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I have to rank this DVD among the worst Roman films ever made - I'm relieved I didn't buy it first :roll: . I was shocked since the prequel ("Augustus" w/ Peter O'Toole) was as fairly decent as they come.

I've never seen a more ahistorical film on Rome or an emperor's life than "Nero" :

* Caligula somehow finds time to rule for an extra 6 years
* The Romans are already in Britain during Caligula's reign
* Claudius' reign is shortened
* Nero already reaches 17 years of age when Caligula dies :!:
* Nero has a ficticious love interest in a slave woman he's known since his mother's exile (and she's Christian)
* Not a streak of malevolence is depicted in his inner character, his notorious misdeeds seem to be attributed to a sort of nervous breakdown.
* None of his alleged degeneracy is even hinted at
* St. Paul is never far from the action
* Oh yeah, and to top it off : as Nero dies he asks for forgiveness :!: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I could go on, but I think you already get a flavor :roll: .

The best things about this movie are the sets which were previously used in "Augustus" and maybe some of the costumes. No battle scenes.

I think/hope the next one -"Titus"- will be better and more battle oriented.
Then we have "Hadrian", "Marcus Aurelius", "Constantine", and "Justinian" to look forward to. Let's wait and see if the (leather) armor evolves with the passing centuries :wink:
Sad to hear this, I actually liked "Augustus" quite a bit, though O'Toole and Charlotte Rampling made a great imperial couple. Oh well.
Quote:Sad to hear this, I actually liked "Augustus" quite a bit

I did too, Niedel. I wouldn't write off the whole series based on this one dud - "Nero". I'm hoping this is just the one bad episode. :wink:
At least in this movie make you feel sorry for Nero :lol: , he seem to be a Noble man at first, but his traumatic past make him a :twisted: .... :lol:

Yea, no war battle wich is what I like the most in movies :evil:

just blalblalbla!..... shop!.... Crazy!...Crazy!... poison!!...Lyra!... Nero!... blablablabla! :evil:

I prefere the two that I have: Julius Caesar & Sparragus!.... Oh! :oops: I meant Spartacus :wink:
Remarks by Philip on the Athenian Leaders:
Philip said that the Athenians were like the bust of Hermes: all mouth and dick. 
Hi Comerus,

Quote:I prefere the two that I have: Julius Caesar & Sparragus!.... Oh! :oops: I meant Spartacus :wink:

"Julius Caesar" with Jeremy Sisto and Richard Harris ? I really like that one too Big Grin Kirk Douglas or the new one ?
Quote:Which "Spartacus" do you refer to : Kirk Douglas or the new one ?

Hi Theo! Big Grin

The new one with the Slavic actor: Goran Visnjic.... alot of action! :wink:
But the only bad thing is that you gonna see a lot of "Lorica Leathertata"! :lol:

Oh! I like Attila with (Gerald Butler as Attila) & ( Powers Boothe as Aetius) & the first battle agains the Goths :wink: OOPS!...OFFTOPIC as USUAL :oops:
Remarks by Philip on the Athenian Leaders:
Philip said that the Athenians were like the bust of Hermes: all mouth and dick. 
For those

who receive German TV: today at 22:45 German time (Program ZDF) the second part of Nero will be shown (beginning with his grip to power).
Regrettably I failed to refer to the first part, that was shown yesterday. Cry :oops: Sad

Greets - Uwe

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