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Archeoflug website (D)
...while trying to verify what my friend Michael told me about new excavation at Ludwigshafen-Rheingönnheim and trying to provide him with further informations, I ran into this website :
As I already mentioned : "pictures speak louder than ....." I'd recommend visiting this website even for forum members that don't understand german.
BTW: there's alot of information on Rheingönnheim.
The menu to the left of the website translates roughly:
Starseite = Home
Wir über uns = Who we are
Aktuell = News
Luftbildarcheologie = Aerial Pictures' Archeology
Luftbildarchiv = Aerial Pictures' Archive
Prospektionsmethoden = Methods of Prospection
Prospektionsarbeit = Prospection (Works)
Bilddokumentaionen = Pictured Documentaries
Rekonstruktionen = Reconstructions
Epochen = Epochs/Aeras
Equipment = ?? :wink:
Fotogalerie = Galeries
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit = Public Relations
Links = Ahhhh, ??
Gästebuch = Gustbook
Kontakt = Contact
Impressum = Who's Responsible

Who said that German was difficult :mrgreen:

Enjoy yourselves


Siggi K.

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