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Romans at the Elf Fantasy Fair 2007

according to the website of the Elf Fantasy Fair (, there will be a LARP-style battle between Romans and Cathaginians.

My question: according to their website, the organisation is also talking to some Re-enactment groups. Does anybody knows which groups? (just curious)
Jeroen Pelgrom
Rules for Posting

I would rather have fire storms of atmospheres than this cruel descent from a thousand years of dreams.
Well I know that highly likely the Gemina will not be there... since they dont do such things in general.... so what other groups there will be i dont know...

as re-enactor i would love to go on the prowl there and have myself a nice real! fight with these new age retards!!!!!!!!!! I am getting very very angry now!!!

what these morons instigate should be forbidden, and no serious re-enactment group should attend!


from their site:
lfie Battle 2007; what is it about?

Elfië Battle
The Roman Arena
In a crowded Roman Arena a balding speaker gets up next to the consul from Elfie:
"People of Elfië! Long ago the tough soldiers of the one-eyed Hannibal fought on the barren plain from the North African Zama against the good organized Roman army of Scipio. This monstrous battle we will do again today! I present you our heroic protector Scipio of Rome …. and the barbarian and cruel Hannibal of Carthage!" Under cheering and boo’s, the both armies enter the Roman Arena. 400 men standing close together, waiting for the signal to attack. A few seconds it is quiet. The men and women of both armies trained for days. They marched together, eaten together. They would die for each other. But now the hour of the truth has come. The crowd not only want bread but also games. Suddenly they hear the sound of a trumpet through the arena. With enormous noise the armies run to each other; shields clash against each other, arrows shoot through the air.

What is it?
You can join with the Elf Battle, as a Roman or as a Carthager. For all clarity: by the fight is fought with so-called LARP-weapons. LARP stands for Live Action Role-Play: a particular form of theatre. The weapons that we’re using have a soft foam layer, so that there will be no wounds. But be cautious, it is supposed to be a good staged battle.

This year we have something new: We have special groups for the youth. There’ll be 2 groups of 50 persons in the age of 12-14 by the Romans and by the Carthagers. So in 1 group, Romans or Carthagers, there are 150 persons who are older than 15, and 50 persons who are 12-14 years old.

If you register yourself for one of the armies, you’ll be expected Friday morning 20th of April in Kasteel De Haar in Haarzuilens. Don’t forget to take a tent with you, or arrange a place to sleep with somebody. This Friday you’ll get your weapons and your clothing. After everybody has changed, the weapon training will begin. When there is no training or battle you can look around at the Elf Fantasy Fair. In the evening you can eat with the other fighters, we have arranged a barbecue. Saturday morning is the general repetition and after this repetition everyone can visit the Elf Fantasy Fair. In the afternoon, all participants march to the Arena. Saturday evening there is a barbecue. Sunday we’ll fight again, but first in the morning we’ll have weapon training.
All participants may stay on the grounds of castle Haarzuilens, but remember the park is a nature monument.
What is the price?
You have to pay when you register yourself. Parents of participants under 18 years, have to sign in for their children. There’s a maximum of 200 places at both sides. You can register till 31 March 2007. Till 31 January the price is 179 Euros. After 31 January it costs 199 Euros.

You can join the battle if you are 12 years old. We have 2 separate divisions with children in the group of 12-14 years old. These divisions get extra accompaniment. When you are 15 or older you fight in the original divisions. Participants from 12-17 years old must ask one of the parents or a guardian to fill in the form.

If youhave any further questions, please contact us -if the questions are about the elf battle- through

This will become a menace, and accident prone event if you read carefully, even when they will use foam weapons.........

I say... all serious Roman Re-enactors unite and lay siege onto the fair!!!!
Bushido wa watashi no shuukyou de gozaru.

Katte Kabuto no O wo shimeyo!

i participated in the battle of 2006 which was a very nice one and much better handled.
Main difference then: a large part were experienced LARP-ers, backed up by members of Medieval Swordmanship trainees (including me). Our instructor had the final saying in the entire battle and kicked several LARP-ers who handled dangerous out of it.

This year, we are not invited.... Our instructor has serious doubts over this one, basicly the same you pointed out (kids of 12-14 years old???) and refused to take any part of it.

The people in this battle will have almost no experience with these kind of this, really unbelievable.

Side note, they actually wanted a real elefant wandering around the battlefield!
Jeroen Pelgrom
Rules for Posting

I would rather have fire storms of atmospheres than this cruel descent from a thousand years of dreams.

Actually i think that a front of re-enactors and larp members should make a stand against this but unfortunately i have received word that the LPLG cannot help out in this matter.

Bushido wa watashi no shuukyou de gozaru.

Katte Kabuto no O wo shimeyo!

have you also seen the uniforms:

What do you get?

Jeroen Pelgrom
Rules for Posting

I would rather have fire storms of atmospheres than this cruel descent from a thousand years of dreams.
I am trying to get people to complain with the authorities, however a one man battle has little chance.......

i can only warn them and urge them to reconsider....

Bushido wa watashi no shuukyou de gozaru.

Katte Kabuto no O wo shimeyo!

Quote:This year, we are not invited.... Our instructor has serious doubts over this one, basicly the same you pointed out (kids of 12-14 years old???) and refused to take any part of it.

Well, I know a boy of 13 who can outfight most of you... Big Grin

But you are right, a responcible organiser should only invite people with experience. It seems now that these weapons are 'safe'!
The event seems right out of Gladiator, the blurb was downright awful. :evil:

I participated in a blunt steel fight back in 2002 with Elffantasy (that was very well organsied, even though I almost got trampled by the cavalry!) and I was invited this year, but I declined months ago, not even knowing they cooked up this shite!
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
It seems now that these weapons are 'safe'!

WRONG!!! they are not safe. especially not agains children whose bone structure is different from that of an adult. also trampling, getting beaten by a shield and various other things can and will go wrong.

i personally expect the worst!

Bushido wa watashi no shuukyou de gozaru.

Katte Kabuto no O wo shimeyo!

OMG........ Confusedhock: Confusedhock: :x evil: :evil:
Quote:It seems now that these weapons are 'safe'!
WRONG!!! .

I agree. I meant to write 'they make it look as if these weapons are safe'. With the stress on 'weapons', which is what they are, not toys as some think.

Don't kill me Henk-Jan. Big Grin
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
To me, it sounds like a way of making a huge profit..or maybe the cost is to dissuade parents from enrolling their children...
I have no doubt everybody has to sign a disclaimer, agreeing not to sue if injured...! I supposed the parents responsible for keeping an eye on their children...?
They wanted an elephant on the field...with young people around Confusedhock: ...avoiding the cavalry is bad enough for experienced adults......Confusedhock: Confusedhock:
This is the sort of event that will also backlash on more responsible organisers if things go wrong...
:evil: :evil:
The Hoplite Association
The enemy is less likely to get wind of an advance of cavalry, if the orders for march were passed from mouth to mouth rather than announced by voice of herald, or public notice. Xenophon
we as a group (Zwaard & Steen) also expressed our concerns but the organisation said it knows what it is doing... :roll:
Jeroen Pelgrom
Rules for Posting

I would rather have fire storms of atmospheres than this cruel descent from a thousand years of dreams.

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