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Trajanic Diploma for Moesia Inferior dated 13.Mai.105?

I have found an image of another previously unknown diploma from .

This diploma is the second of a pair issued on 13.Mai.105 for Moesia Inferior each with different unit constitutions. The first one was CIL 16, 0050. Together, these two diplomas possibly contain the entire garrison of Moesia inferior for the year 105 ie. 6 ala and 14 cohors.

This is my reading of the outer face of Tablet 1.

01. Imp(erator) Caesar divi Nervae f(ilius) Nerva Traia
02. nus Augusti Germanicus Dacicus
03. pontifex maximus tribunic(ia) potes
04. tat(e) VIIII Imp(erator) IIII co(n)s(ul) V p(ater) p(atriae)
05. equitibus et peditibus qui militant in alis
06. tribus (et) cohortibus septem quae appel
07. antur I Flavia Gaetulorum et I Astu
08. rum et II Hispanorum et Arvacorum et
09. I Lepidiana c(ivium) R(omanorum) et I Bracaraugustanorum
10. et I Sugambrorum tironum et II Mattia
11. corum et II Chalcidenorum et II Flavia
12. Brittonum et Ubiorum et sunt in Moe
13. sia Inferiore sub A(ulo) Caecilio Faustino
14. qui quina et vicena plurave stipendia
15. meruerunt item dimissis honesta
16. missione quorum nomina subscripta
17. sunt ipsis liberis posterisque eorum
18. civitatem dedit et conubium cum
19. uxoribus quas tunc habuissent cum
20. civitas iis data aut siqui caelibes es
21. sent cum iis quas postea duxissent dum
22. taxat singuli singulas A(nte) D(iem) III idus Mai(as)
23. C(aio) Iulio Basso Cn(aeo) Afranio Dextro co(n)s(ulibus)
24. Alae II Hispanorum et Arvacorum cui
25. prae(e)st ? Fabius ? f(ilius) ? ?
26. gregali
27. Atrecto Capitonis f(ilius) Nemet
28. discriptum et recognitum ex tabla
29. aenea quae fixa est Romae in muro
30. post templum divi Aug(usti) ad Minervam

Apart from line 25, I've managed to read most of the diploma. If anyone can help out with this I would be most obliged.

There was only one tablet, so no witnesses this time.

I wonder if the decision to issue two diplomas on the same day, each with different unit constitutions, is regional or legionary or both?

Below is the other Diploma of the pair.

Belegstelle: CIL 16, 00050 = CIL 03, p 0865 (p 1972)
Provinz: ? Ort: ?
[I]mp(erator) Caesar divi Nervae f(ilius) Nerva Traianus / Augustus Germanicus Dacicus pontifex / maximus trib[u]nic(ia) potestat(e) VIIII imp(erator) / IIII co(n)s(ul) V p(ater) p(atriae) / equitibus et peditibus qui militant in alis tribus et cohortibus septem quae ap/pellantur I Claudia Gallorum et I Vespa/siana Dardanorum et Gallorum Flavia/na et I Flavia Commagenorum et I Lusi/tanorum Cyrenaica et II Lucensium et / II Flavia Bessorum et sunt in Moesia in/feriore sub A(ulo) Caecilio Faustino qui quina / et vicena plurave stipendia meruerunt / item dimissis honesta missione quo/rum nomina subscripta sunt ipsis / liberis posterisque eorum civita//tem dedit et conubium cum uxoribus / quas tunc habuissent cum est civi/tas iis data aut siqui caelibes essent / cum iis quas postea duxissent dumta/xat singuli singulas / a(nte) d(iem) III Idus Mai(as) / C(aio) Iulio Basso Cn(aeo) Afranio Dextro co(n)s(ulibus) / cohort(is) III Gallorum cui praefuit / P(ublius) Valerius Sabinus / pediti / Ambireno Iuvenci f(ilio) Rauri<c=P>(o) // Imp(erator) Caesar divi Nervae f(ilius) Nerva Traianus / Augustus Germanicus Dacicus pontifex / maximus tribunic(ia) potestat(e) VIIII imp(erator) / IIII co(n)s(ul) V p(ater) p(atriae) / equitibus et peditibus qui militant in a/lis tribus et cohortibus septem quae appe(l)/lantur I Claudia Gallorum et I Vespasia/na Dardanorum et Gallorum Flaviana / et I Flavia Commagenorum et I Lusitano/rum Cyrenaica et II Lucensium et II Flavia / Bessorum et II et III et IIII Gallorum et sunt / in Moesia inferiore sub A(ulo) Caecilio Fausti/no q[u]i quina et vicena plurave stipen/dia meruerunt / item dimissis honesta mis/sione et classicis quorum nomina sub/scripta sunt ipsis liberis posterisque eo/rum civitatem dedit et conubiu<m=N> cum u/xoribus quas tunc habuissent cum est ci/vitas iis data aut siqui caelibes essent / cum iis quas postea duxissent dumtaxat / singuli singulas a(nte) d(iem) III Idus Mai(as) / C(aio) Iulio Basso Cn(aeo) Afranio Dextro co(n)s(ulibus) / cohort(is) III Gallorum cui praefuit / P(ublius) Valerius Sabinus / pediti / Ambireno Iuvenci f(ilio) Rauric(o) / descriptum et recognitum ex tabula / aenea quae fixa est Romae in muro / post templum divi Aug(usti) ad Minervam // Ti(beri) Iuli Urbani / Q(uinti) Pompei Homeri / P(ubli) Cauli Restituti / P(ubli) Atini Amerimni / M(arci) Iuli Clementis / Ti(beri) Iuli Euphemi / P(ubli) Cauli Vitalis


M. Spedius Corbulo
[Image: spedius-mcmxliii.gif]
~~~~~~Jim Poulton~~~~~~
North London Wargames Group
Hi Jim,

Looks to me like it reads;

25. prae(e)st L.Fabius L. f(ilius) ?AL FASMIVS (or possibly FASVIVS)

Quote:Hi Jim,
Looks to me like it reads;
25. prae(e)st L.Fabius L. f(ilius) ?AL FASMIVS (or possibly FASVIVS)

Ave Peroni (Adrian)

It's good to hear from you again, I trust you are well?

Thank you for taking the time and trouble to check out that picture for me. Were you able to enhance it all? I managed to read most of it by a direct comparison with it's twin CIL 16, 0050. The only difference being the recipient's details. Your reading of line 25 looks pretty accurate.

Have you heard the good news? Jasper has received an e-mail from Paul Holder telling him that RMD V has gone to the publishers. It will contain 154 diplomas up to the end of 2003 and should be available later this year. RMD VI's future is uncertain though. I sincerely hope that Paul is able to keep his publisher on board.

Have you any other publications that you think I should consider adding to my collection?


M. Spedius Corbulo
[Image: spedius-mcmxliii.gif]
~~~~~~Jim Poulton~~~~~~
North London Wargames Group

Yes, I enhanced the picture as best I could and adjusted contrasts etc (even tried it in 'negative') and that's all I could make out.

I'm really looking forward to RMD V, Later this year you say?

However I'm certain there are still a great number of diplomata out there in private collections, that we may never see.

Yes, I enhanced the picture as best I could and adjusted contrasts etc (even tried it in 'negative') and that's all I could make out.
I'm really looking forward to RMD V, Later this year you say?
However I'm certain there are still a great number of diplomata out there in private collections, that we may never see.

Ave Peroni

Thank you for your message.

Just out of curiosity, what graphics programme did you use?

I too am looking forward to RMD V. Yes, as far as I know, it should be available later on this year.

Have you got, seen or read Barbara Pferdehirt's three books on diplomas? I'm told that they're very good and are alleged to contain many diplomas not in the RMD series? Have you seen any reviews, in English, on them? The unreadable pair of images of a diploma from Cilicia on Andreas Pangerl's website come from her, or so I believe? It would be quite a feat if someone could read them, I've tried but couldn't. As far as I know, this diploma is the first one for that province, so it's even more important than usual.

Andreas Pangerl assures us that he has many scans of diplomas that have yet to be published. So, in the fullness of time, we may yet see many more published. He seems unconcerned by the number of diplomas in private collections.


M. Spedius Corbulo
[Image: spedius-mcmxliii.gif]
~~~~~~Jim Poulton~~~~~~
North London Wargames Group

The program I used was MS Picture manager, nothing more exciting!

The only other diploma related book I have is entitled "Das Militar Diplom"

Something I picked up whilst at Kalkriese last year. I don't have any of the Barbara Pferdehirt books i'm afraid, but I shall look out for copies from now on!

The program I used was MS Picture manager, nothing more exciting!
The only other diploma related book I have is entitled "Das Militar Diplom"
Something I picked up whilst at Kalkriese last year. I don't have any of the Barbara Pferdehirt books i'm afraid, but I shall look out for copies from now on!

Ave Peroni (aka Adrian)

Is MS Picture manager any good, where would I find it?

Yes, I too have "Das Militardiplom" by Nicole Lambert and Jorg Scheuerbrandt. Excellent little book, all in German, what a great introduction to diplomas it could be if only it were in English?

Regarding the Barbara Pferdehirt books, check out the new topic in the References and Reviews section of the Forum.


M. Spedius Corbulo
[Image: spedius-mcmxliii.gif]
~~~~~~Jim Poulton~~~~~~
North London Wargames Group
Dear friends,

nice to see this interest in military diplomas on RAT.

As webmaster of let me reassure you that all those diploma fragments posted on are already published or in the process of being published by us or colleagues. Most reside in major museums, but many also in private collections.

The currently available secondary literature like CIL XVI and CIL XVI Supplement cover up up to the 1950s, and Margaret Roxan's Roman Military Diploma series since then cover all publications up to 2000s (the new volume V Paul Holder is working on). There are in addition however many many publications not yet in secondary literature: either published after the cutoff date or in still preparation for the many various journals like Chiron, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, etc, etc.

Seeing a diploma ie on but not finding it in CIL or RMD does thus not mean it is unknown. By the nature of secondary publications they are several years , if not decades behind.

This makes a tremendous difference as the flood of new diplomas coming to light these days is enormous (even though slowing down recently). If you are in doubt you may always contact me directly to check in my personal data base of all diplomas. The total number approaches some 1000 these days.

I look forward to further interested exchange,
Andreas Pangerl
Regarding the above mentioned Cilicia diploma, it is now part of the collection of the RGZM Mainz (some 70 diplomas, many complete), recently published by Barbara Pferdehirt in her full catalogue of the RGZM collection. Certainly a recommendable two books (it has two volumes and is available through thre RGZM in Mainz).
My images do not come from the RGZM though.

And re being unconcerned about diplomas in private collections: As long as the private collector cooperates and makes them available for scientific research I am unconcerned (no comment made to the field of illegal excavations and treasure hunts, a completely different topic). But I am also concerned that many may hide them and thus we don't learn about them. Of course even these narrow minded collectors pass away some day and hopefully their families will sell them - if only for greed- and this means a new opportunity to come to the light of day with every new collector generation.


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