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Caligae Construction
Hi Bryan

(03-15-2016, 05:19 PM)Bryan Wrote: Which type of shoe is more forgiving for size differences? Caligae, calcei, or perones?

A quick detour on definitions:
Caligae: we can say that we are quite sure what we call caligae now and what they called caligae back then is the same thing. For the 1st and 2nd cent AD that is. For those mentioned in the price edict we don't anymore.
Calcei/perones/etc.: we don't really know what those were exactly. Calcei most likely a closed shoe, but where did it start and where did it end? No idea. In modern archeology Roman multi-pieced, closed (and often nailed) shoes are termed Calcei, if Romans would have called them that in each and every case we don't know. Perones: very evasive,there are theories (e.g. Comacchio find), but no real/final proof to connect finds and ancient terminology/literary sources.

That being said, I'd put my money on caligae :-)
Does one need much training to build a pair of caligae if material and basic tools are provided? Does it require much skill to repair them?
(03-16-2016, 05:12 PM)Bryan Wrote: Does one need much training to build a pair of caligae if material and basic tools are provided?

Yes and no. It depends on how much you want to follow the original techniques and how much you want the result to look like any of the surviving originals. It also depends on how much talent you have building stuff, some people learn lightning fast, others never it seems. At any rate, it certainly takes a couple of pairs until one's able to produce caligae that are reasonable close to the style and techniques the originals show. The best way to learn is to try. And try. Accompanied by research.

(03-16-2016, 05:12 PM)Bryan Wrote: Does it require much skill to repair them?

Not necessarily, looking at original repairs. These are often quite crudely done, so probably either by the owner himself or quickly and cheaply if they were paid for.

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