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Sodom and Gomorrah found. Again.
Yes! That's right! Sodom and Gomorrah found yet again!

Frankly, I thought it had been located in Wasington DC.... or possibly San Francisco, but what do I know...

Quote:I thought it had been located in Wasington DC.... or possibly San Francisco
No no no. It's Amsterdam. It must have been a quarter of a century ago that an American Senator called my city "the Sodom and Gomorrah of the twentieth century" (so, Amsterdam is both Sodom and Gomorrah). It must be somewhere in the acts of the Senate, so it's official.Wink

On topic again, the odd thing is that they're looking for Sodom and Gomorrah at the bottom of the Dead Sea. The Bible explicitly states that the remains were to be seen on the land (more).
Jona Lendering
Relevance is the enemy of history
My website
Ah! But what may have been on land thousands of years ago may be under water today....

I live on an island, and 2/3 of a fort that was built in 1811 are already underwater here 200 years later.
Gaius Opius Fugi (Adam Cripps)
Moderator, Roman Army Talkv2
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[quote][quote="Gaius Decius Aquilius" post=285779]I thought it had been located in Wasington DC.... or possibly San Francisco[/quote]
No no no. It's Amsterdam. It must have been a quarter of a century ago that an American Senator called my city "the Sodom and Gomorrah of the twentieth century" (so, Amsterdam is both Sodom and Gomorrah)."=quote]

No. No, Joha you dont understand. Sodom and Gomorrah would represent evil in all of it's manifestations. That means if a Senator from DC who could very well be a representative of the real Sodom and Gomorrah would naturally try to make a false accusation, to another part of the world as part of the evil plan. From the pictures I have seen, the Mid-East location seems wrong anyway. Too dusty and in such an out of the way place. How do you draw customers to anything located next to something know as the "Dead Sea". Very bad PR group. That would attract only limited and strange clientel. The real Sodom and Gomorra would have much more glitz. Trust me on this. I have been an archaeologist. I understand these things.

And yet --- In 1945 Bugsy Siegel stepped off a train in a hot, dusty little Nevada desert town in the middle of nowhere and thought, "This is the place. This is where I'm going to build the new Sodom or, if you prefer, Gomorrah." He looked up at the station sign. It said "Las Vegas." He thought "Soon the whole world will hear the name of Las Vegas and think only of glitz and debauchery." Nothing is impossible for a true visionary.
Yeah, I was going to say "Its Las Vegas!". Amsterdam might be a close second. Maybe its worse, I have never been there.Confusedhock:

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