban con una hebilla en forma de “Dâ€
Moncada Martín, Gabriel / MARCII ULPI MESSALA
This one is the helmet found with the remains of the strap. The measures of this one are: 1 ' 4cm of width x 0.25cm of thickness.
It has a Latin inscription in the neekguard who says: N.PAQVI. This one dated between middle of the century III-I B.C..

Este es el yelmo hallado con los restos de la correa. Las medidas de esta son: 1'4cm de ancho x 0.25cm de grosor.
tiene una inscripción latina en el neekguard que dice: N.PAQVI. Esta fechado entre mediados del siglo III-I antes de cristo.

[img][Image: montefortinopagodegorrita.jpg][/img]
Moncada Martín, Gabriel / MARCII ULPI MESSALA

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