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Romans in China? No--How About Ancient Greeks ...
In the spirit of Halloween, this just will not die ...

Not ancient Romans fighting in China, but ancient Greeks, or so this historian believes.


A recent article is examining the possibility that a contingent of soldiers from the Mediterranean fought at the Battle of Talas River in 36 BC, but instead of being Roman forces, new research suggests they may have been descendants of the armies of Alexander the Great.

Christopher A. Matthew’s proposes this idea in his article, “Greek Hoplite in an Ancient Chinese Siege”, which appears in the latest issue of Journal of Asian History. It re-examines a theory put forward more than 70 years ago by Homer H. Dubs, in which the historian believed that Roman legionaries were serving as mercenaries in a city besieged by Han Chinese nearly 2,000 miles to the east of Roman territory. When the city fell, these men were captured and take east and eventually settled in a town on the fringes to the Han Empire.

Historians have since been debating this possibility, which is based on surviving Chinese accounts of an event that happened in 36 BC. In that year, Ch’en T’ang, a military official in the western frontier provinces of the Han Empire, set out with an army on a 1000-mile journey to the east to confront a Hsiung-nu warlord named Chih-chih. This warlord had founded a city on the Talas River, in what is now Kyrgyzstan, and was threatening the disrupt trade along the lucrative Silk Road. When Ch’en T’ang arrived at the city, the accounts said he observed:

[...] more than a hundred foot-soldiers, who had come to the gate in a “fish-scale” formation, [who] were practicing military drill.

After intense fighting, Chih-chih was killed and beheaded, and the city fell. Chinese accounts state that 145 men were “captured” while more than 1,000 “surrendered” and that these men were taken by Ch’en T’ang back to China, where they were settled in a town named Li-chien, which a generation later was renamed Chieh-lu (which can be translated as “prisoners captured in the taking of the city”).

A major component to Dubs theory was that ‘fish-scale formation’ being used by these troops corresponded to testudo formation used by Roman soldiers. Furthermore, the word Li-chien, which was first used for the town where the defeated soldiers were settled, can mean Rome in Chinese.

Matthew, a lecturer at Australian Catholic University and a leading authority on ancient Greek warfare, believes that the ‘fish-scale formation’ corresponds with how Greek hoplites fought. He writes:

It is only the large aspis carried by the classical Greek hoplite that can be used to create a formation which resembles the overlapping scales of a fish. When standing in a close-order formation of 45 cm per man, a shield with an average diameter of 90 cm (as the aspis possessed) will sufficiently extend to either side of the space that each man occupies, and so effectively overlap with those on either side. When the right edge of the aspis is presented forward and then pulled back on top of the shield carried by the man to the right, this creates a strong, interlocked, shield-wall. The uniform manner in which the shields interlock strongly resembles the overlapping scales of a fish.

Matthew goes on to suggest that the soldiers using Greek hoplite tactics may have been descendants of soldiers that served Alexander the Great as he campaigned in Asia between the years 330 BC and 328 BC. During his campaigns in Asia, Alexander settled several garrisons, which he named Alexandria (as he did with the more famous city in Egypt). Matthew adds, “it is reasonably safe to conclude that the descendants of many of the mercenary garrisons and settlements which Alexander had established in the area would have also continued the Greco-Macedonian style of life, including their methods of warfare.”

The idea that the soldiers of Alexander the Great’s armies remained in Asia is not new. Matthew points to oral traditions among the Kalash, a people living in northern Pakistan. One of their legends state:

Long, long ago, before the days of Islam, Sikander e Aazem came to India. The two horned one whom you British people call Alexander the Great. He conquered the world, and was a very great man, brave and dauntless and generous to his followers. When he left to go back to Greece, some of his men did not wish to go back with him but preferred to stay here. Their leader was a general called Shalakash. With some of his officers and men, he came to these valleys and settled here and took local women, and here they stayed. We, the Kalash [...] are the descendants of their children. Still some of our words are the same as theirs, our music and our dances too; we worship the same gods. This is why we believe the Greeks are our first ancestors.

Another piece of evidence that supports Matthew’s theory is that while the word Li-chien does refer to Rome or Roman, it also can mean Alexandria. The historian concludes:

The true identity of the men in the strange formation before the walls of the city on the Talas River in 36 BC may never be fully established due to the limited source data that is available to researchers. Historians examining this strangely fascinating chapter of history can only deal in probabilities rather than absolutes. With the multiple interpretive possibilities that the name Li-chien could refer to either an “Alexandria” or to “Rome” or to some region of the Roman Empire or merely to some region of the non-Chinese west (which would include the regions of Sogdiana), the origins of these men cannot be ascertained with any certainty and the preference for one location over the other will ultimately come down to a matter of personal interpretation of the sources on this aspect.

“Greek Hoplite in an Ancient Chinese Siege” can be found in Volume 45 Issue 1/2 (2011) of Journal of Asian History, which is published by Harrassowitz Verlag


David Reinke
Burbank CA
Sounds a bit fishy! Confusedilly:

more than a hundred foot-soldiers, who had come to the gate in a “fish-scale” formation...

I don't really get this bit - does anything in the original Chinese text suggest that this was an unusual or 'foreign' formation? If so, why did they have an established term for it?

Matthew adds, “it is reasonably safe to conclude that the descendants... would have also continued the Greco-Macedonian style of life, including their methods of warfare.”

Funny how many historians find it safe to conclude that military culture would be passed down for hundreds of years (300 in this case) within tiny immigrant groups. You hear the same about the Sarmatians in Britain... Is there any actual evidence of this happening, ever? I suppose Sikhs living in the UK still carry little swords, but otherwise...

oral traditions among the Kalash, a people living in northern Pakistan. One of their legends state:

Oh really?! That sounds like Rudyard Kipling - from The Man Who Would be King, perhaps? Wink
Nathan Ross
This seems like the same theory as the Roman POW's from the battle of Carrhae... :whistle:

Undergrad student majoring in Social Studies Education with a specialty in world history.

"conare levissimus videri, hostes enimfortasse instrumentis indigeant"
(Try to look unimportant-the enemy might be low on ammunition).
The grain of truth is that neighbouring Bactria did have a substantial Greek presence for several centuries, the largest east of the Mesopotamia. And this influence seems to have spread further east to East Turkestan/Xinjiang, modern China, if this picture of a "probable Greek soldier" is to be trusted. Instead of varying fringe theories, I feel Mr Matthew's research time would have been better spent on writing up the real, fascinating story of Greek culture in Central Asia.
Stefan (Literary references to the discussed topics are always appreciated.)
I am reading Chris Mathews "Storm of Spears" at the moment. It is a good read. I believe that the more people write on subjects such as this the better. It is not only fun- and plausable- but also food for thought and that is a good thing.
I recall a TV show doing some dna tests to get to the bottom of a local Legend about Roman soldiers, results were negative;

But the dna seemed to back up a Greek residual population withing the Pathans of Pakistan, Alexanders Army?

However Wikipedia is knocking this one on the head too;
It seems to me more likely in 36 BCE they might be Roman rather than Greek. By this time Greece was firmly under Rome's thumb. There was trade between Rome and China, I have seen pictures of elegant Roman glass work found in China, so why not exchange of military expertise as well? Possibly, some soldiers hearing of China and the wealth, might have gone off in search of fame and fortune? Not long ago, I watched a Chinese film the story of which involved a major battle contemporary with ancient Rome. During the course of the battle, soldiers fought in a testudo formation ( and called it a testudo as well)... Is it possible some remnants of the armies of the conspirators who were defeated at Phillipi might have headed east not wishing, for whatever reason, to return to Rome? Just speculation...
Caesar audieritis hoc
I have a problem with his suggestion that these could be Greek because they fought in 'Fish Scale formation'. If these men really were the descendants of Alexander's troops wouldn't they be fighting in a Macedonian pike phalanx block, rather than in a typically classical Greek Hoplite phalanx with interlocking shields?

Tantae molis erat Romanam condere gentem.

What a lot of work it was to found the Roman race.

Virgil, The Aeneid.
That makes sense, descendents of Alexander's men isolated from the mediterranean wolrld not have kept up to date with the latest formations for 300 years. But then, I have trouble with generation after generation keeping in training for 300 years. Given they would likely have originally been males, they would have had to take chinese wives, their children would have been part chinese, and then figure on a generation every 20 years, 15 generations. I doubt by then their descendents in 36 BCE, would be recognisable as other than chinese. Perhaps they might have resisted assimilation for some time, but 300 years is a long time. Also, if, as prisoners of war they were relocated to some farmland and settled, not rearmed for military purposes, had they become farmers, why practice military drill? The Fish Scale formation as pointed out wouldn't have been Macedonian of Alexander's time. The timing is during the Roman period, the formation seems more Roman as well as the Testudo which apparently was used in China. If DNA evidence shows Greek blod, what about the possibility of Greek Auxiliaries? Perhaps fragments of Spartacus's army that broke off and left the empire? More speculation, but many things are possible.
Caesar audieritis hoc

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