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Swastika on roman army shields/gear
I think its pretty pointless to avoid swastikas on reenactment gear, if it had otherwise been historically appropriate for a given impression. That doesn't mean one should thoughtless strive for it, but I can hardly imagine and definitly don't know anybody in my acquaintance, who would seriously believe were was a Nazi-connection to reenactment gear, that is obviously 2000 years "out of fashion" . ... AFAIK for educational reason its use is allowed - even here. I can't even understand the argument, that people would feel bad, just for seeing it. As if nobody here would know what a swastika looks like. Every year hundreds of war movies and documentaries show you.
It would farther be a good opportunity to claim back a symbol and - more important - its power from people who misused it. If one day people will have forgotten what's happened, the cause is surely not some reenactors who decided to display swastika.
[size=85:2j3qgc52]- Carsten -[/size]

Messages In This Thread
Swastika on roman army shields/gear - by Decius - 04-19-2008, 11:20 AM
Re: Swastika on roman army shields/gear - by DanM - 04-21-2008, 12:25 AM
Re: Swastika on roman army shields/gear - by Gaius Decius Aquilius - 04-22-2008, 04:23 AM
Re: Swastika on roman army shields/gear - by DanM - 04-23-2008, 02:09 AM
Re: Swastika on roman army shields/gear - by Tiberius Clodius Corvinus - 06-05-2008, 07:33 PM
Re: Swastika on roman army shields/gear - by Gaius Decius Aquilius - 06-09-2008, 07:30 PM
Re: Swastika on roman army shields/gear - by Gaius Decius Aquilius - 06-09-2008, 10:50 PM

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