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Notitia Dignitatum
Ave Civitas,

I am looking at a printed copy of the ND and trying to make sense of the structure of the government.
I decided to create a wire diagram that would show the line of control, the subordinate offices, etc.
Then, after a couple pints I started wondering if maybe someone has already done that.
I have found some conderning the military, but not the civil government.
Does anyone know of a wire diagram that would help understand the command and control and keep me from becoming an alcoholic?
AKA Tom Chelmowski

Historiae Eruditere (if that is proper Latin)
Something like this?


No need to become an alcoholic! Wink
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
(10-04-2020, 02:53 PM)Robert Vermaat Wrote: Something like this?


No need to become an alcoholic! Wink
 That is what I was looking for, but the one I am trying to create is more detailed.  If I posted portions of it, would you be so kind as to take a peek and see if my beer drinkling has befuddled the thinking?
AKA Tom Chelmowski

Historiae Eruditere (if that is proper Latin)
(10-04-2020, 02:53 PM)Robert Vermaat Wrote: Something like this?

I think some of that hierarchy might be wrong. In particular, I don't think the Comes Dispositionem (if that's what they mean) was in charge of the Scrinii, each of which was headed by a Magister. I also suspect that the 'Praefectus Vehiculorum' was a principiate post; under the late empire the agentes in rebus were directly supervised by the Magister Officiorum, which is why they gained the title magistriani.

It is quite confusing, but luckily we have a ruling from the Theodosian Code (C.Th XI. 18 - Feb 15th AD412) which tells us the order of precedence for the ministers of the consistorium, in the two highest grades of the hierarchy:

Vir Illustres

1. Praetorian Prefect
2. Magistri Militum (The masters of the soldiers)
3. Comes Domesticorum (the commander of the household troops)
4. Praepositus sacri cubiculi (Controller of the Sacred Bedchamber)
5. Primicerius sacri cubiculi (Superintendent of the Sacred Bedchamber)
6. Castrensis Sacri Palati (Steward of the sacred palace)
7. Comes sacrae vestis (Companion of the Sacred Vestments)
8. Magister Officiorum (master of offices)
9. Quaestor
10. Comes Sacri Privati / Largitionem (the controllers of the sacred imperial and private treasury)

Vir Spectabiles

11. Primicerius Notariorum (the chief of the imperial secretaries)
12. Comites Consistiorum (the companions of the imperial consistory)
13. Magistrii Scrinii (the masters of the bureaus)
14. Comes archiatrorum (the controller of the chief physicians)
15. Comes Stabuli (controller of the stable)
16. Cura Palatii (the curator of the palace)
17. Comes Dispositionum (the controller of arrangements)
18. Magister admissionum (the master of admissions)
Nathan Ross

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