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25 Mile Hike In Full Kit!
Avete, all! The West Coast Romans will be having a 25-mile hike in full kit on August 15-16. It's being organized by Robert Garbische (aka, Centurio Marcus) of Legio X Fretensis, who's not on RAT (hence, my heraldism). 25 miles in full armor, with everything you need for two days on your furca... think you can measure up? If so, drop him an email at [email protected] and he'll ad you to the list . For those somewhat less fit (no offense meant), he allows hiking shoes in lieu of proper footware... to each his own Be advised, it is a 2-day event, 12 miles each day, with full camp set-up, picket duty, etc., at night. He is also offering to pick guys up at the airport (and provide scutum and pila) if you'd rather fly in [due to time constraints]. To all LEGVI and LEGIX soldiers, I would add that Tyranus and I will be renting a car and heading up late Thursday night/early Friday morning, for those who want to join us... we'll also be hitting the west coast's largest WWI/WWII militaria swapmeet in nearby Petaluma afterward, and probably head back to L.A. Monday late afternoon. Below is Marcus' most recent posting with details.<br>
Vireseum et Honorare,<br>
Gaius Darius, LVIVPF<br>
-----Original Message-----<br>
From: Robert w garbisch <[email protected]><br>
Sent: Jul 15, 2004 12:19 PM<br>
To: cc list<br>
Subject: LXF Roman March<br>
This annual LXF Roman March for 2004 is becoming a very special Roman military event, providing that everyone who has expressed an interest in going will really show up! Here is the current list of those who have informed me of their intentions to attend this 25 mile Roman March on the Bizz Johnson Trail, up north between Mason Station and Susanville, on the weekend of August 14/15.<br>
Centurio - Marcus (Robert Garbisch)<br>
Optio - Titus (Doug Unsworth)<br>
Celtic Scout - Bowyn (Beau Thompson)<br>
Slave/Servant - Sara<br>
Legionary - Octavius (Jim Garvisch) LXF<br>
- Germanicus (Jeff Lutz) LXF<br>
- Marcus (Niki Romani) LXF<br>
- Severius (Dave Unsworth) LXF<br>
- Tomas (Tom Brown) LXF<br>
- Atrus (Arthur Henrick) LXF<br>
- Calventius (Ed McDonald) LXF<br>
- Custos (Greg Coots) LXF<br>
- Darius (Gil Whitley) LVIV<br>
- Tyranus (Tom Salemi) LVIV<br>
We will be using a wood cart to transport our Command Tent (A-tent), a Wall tent, and a small shelter half tent for our slave. You will be issued food rations for your two breakfasts and two lunches. Dinner for both Friday and Saturday<br>
evening will be a common mess meal. Our Celtic Scout will be<br>
providing for his own needs, as per his expressed desires. (He<br>
doesn't trust our Roman food. Ha!)<br>
Each Legionary will be responsible for carrying his own pole pack, blanket, personal gear and food rations. You are expected to bring a galea (helmet), lorica of your choice (segmentata or hamata), scutum (shield), gladius (sword), pugio is optional, one pilum (two pili is optional). Each Legionary will be assigned a camp tool to carry plus<br>
two sudes stakes. You are expected to make up your own kit for this march. Please wear good hiking boots for this march. Modern day hiking boots will be acceptable.<br>
Every Legionary will be given duty assignments on this march, such as taking turns to pull the cart, guard duty, camp set up, mess detail, latrine, (don't forget to bring your own sponge on the stick for TP needs), and other routine duties that would be expected on a Roman March like this. When assigned to pulling the cart, your pole pack will be placed on the cart.<br>
If you have need for any equipment please let me know. I have available three pack poles.<br>
Please confirm your reservation for this Roman March adventure by responding to this e-mail message.<br>
At present, it is my intention to arrive at the Mason Station<br>
campground on Friday late afternoon (around 5 PM) to set up our camp site for the night. If possible, please try to arrive there no later than 12 midnight. We would like to break camp early in the morning and start our march. If you are unable to make it by that time please notify me of what time you expect to arrive.<br>
Firmitas et Honare!<br>
Centurio Marcus Antonius Lucius<br>
Legio X Fretensis - Cohors IV <p></p><i></i>
We know who u are and your Legion strengths Roman dogs plenty of places for ambush along the route all celts shall be avenged ............<br>
Too bad I'm on the east coast. You'll have to post pictures! You guys make sure that your caligae are in good shape, nails hurt! One thing some you may want to try is dispensing with the furca pole and carry your gear hanging from a dolabra. From the picture shown in JRMES, this makes alot of sense.<br>
Since your going for two days are you going to properly entrench about the camp? Got to be wearly of those nasty Celts and Germans! <p></p><i></i>
While it's not my show <em>per se</em>, I think Rob's idea is to replicate every aspect of a Roman march as closely as possible... it's certainly too much trouble to set it all up and then to do otherwise. (It's heartening that each soldier must carry two sudes in addition to his kit!) That having been said, any event is what the participants make of it. I for one will certainly pull guard duty at night, for example, just to say I did it when I had the chance to. Others may choose not to pull guard due to physical exhaustion, or because that's not a particular aspect of a soldier's field life they feel they need to replicate, and that's OK too.<br>
As for images, I may try and film a short portion, and then post an MPEG (the cam would be stashed in the cart somewhere). I know Legio IX Hispana [to our south] hikes periodically; and Legio VI Victrix hikes once a month... but never more than 5 miles at a time. So this will be cool from a comeraderie aspect, as well as a gut-check aspect (as we used to say in the Marines), that may not come around again anytime soon.<br>
If anyone is remotely interested, I'll continue to forward Rob's postings on this thread as the event nears (and yes, pictures after).<br>
Darius <p></p><i></i>
... and yes, if the terrain even <em>looks</em> as if it might be host to a barb ambush, skirmishers (speculatores, owing to the lack of a cavalry ala) <em>will</em> be sent forward! <br>
Ahem.. Actually you don't need to bother with a sponge and a stick. A rock will do.<br>
Of course you might want to choose a smooth one...<br>
People of the Sahara desert use rocks. Of course you don't have much else there.. <p></p><i></i>
Quote:</em></strong><hr>People of the Sahara desert use rocks. Of course you don't have much else there<hr><br>
Sand works VERY nicely.<br>
Trust me.<br>
Adam MacDonald

<a class="postlink" href="">
"the Three Shells" from Demolition Man..maybe a hint? <p>Legio XX<br>
Caput dolet, pedes fetent, Iesum non amo<br>
Richard Campbell
Legio XX - Alexandria, Virginia
RAT member #6?
Ave, Scythius! I'm assuming at least one Hispana legionary (hopefully more) will be there to represent Legio IX! Perhaps from one of your northern cohorts...? All sand provided at no cost!<br>
That is, unless you're all "busy" (ahem)!<br>
I'm still trying to figure out the three shells.<br>


You cannot dig ditches in a toga!

A nationwide club with chapters across N America
Frater Darioush wrote:<br>
Quote:</em></strong><hr>Ave, Scythius! I'm assuming at least one Hispana legionary (hopefully more) will be there to represent Legio IX! Perhaps from one of your northern cohorts...? All sand provided at no cost!<hr><br>
I'll actually be in Mendocino (coastal Northern California) for a middle eastern music retreat I attend every year - it is the one sure chance I have to spend time with several of my music teachers - since they live in Turkiye, Tunisia, and other exotic locales...<br>
We have been looking for some suitable sites in San Diego county to do something similar - but the wildfires of last year scratched (scorched?) that idea, as the private lands that were suitable are now pretty well unusable for at least another couple of years...<br>
Adam MacDonald

<a class="postlink" href="">
Yes, we've been contemplating such a trek as well... And here <em>this</em> guy goes and actually sets one up! I understand, though... again, perhaps Leg IX's northern cohort? (doesn't your Varianus live in that area?) Hopefully <em>someone</em> from Leg IX will be able to attend, just to have all three West Coast units present.<br>
All the best,<br>
I'll have you know that Legio XX has set up *four* 25 mile, one day route marches in full kit. None of us has ever shown up for the start, however. <p>Legio XX<br>
Caput dolet, pedes fetent, Iesum non amo<br>
Richard Campbell
Legio XX - Alexandria, Virginia
RAT member #6?
It's a surprise to me, too, Darius! Looks like the Legion Commander didn't get the word about these marches, eh? Richard, you are hereby promoted to "comedius", with extra latrine duty. Now, THAT'S funny!<br>
Matthew/Quintus <p></p><i></i>
Matthew Amt (Quintus)
Legio XX, USA
<a class="postlink" href="">

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