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Alexander\'s tomb : Last known location ?
Hello everyone.<br>
This is my first time on GAT.<br>
I was wondering what we know about Alexander's tomb. In the movie "Cleopatra" with Elizabeth Taylor, Alexander's body looks like it is embedded in some kind of see-through material (thick glass ?). I think I read somewhere that he was embalmed in honey. Anyone know any further details ?<br>
Also, I was wondering what the last known location of his tomb was. I assume it was probably stolen by the Arabs in the seventh century or sometime later .<br>
Assuming the tomb was accurately portrayed in "Cleopatra", it looks like it weighs a ton and would probably be very difficult to transport. I wonder where it could possibly have been taken to.<br>
Oh well. At least we have his father's tomb .<br>
BTW, I just read an article about how close scientists are to finding Genghis Khan's tomb which prompted me<br>
to write this thread.<br>
-Theo <p></p><i></i>
i remember something about alexanders body being taken from babylon to Alexandria in Egypt and entombed underground somewhere thats all i know though disregard anvthing you see in Cleopatra its pretty bad as far as actual history goes. <p></p><i></i>
Quote:</em></strong><hr>disregard anvthing you see in Cleopatra its pretty bad as far as actual history goes. <hr><br>
You mean like the Arch of Constantine being in Julius Caesar's triumph ? <p></p><i></i>
Check out the current issue of 'Minerva' it has an article that suggests that Alexanders tomb may have ended up in Venice! <p></p><i></i>
All the pertinent facts are [url=" target="top]here[/url].<br>
Basically, the tomb was still in Alexandria during the reign of emperor Caracalla. Later Arab writers claim to have seen it, but do not specify the whereabouts. (Presumably still in or around Alexandria, tho'.) <p></p><i></i>
** Vincula/Lucy **
I've just turned up a web site on Alexander's Tomb. Enjoy. Smile [/url]
** Vincula/Lucy **
Well Theo seems that our King is in his homeland! Big Grin and in Alexandria seems that was an Effigy of Alex,who then were saw it by Romans.
I always was very curious about the breaking nose by a kiss in Alex mummy? I had been ammong them (mummies), and I saw a experiment or test of how is break a mummy body and face, injured can be cause in a fresh flesh, but a dry mummy you need something sharp, hard and heavy & smash it more than once, so Augustus nose & lips were very all that, seem that he repeat it the same action again and again :lol:
So a mummy is not that fragile, so in Alexandria was a fake mummy of him, and thats why it was easily break. Of course you need to be gentile to a mummy too :wink:
This greek person have sronger points or clues about who realy was buried in Verginas Tomb, I think better than Andronikos, and is suported by history record, suposely Philip II or Arrhidaios?, but according to him & some profesionals is not either both, but Alexander and Roxana!, that oviousely her bones were scatered, and her bones could't been place it in the museum.. Also the Facade theme is very logical Big Grin

[Image: 1.jpg]
Remarks by Philip on the Athenian Leaders:
Philip said that the Athenians were like the bust of Hermes: all mouth and dick. 
Wel the good professor might have some points bur ther is another angle in the story. Olympias was murderd by Kassandros because she refused to tell him where the remain of her son were. Wgat did the quenn-mother took to her grave realy?
North East of Thessaloniki ther is the mount Krousia. Nost of the caves are still unexplored and in the oral tradition of the villagers still survive the story of the great King's burial. Well it is still questionable scientifically but remeber so was Mycenae before 1880.
It seems that men larger than life never rest.
Kind regards

Wow Stefanus! :o
That was something that I did't know. So the villager claim that our King
is located in Mt. Krousia by oral tradition ? or is two diferent matter what you are talking about ?... I will like to heard that oral tradition,
I belive that legends always have somenthing in fact!

Also if that is were our King is realy located, I will like to be the nex Schileman :lol:

Well what you realy think who is the person in the Royal Tomb?
Do you support Andronikos that is Philip II & Cleo ? or Arrhidaios III & wife, perhaps Olympias, Alex mother?
Remarks by Philip on the Athenian Leaders:
Philip said that the Athenians were like the bust of Hermes: all mouth and dick. 
Quote:Wow Stefanus! :o
That was something that I did't know. So the villager claim that our King
is located in Mt. Krousia by oral tradition ? or is two diferent matter what you are talking about ?... I will like to heard that oral tradition,
I belive that legends always have somenthing in fact!

Yes indeed, it's something to remember.

But northwest to Thessaloniki, if my geography is as good as I suspect (no map in the surrounding area here), isn't that also northwest to Pella, the city of birth from Alexander and the former capital of Makedonia? If so, I know from books and stuff that Phillipos II moved the capital from a place northwest from Pella to Pella. One of Alexander's wishes was to be buried in his homeland, near to Pella. But Ptolemaios did not grand that wish by taking him to Alexandria. Mount Krousia, is that somewhere in that area, northwest to the ancient Pella?
Krousia is the mountain that separates Pella from Thessaloniki.
On the mount they found evidence form Bronze age sttlements and Necropolies!. Ancent people held ancient ruind in great reverence.
The caves are not yet explored and this gives food both to thought and fantasy.
When Mr Andronikos found the royal necropolis in Vergina he found the latest necropolis not the others reputed to be in Krousia Mountain.
Phillip's sceleton was identified by the eye socket damage and the the unatural "scar" on his shoulder blades where the dagger got him.
No one has got permission to DNA test the rest of the skeletons.
Chances are that the prince might be Arrideos. The burried lady might be Olympias. She was a terrible woman who flinched in front of nothing and she murdered Philip's paramour herself. Being the regend until Alex was acclaimed by the army I hardly belive she would let the presumed bitch to be entomped with her hasband!!! After all she WAS the Queen!
Its rumored she organized the abduction of her son's remains.
Greek mothers are often accused of having "oidipodean psychosis" with firstborn sons. She also hated the guts of Kassander.
There is reason to think that she took the secret of her son's remains to her grave. Olympias was always a woman who had her own way no matter what!
Official Archologists dismiss the story as fairy tale and no reason to waste funds searching the caves of Krousia.
The sarkofagos in Alexandria I belive is real but it was kept empty to aid the political bid of the Ptolemaics.
I admit I am a bit skeptic but after all I consider Olympias capable for a LOT of things.
Kind regards
Quote:Krousia is the mountain that separates Pella from Thessaloniki.
On the mount they found evidence form Bronze age sttlements and Necropolies!. Ancent people held ancient ruind in great reverence.
The caves are not yet explored and this gives food both to thought and fantasy.
When Mr Andronikos found the royal necropolis in Vergina he found the latest necropolis not the others reputed to be in Krousia Mountain.
Phillip's sceleton was identified by the eye socket damage and the the unatural "scar" on his shoulder blades where the dagger got him.
No one has got permission to DNA test the rest of the skeletons.
Chances are that the prince might be Arrideos. The burried lady might be Olympias. She was a terrible woman who flinched in front of nothing and she murdered Philip's paramour herself. Being the regend until Alex was acclaimed by the army I hardly belive she would let the presumed bitch to be entomped with her hasband!!! After all she WAS the Queen!
Its rumored she organized the abduction of her son's remains.
Greek mothers are often accused of having "oidipodean psychosis" with firstborn sons. She also hated the guts of Kassander.
There is reason to think that she took the secret of her son's remains to her grave. Olympias was always a woman who had her own way no matter what!
Official Archologists dismiss the story as fairy tale and no reason to waste funds searching the caves of Krousia.
The sarkofagos in Alexandria I belive is real but it was kept empty to aid the political bid of the Ptolemaics.
I admit I am a bit skeptic but after all I consider Olympias capable for a LOT of things.
Kind regards

It makes good sense, although to me. And it's very possible that there are some valuable things to be found in that mountain. And if not from the time of Alexander, probably from other times too. That's at least what my opinion is, since the things I read here and not knowing the mountain/caves myself.
< Smile >
Remarks by Philip on the Athenian Leaders:
Philip said that the Athenians were like the bust of Hermes: all mouth and dick. 
There is strong evidence that there was a flourishing group of people in the area streaching from lake Doirani to Krousia mountains from the Neolithic to Bronze Ages. So your expectation for important findings can be justified.
Alexanders remains in my opinion will remain a mystery for the time to come.
As for the alleged Giant Peoples remains, well, all arguments have been presented in such a "novelistic" way that I cannot accept them.
Kind regards
carrying on from the 'Death of Alexander' thread.....and tying in some of my own ideas.....right I have just looked at two or three sites and this is what I have noticed....just basics at the moment
Alexander was buried at the 'Soma' or 'Sema' which is the 'tomb' or a 'sign'.
The Sema or Sma was an Egyptian heiroglyph that represented either the 'breath' as in the lungs or the 'life' as in the phallus. It was placed on the chest of a mummy to breathe life back into him or her (Isis and Osiris - the first mummy who Isis breathed life back into)
Indo Iranian Soma was an intoxicating ritual drink and God combined into one (what was Alex doing at the time his illness started and what was he considered to be) drinking it made you a deity or gave you access to the deities. It was made by pressing the stalks of a plant.
Now, the God Soma was cursed to die a slow lingering the father of one of his wives, as he felt Soma was neglecting her.
To be continued...
The Hoplite Association
The enemy is less likely to get wind of an advance of cavalry, if the orders for march were passed from mouth to mouth rather than announced by voice of herald, or public notice. Xenophon

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