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Were the Germans physically superior?
In the contrary. The Roman soldiers were genetic freaks. Looking at paintings of the times you will see a sinewy type musculature that is very rare today. Not like an athlete of today but a specimen of a huge amount of conditioning. However, whoever the original Romans were they were definitely physically superior to the Germans and others. They usually were outnumbered in battle and prevailed with physical force.
Their weaponry including the vaunted gladiolus was over rated. Short sword because it was cheaper to make.Some 'experts' say it suited their formations. The Greeks,Macedonians formations did not utilize this. The Romans succeeded using brute force and usually getting surrounded quite easily. Leaders such as Caesar just mesmerized and brain washed his men to fight to the death. It worked.
His accounts of the Germans and Caesar is known to be accurate in such things were that they were weak and scrawny. Looking at their battles you can see that the Germans were usually easily destroyed in spite of outnumbering the Romans.
Unfortunate that German historians painted incorrect pictures of history and over blown the Tuetoberg Forrest battle. That was one battle, After this the Germans were humiliated time and time again. This is reality.
Now the later Roman Army was made up of mostly Germanic.Celtic and others. The Original Romans were no more because they assimilated themselves into oblivion.
Another fact: Italians are not Romans anymore than Britons are. There are some genetics involved but no more than anywhere else in Europe. In fact the ancient Romans had great musculature but with facial features that were not very attractive at all.. Modern day Italians do not look anything like them thankfully so.
Another fact: Ancient Hebrews killed more Roman soldiers and civilians than any other group.
For some reason this fact was swept under by German historians, who were the main writers of the Roman history books that we have known.

Messages In This Thread
Re: - by MeinPanzer - 03-27-2010, 10:37 PM
Re: Re: - by Tarbicus - 03-30-2010, 10:03 AM
Re: - by Alanus - 04-01-2010, 04:52 AM
Re: - by SigniferOne - 05-06-2010, 05:51 AM
Re: Were the Germans physically superior? - by Abe - 12-25-2012, 04:59 AM

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