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I made some webpages - well, forty webpages, actually - about ancient Tyre. And to be honest: I wish I could always write like this, with lots of sources and many photos. I am not angling for compliments, but if you spot a writing error, just let me know.
Jona Lendering
Relevance is the enemy of history
My website
Your site is anyway great, but what do you mean with 40 pages?

Personally, I would introduce the reader to the subject by pointing out the unique topography of Tyre to which the city owed its power and historical role: it had not one, but two of the few natural harbors in the entire Levante (=Syrian-Palestinian coast), and it was built on the only natural island along the entire coast which was close enough to land to be easily supplied from its hinterland, but yet far enough to be able to be defended by sea power.
Stefan (Literary references to the discussed topics are always appreciated.)
Quote:Your site is anyway great, but what do you mean with 40 pages?
Three pages with Tyre's history, nineteen with photos and eighteen sources.

Quote:Personally, I would introduce the reader to the subject by pointing out the unique topography of Tyre.
You are right. I changed the introduction. Thanks.
Jona Lendering
Relevance is the enemy of history
My website
Thanks for adding this long article. I would be interested to hear the evidence that that the reason that Tyre refused Alexander's request to enter the city was that the king was away. I'd also be interested in any scholarship on the interlude of the judges in the time of Cyrus the Great (perhaps in Muhlberger and Paine?) The photos are very interesting.

I see a few typos and unusual expressions. The first page has a definite article where a possessive pronoun would be idiomatic: "The Jewish author Flavius Josephus already understood the problem: although he loved the Bible, he realized that non-Jews might reasonably ask questions about the reliability." (English would prefer "its reliability"; my Attike and Deutsch have reminded me how tricky the rules around when to use a definite article and when to use a pronoun or no word can be).

The second page has "oak woord" (wood), "to intervene in the Social War between Athens and it allies" and "bUt he was still in the Aegean."

The third page has "the relations between Jews and Tyrians could make a turn for the worse." (The usual phrase is "take a turn for the worse")
Nullis in verba

I have not checked this forum frequently since 2013, but I hope that these old posts have some value. I now have a blog on books, swords, and the curious things humans do with them.
Thanks Sean; text improved!
Jona Lendering
Relevance is the enemy of history
My website
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