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Short films (Roman reenactment) you would like to see made
Many of us are familiar with several outstanding Roman reenactment short films
A few of my favorites are:
Rusty as the "Romans" pizza guy "Romans Pizza"
The one with the little boy playing with Roman soldiers ([short/corto] Legio I Italica - Fantasia)
The reenactment interrupted by a cell phone call (Link needed)
Saving Miles Ryanus ... re_related

Short films I would like to see:

Zombies attack a reenactment event (with the zombies coming off the worse for wear)

Modern City fathers visit Roman Legate in his camp to ask for help with out of control gang violence the police can't handle Possible title "Death Wish VI - Pax Romana" Sadly Charles Bronson died in 2003 and won't be available to play the role of the Legate

Terrorists attack a target that turns out to be not as soft as they thought.

How about your ideas?
John Kaler MSG, USA Retired
Member Legio V (Tenn, USA)
Staff Member Ludus Militus
Owner Vicus and Village:
"A Day in the Life"
Standing guard duty as dawn breaks, kindling a cook fire, grinding grain for porridge, grilling a fish or two, polishing helmets/armor, the normal things a soldier on campaign would do, ending with a trumpet call and a muster at the gate to defend against a surprise attack. Could show real things being done using Roman-artifact-looking equipment.
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
I would enjoy seeing a short film about the troops who manned Hadrian's Wall. I'd like to see how they trained to keep fit...I imagine readiness might have been a big issue, especially given the uncomfortable weather there. And it would be neat to show the personal lives of some of the soldiers, like if they have their families with them, how are the families coping with being stationed there. Such a film would probably be more of a day-in-the-life type of movie instead of a clever take on interrupted reenactments or something like that, but I enjoy those types of clips too! Being former military, I'm curious about how the soldiers who had families balanced their duties to Rome and their family responsibilities. Or was there a balance? I think a soldier's first duty would be to the Legion, most likely. In any case, it would be fun to get a glimpse into a Roman soldier's personal life.

a.k.a. Lisa Gail

Nil illegitimi carborundum...Don\'t let the ba*tards get you down.

Luctor et emergo...I struggle and I arise.
Although there was no doubt some fraternization with the local "entertainment" venues, for much of the time of the Legions, it was actually illegal for a soldier to be married. So in those days, no families would be allowed in the first place. The children of these illegal relationships would not be recognized as citizens until perhaps after the soldier retired and "legally" married. There is speculation about how many of the people who followed the camps as crafts, cooks, seamstresses, etc., were actually in long-term relationships with soldiers. I'd think more than a few.
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
How about a short film titled "A day in the life of the Centurion's wife" ?

Wife to Centurion
"When are you going to get a better posting? It is cold here on the frontier and the nearest suitable company is miles away ..... You are never home ''' Flavius Jr is running wild with the Celt boys and Julia is talking to some no account young Milies ....."
John Kaler MSG, USA Retired
Member Legio V (Tenn, USA)
Staff Member Ludus Militus
Owner Vicus and Village:
Quote: There is speculation about how many of the people who followed the camps as crafts, cooks, seamstresses, etc., were actually in long-term relationships with soldiers. I'd think more than a few.

Yes, I've read research that indicates many soldiers were involved in "unofficial" relationships, and when they retired or got out of the military for some reason, they would get married. Many soldiers had a basic family home life, and I guess their superiors probably turned a blind eye. And sometimes, the higher-ranking personnel might get to bring their families to the wild frontier. Given human nature, I would say you're correct...many soldiers probably craved a stable home life, so I think it's very possible that unofficial marriage relationships might have been the norm in some places.

a.k.a. Lisa Gail

Nil illegitimi carborundum...Don\'t let the ba*tards get you down.

Luctor et emergo...I struggle and I arise.
Quote:How about a short film titled "A day in the life of the Centurion's wife" ?

Wife to Centurion
"When are you going to get a better posting? It is cold here on the frontier and the nearest suitable company is miles away ..... You are never home ''' Flavius Jr is running wild with the Celt boys and Julia is talking to some no account young Milies ....."

Brilliant! You could take it one step further and turn it into a miniseries or something along those lines, entitled "Centurions' Wives." Military wives, or wives and families in general, could relate to Flavius Jr.'s and Julia's misadventures. The main centurion's wife would have all these dramas, such as worrying about her husband when he's out on patrol, and trying to keep the children in line, and trying to nurture friendships on the wild frontier. Their concerns were probably not so different from today's families.

a.k.a. Lisa Gail

Nil illegitimi carborundum...Don\'t let the ba*tards get you down.

Luctor et emergo...I struggle and I arise.
Quote:How about a short film titled "A day in the life of the Centurion's wife" ?

Isn't that on telly already called 'desparate housewives' LOL

Anyway, I would love to see some more in depth historical movies about some important happenings in Roman times. But all about history, to learn and teach. Like for instance a series about 'craftsman in pompeii' or a day at the wall (as mentioned earlier). Some longer ones would be intersting also, about siege warfare, for instance.
Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio
Julius Caesar's Campaign(s) in Gaul; as written by him. Big Grin
Marcus Aurelius writing and living "The Meditations"
The Last Days of Constantinople...(the siege)
The religious ceremony to start a war?
A random senate hearing (without the multiple stab wounds)
Craig Bellofatto

Going to college for Massage Therapy. So reading alot of Latin TerminologyWink

It is like a finger pointing to the moon. DON\'T concentrate on the finger or you miss all the heavenly glory before you!-Bruce Lee

Train easy; the fight is hard. Train hard; the fight is easy.- Thai Proverb
It would definitely be great if everyone's short films ideas could actually be produced. I would like to see a channel specifically about ancient history, with a specific emphasis on Rome. The History Channel is great too but I would love a channel devoted specifically to ancient times. I can dream, can't I?!! 8)

a.k.a. Lisa Gail

Nil illegitimi carborundum...Don\'t let the ba*tards get you down.

Luctor et emergo...I struggle and I arise.
Oh, I have -so- many ideas for short movies and things

Within Leg III Cyr, we have a few ideas we've floated around a few times, one of them being a "living Trajan's column", where we form into poses as seen on the column,
then super-imposed onto the actual column sections, and see how it lines up.

One of my top favorite ideas is a "Roman Soldiers on Holiday" (or Leave whatever you'd like to call it), where a few of us, in our tunics & cloaks, go on a tourist walk of downtown
Boston, MA - Taking the train in (called "the T" here), going around Fanieul Hall, Quincy Market, et cetera...Not only -our- "reactions" and taking photos of each other at various sites, but the reactions of everyone else watching this unfold.

(I also have played with the fantasy of having the Legion "march" on Government Center and proclaim the latest acquisition of the Empire, et cetera)

We also have ideas of doing things like Test videos of our weapons like our Ballistae-in-progress, sort of like Mythbusters, if anything, just trying to see what they may be capable of.

Things like videotaping our theories of Manual of Arms (if it could be called such), Changing Ranks and other tactics - not as a "how to" but as a "these are our theories & thoughts"

Some other ideas are doing short Interviews with various people in the unit, officers, sort of like a "over the shoulder" during everyday activity. Since a Centurion acted as the local Magistrate in much of the Nomes in Egypt, I think it would be fun to "show" these kinds of things, where say a local farmer comes to the [fort] to state a grievance with another farmer or trouble with a soldier, et cetera. Things like in the flavor of "Cops" where a few of us go to quell a local Riot, with one idea of that being the powder keg moment for the Great Jewish Revolt (unbeknownst to us at the moment)

Lots of ideas. Hope we can get some done sometime soon.
Andy Volpe
"Build a time machine, it would make this [hobby] a lot easier."
Legion III Cyrenaica ~ New England U.S.
Higgins Armory Museum 1931-2013 (worked there 2001-2013)
(Collection moved to Worcester Art Museum)
Adrianople AD 378. Heat, dust, soldiers pressed together in a seemingly neverending onslaught, slowly moving backwards.
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
Quote:Within Leg III Cyr, we have a few ideas we've floated around a few times, one of them being a "living Trajan's column", where we form into poses as seen on the column,
then super-imposed onto the actual column sections, and see how it lines up.

Now that sounds cool! It sounds technically and practically challenging, but if you could pull something like that off I imagine you would get a great deal of attention.
David J. Cord

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