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i am the founding father of a project to produce at the end a civilisation called " The crimson cloth"<br>
If any body is interested please let me know.<br>
The founding father goes by the name of "Silvus Thundoran" he started of this clan of people which widely grow into a huge empire but i need people who are willing to help me try and build on this and help designing:<br>
battle gear<br>
buildings e.g. homes, smiths, town hall type buildings the leaders shrine / temple , buildings of great importance.<br>
the peole in general are they passive of are they war like people<br>
This is a major project for me treat it seriously if you would liek any more information i have started a basic history of the begining of the clan. I would like it very much if anyone out there could or would like to help me, and help your selves by making history itself designed into this clan if enough detail can be used and through actual terrains and creatures from real countries may it be comitted to history as an actual country and as a waring faction through out time to go down with the greats such as:<br>
chinese (master stratergist sun tzu and zhuge liang) they led battle of greatness in acient china<br>
japanese (samurai and ronin)<br>
the romans<br>
the celts<br>
the spanish<br>
the vikings<br>
the mongols<br>
the tudors<br>
the aztecs<br>
the carthoginians (sorry spelling may not be correct)<br>
the gauls<br>
the egyptians<br>
many more besides thankyou for reading<br>
CONTACT ADRESS: [email protected] <br>
How about a civilisation based entirely in animated emoticons? <p>Tim O'Neill / Thiudareiks Flavius<br>
Visit 'Clades Variana' - Home of the Varus Film Project<br>
Help create the film of Publius Quinctilius Varus' lost legions.<br>
Come to my [url=" target="top]Stathigg[/url] in [url=" target="top]Germania[/url] at the [url=" target="top]Ancient Worlds[/url] community.</p><i></i>
Tim ONeill / Thiudareiks Flavius /Thiudareiks Gunthigg

HISTORY FOR ATHEISTS - New Atheists Getting History Wrong

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