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Roman Zombies
of course one would be remiss not to mention my own fabulous 28mm Roman Undead Zombies- as seen at and sold through both historifigs and scalecreepminitures.

It was a weak moment, but I did at least follow through and make the buggers.
Jon Gawne
Stupendous Guy
I like them Big Grin Ancient Zombies would make an interesting change from the Mulleted shotgun guy getting to the Heli pad Zombies Games that I seem to play a lot of. Mind what is the ideal ancient anti zombie weapon? Having taken careful note from Max Brooks Zombie survival guide I know that a scoped up hunting rifle is the number 1 anti Zombie weapon but in Rome a long spear jumps to mind, but still. Good job I want some undead Romans now, and I'm interested in the Weird war 1 thing.
AKA James McKeand
hilarious, I like them :!:
Are they based on Ad Signa after a night of heavy drinking.... :roll: :lol: :lol:
Legio II Hangoverus Draugrius
The Hoplite Association
The enemy is less likely to get wind of an advance of cavalry, if the orders for march were passed from mouth to mouth rather than announced by voice of herald, or public notice. Xenophon
They actually were well thought of on miniature boards initially, but few bought them.

They were inspired by my own historical research into how outbreaks of "zombieitus" though history have shaped our modern world. In the Rman age we are now learing that the loss of Varus' legions was due to a zombie attack, that Hadrians wall was to prevent the spread of the Scottish Zombies, and some other stuff I have yet to publish based up amazing Roman documents that only I have access to and I refuse to share as "the man" will steal them from me if he finds out hwere I have hidden them! Oh, and of course the great "games" of hunting zombies and throwing christians to the zombies.

But they did stir up a Asian sculptor to make ancient chinese terra cotta army zombies. He has told me some time soon he will post a battle report of ancient romand Zs vs. Ancient Chinese Z's.

Did you know that on Hadrian's wall the guards used to have a contest of who could spike the eye of a Zombie with their pilum?

My whole minature making empire kind of broke down when my wife got even more ill than she was and not that many people seemed to get it. One fellow did buy some and they get stuck in the middle of his large 25mm Roman Army awaiting his opponent's discovery.

Some people just can't take a joke!
Jon Gawne
Stupendous Guy

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