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Rome: Total War II
Well thank god I didn't pre-order this Smile From all accounts it's pretty much a mess. Too bad.
I'd *love* to offer an opinion on this game, but my pre-ordered copy didn't even ship until Friday. Considering the game had hit the shelves 3 days prior, I can't say that I'm impressed by how low a priority I feel like I was given.
From what I've seen, the game seems very poorly optimized, relying on the computer's CPU for the heavy graphical lifting instead of the GPU. Also, Roman family members seem to be prone to developing the insane trait pretty much right off the bat.
I am willing to place tentative confidence in CA to properly patch this game, but it looks like a crapstorm so far.
Take what you want, and pay for it

-Spanish proverb
Wow, you all are really critical of this game, I really enjoy it. I actually had the week off of work, so inbetween work around my house and Roman projects I was able to put in a decent amount of time getting to play.

As far as the campaign goes, in my first two turns I had secured all of the Italia province and was preparing to invade Scilia by way of Syracuse, lots of battles, and I seemed to be able to break the enemy armies faily easily by using hastati and cavalry, never really got my heavy troops into the fight.

As far as the transport ships making war ships useless, I really disagree. I used my artillary warships to wipe out a Carthginian army at sea with 0 casualties on my side, I blew them to pieces, so I think it's still important to have warships to act as defence as well as escorting troop transports so your army doesn't get sunk.

I really don't understand the hate for this game or the idea of a flop. I think it's a huge step up over the first RTW game with many different facets, such as managing the political side of the game... Remember to always spread rumors about your rivals.

And the mission assignments are both difficult and point driven. The idea is to offer a carrot to the player to expand and not sit bck and play defense and amass a huge army, but to get moving and expand your terrotory.

I also like that you don't have to station armies in cities to act as garrisons. Garrison units are porvided by certain buildings. Freeing up your forces to conquer new lands and put the tribes in their respective places.
Brandon Barnes
Legio VI Vicrix
Quote:I really don't understand the hate for this game or the idea of a flop.
To be honest to have read the reviews and comments so far and although criticism was sometimes harsh I did not encounter 'hate for this game', nor outright reviews that it was 'a flop'.
Having said that I welcome your positive review, which enhances I think the opinions about this game.

Keep in mind people that reviews should be balanced and argued, most of you did fine so far, so let's keep it up!
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
The Guardian gave it two out of five stars:

The developers behind Total War: Rome II clearly have enormous talent; but this game as a whole is a failure of project management. So many elements are polished to a shine and yet at no point do they even threaten to come together. And so Rome II comes to depend purely on its battles and the fumes of nostalgia from a game more than a decade old – an inspiration that, in all honesty, it is not fit to be compared to.

I saw someone on Facebook saying that it should get better with patches. I really hope so. I spent untold hours on the first one and really loved it. At this point, though, I'm not going to buy this one.
David J. Cord
I got this game on release day pre ordered through steam. Enjoyed it initially but found alot of AI problems. Now its been several months later alot of the problems have been fixed. They even added a button just recently where it will keep your men in a properly formed formation instead of ending up broken into a giant free for all. I am absolutely loving it now. Can't wait to see what they do with this game in the future. I'd like to see another documentry like 'decisive battles of the ancient world' using the total war engine to recreate battles as accurately as possible.
David C
I played the first Rome TW to death when it came out. I preferred to play it as a strategic-world-conquering type game and often skipped the tactical battles entirely. From the reviews it seems that the new one can't be played like this. It seems that the only good part of the game is the tactical battles on the 3d maps, which doesn't interest me as much as the rest of the gameplay.
Author: Bronze Age Military Equipment, Pen & Sword Books
all depends. I play it both as just a conqour the world game where you auto resolve but I also do enjoy fighting battles tacticaly on the ground. However when i'm not in the mood to fight and just auto resolve there are times where the auto resolve will make you loose a considerable amount of your troops (2-3 armys vs your one) or it says your garenteed to loose (small garrison force in fortified town vs full army) however some of these battles if you play smart you can win decisively or pull something out of your ass and get a victory when all odds are against you. I often go battle of Thermopylae 300 spartan when severly out numbered by an enemy army with a garrison force. It doesn't always work mind you depending on terrain and enemy forces but if you have a large city with a small garrison or even a small village i've been able to bottle neck the enemy forces where I pull off a heroic victory over a superior force when auto resolve says I have like 0% chance to win lol.
David C
I do it in Rome Total War all the time, the AI is pretty dumb and easy to predict so I end up bottlenecking their whole army on a single road during a siege and hit them repeatedly with a unit of lancers from different angles, and keep them under missile fire. Eventually they all retreat.
It can get harder to do it in total war rome 2. if the map permits it they will try to out flank you and come from behind. Or sit back and hit your lines with ranged until your front line has taken a good beating. All depends on what you let them do and how terrain affects it. if your in a walled city the bottle neck stratagy is flawless once they break through your gate, as long as you can win the fight on the walls.
David C
The game is horribly broken. They said it would be the most brilliant AI ever, it is the most dumbass AI ever in a TW game. Siege AI is just pure utter horror: 'let's use our torches against huge wooden with bronze covered city gates, that will work!' Sad thing, it does indeed work ffs. No siege engines at all. The seasons are gone, so if your generals gain experience they die just a few turns later. The AI starves itself on the campaign map and therefor has stacks with half dead units.

There are NO politics at all, no family tree at all, giving the game 0,0 for depth. It doesnt matter if the senate or people hate/love you. Civil war will start at any random point. Its just taking city's and defeating dumb armies, nothing more. More food buildings causes public disorder? WTF?! People in ancient times would get angry because they get more food?! They had 40% more budget then ever before, spend on what? PR movies in which some ex-soldier explaining how great Romans were. Couldn´t they have spent that money on the actual game?

Fleets are utterly useless. You can just walk your army into the ocean and they suddenly turn intot an entire fleet. Great battles turn into huge mosh pits, looks more like a metal concert than a battle. Can't build roads, and you can only build a max of 6 buildings, even for Rome, Carthage or Alexandria. They have patched some, i agree but the game is still hollow. And then they dare to ask money for a bloody expansion. Seriously? That should have been in the freakin game from the start! And now they have announced a paid DLC for a staggering 15,99 euro's. CA has lost it's mind. People defending this game have either very low standards or no idea how a great game should work for that much money.

Yes i am angry indeed, they can screw up any time period, medieval, 18th century, Shogun era, but why, why ancient times, why did they have to screw this one up?!?!?!?!?!!!

Marc Beermann
Quote:Yes i am angry indeed, they can screw up any time period, medieval, 18th century, Shogun era, but why, why ancient times, why did they have to screw this one up?!?!?!?!?!!!

Because they have already screwed up all other eras.... It was the last one left :evil: :evil: :evil:
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George C. K.
῾Ηρακλῆος γὰρ ἀνικήτου γένος ἐστέ
They addressed and fixed alot of the AI problems over the last month. They still have work to go but they are clearly working very hard at resolving the issue. I believe they launched too early. I had read on a gaming forum back in october that they were pressured by sega (creative assemblys parent company) and forced an earlier release. They just uploaded an episode of rally point on youtube talking about the newest patch just put in last week or the week before addressing the sieging problems and AI will now actually build siege works and will only do the troch throwing thing as a last resort. More patches to come for sure and with each it will get better. If with the strides they've made lately your still not happy wait a few more months.
David C
Because they have already screwed up all other eras.... It was the last one left :evil: :evil: :evil:[/quote]

Hm, Medieval 2 and Shogun 2 were pretty good, and Rome 1 was awesome...
Marc Beermann
Rome 1 and Medieval 2 were amazing.

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