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Archery Style of eastern archers in Britannia.
Did they use a thumb or finger draw? Have thumb rings been discovered in archaeological sites? I am looking to start archery in the style of the eastern archers stationed in Britannia, Could you also recommend any literature?
I'm not certain firm evidence for either exists, but a leather thumbstall has been identified at Vindolanda which may suggest the use of the Eastern 'Mongolian' release there. Archers in the Roman military were not exclusively Eastern in origin, but some westerners may have been trained in the eastern release which did not require the use of a bracer.

Some texts that spring to mind are:

Davies, J.L. 1977. ‘Roman arrowheads from Dinorban and the sagittarii of the Roman army.’ Britannia 8:357-50.

Birley, R. 1996. Vindolanda Research Reports New Series. Volume IV. The Small Finds Fascicule 1. The Weapons. Bardon Mill: The Vindolanda Trust.

Coulston, J.C.N. 1985. ‘Roman archery equipment.’ In M.C. Bishop (ed) The Production and Distribution of Roman Military Equipment: Proceedings of the Second Roman Military Equipment Research Seminar. BAR International Series 275

I'd be interested to see what others have to say.
Thank you! They all look very interesting.
Thumb draw was the dominant style in the byzantine era, but they got that from the eastern nomads (which could have been before the western collapse too).
Mark - Legio Leonum Valentiniani

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