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New Roman/Greek movies
I saw on that there will be a Gladiator 2 (interesting articles about trying to get Maximus to return in a sequal), a movie about Themopalea (I spelled that wrong), two movies about Alexander the Great, and two movies about Hannibal Barca of Carthage. Yahoo! <p><img src="" style="border:0;"/> In Hoc Signo Vinces <img src="" style="border:0;"/></p><i></i>
That would be great. You dont know how I felt when I saw the theatre preview poster advertising the movie " Hannibal " I got excited and started talking to some of the other people waiting also for our movie to open so we could go in. I was telling them all about Hannibal and the alps and the punic wars and then I asked one of the Theatre employees if he knew anything about the hannibal movie. then I found out 2 things 1) - He didnt know who the real Hannibal was and this was the silence of the lambs guy... o well big let down but it was really something to see that the others that i had been speaking with were also disappointed as well. BTW has anyone seen the movie Druid about caesar and Vercingetorix? It had the highlander guy and C.M. Brandauer, almost bought it on DVD but something told me to pass... looked low budget and probably anti roman propaganda to be sure. - john <p></p><i></i>
Animals die, friends die, and I shall die, but one thing never dies, and that is the reputation we leave behind after our death.
No man loses Honour who had any in the first place. - Syrus
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Never heard of Druid. I don't see ow you could portray Druids as "good guys" though........ Anyways, I can't wait for these movies either. It's a ways away however as I think the first one to be released will be in 2004. If you want a cheap AND good Roman movie check out Constantine & the Cross. It cost $6.00 on DVD at Media Play (online it's cheaper but shipping will change the price). It tells the story of Constantine up through the Battle of Milvian Bridge. It wasn't hokey either as most old war movies are. The only problem is for people who have HDTVs, this DVD is a widescreen made to be played on regular TVs (the black bars are built in so you can't spread it out on HDTV). I wish it had continued all the way to his victory over Licinius and baptism at his death but that would have made a long movie.<br>
FV Constantinus <p><img src="" style="border:0;"/> In Hoc Signo Vinces <img src="" style="border:0;"/></p><i></i>
Nothing personal, but I'd rather prefer one on Julian's life!<br>
At least it would have featured less crosses!<br>
Aitor <p></p><i></i>
It\'s all an accident, an accident of hands. Mine, others, all without mind, from one extreme to another, but neither works nor will ever.

Rolf Steiner
I don't think the masses of average Joes would like a movie about a man who was so bitter towards Christianity. I don't see it succeeding over here anyway.<br>
Anyways... There is another movie, I think it's fictional that will be coming out, the description says something about barbarians so check it out. Its called King Conan: Crown of Iron. Dunno if its got to do much with Rome but of the same era. <p><img src="" style="border:0;"/> In Hoc Signo Vinces <img src="" style="border:0;"/></p><i></i>
Octavianus/John- Yeah, I saw "Druids" (released originally in France under the title "Vercengetorix"). I would definitely avoid buying it, but it might be worth the effort to rent. Although there were some things here and there that I found interesting, overall, I thought it was horrible- especially the dialogue and that awful star-shot beginning. Most of the reviews that I have read seem to slam the movie rather justifiably. See the [url=" target="top]Internet Movie Database[/url] for details on the film. I know I am definitely in the minority (of people who have commented on it, anyway), but I liked Klaus Brandaeur's more sinister-portrayal of Caesar (but his accent made it difficult to appreciate).<br>
Flavius- Wow, you really don't think that "Constantine and the Cross" was hokey? But what about the costumes and the dialogue and that speech Cornel Wilde gave?<br>
As for "King Conan", it is currently in development at Warner Bros under the supervision of the Wachowski brothers. The screenplay was originally written by John Milius (who did the original Conan). Arnold Schwarzenegger reputedly told a recent [url=" target="top]sci-fi convention[/url] that he would reprise his role as the barbarian. Should be interesting to finally see ol'Conan obtain his kingdom.<br>
(By the way, the Conan series is a cross-time period fantasy- that is, it doesn't take place in any one period, but borrows different bits from about a 2,000 year stretch).<br>
<p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Frank Miranda</A> at: 8/4/03 5:37 am<br></i>
I wonder if that Druid movie was based on the book 'Druids' by Morgan Llywelyn. I read it a few years back and thought it wasn't bad. It certainly wasn't pro-Roman, but I don't think it totally villainized them either. However, as I say, it's been awhile since I read it so my memory could be lacking.<br>
Wendy <p></p><i></i>
Wendy- No, as far as I know, the "Druids" screenplay was by Jacques Dorfman, et al., and based on an original idea, not a novel. It's too bad about this movie too, it could have been so much better, but it was just plain awful.<br>
Wendy - from what I remember it said it was basically about Vercingetorix and Caesar and I am sure it portrayed the Double Crossing backstabbing Gauls as poor opressed peopel ( seeing as how its a french film and they were basically french peoples ) and the romans as opressive , not having seen it though dont know. It would be geat to see if they did Alesia and if so that was a most excellent and well documented roman seige. As reported once a besieged enemy told a roman general to give up hope as he had enough supplies to last 10 years to which the roman general told him " we will be here for 11 " Romans when it absolutely positively has to be taken out , no matter how long... kinda like an insurance company with an attitude... " we'll be there !!! " - johnn <p></p><i></i>
Animals die, friends die, and I shall die, but one thing never dies, and that is the reputation we leave behind after our death.
No man loses Honour who had any in the first place. - Syrus
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lets not forget the new king Arthur movie (see other thread).<br>
That Druid-movie was hmmm, how do you say it, "interesting", with lots of interesting things (like vercengetorix getting some sort of Asian type ninjatraining ).<br>
At least it was better then that "attila movie" (the hunnic horde appearantly being composed of caucasians and little more then 20/30 people!).<br>
Jeroen Pelgrom
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I would rather have fire storms of atmospheres than this cruel descent from a thousand years of dreams.
I just finished Gore's Julian and it would be a great movie script. I think Vidal really did a great job in rendering how the world was changing. Religion has political aspects and those that deny or ignore this historical truism are condemed to relive it. Beware before beholding or you'll be-sorry.<br>
Jeffery Wyss
"Si vos es non secui of solutio tunc vos es secui of preciptate."
I don't remember any of his speeches. I tend to dose off during long movies but perhaps there may have been hokey moments. Its hard for me to label movies that I like as hokey (I still can't admit that just maybe Knute Rockne All American was sorta hokey ). Anyways, if it <em>was</em> hokey, it wasn't nearly as hokey as the 1936 version of Last of the Mohicans (awful!) or the entire Mighty Ducks series. I tend to rate hokey movies on my <strong>Mighy Ducks Scale of Hokeyness</strong>. <p><img src="" style="border:0;"/> In Hoc Signo Vinces <img src="" style="border:0;"/></p><i></i>
Someone is also turning Pressfeilds' book about the Spartans at the Hot Gates into a move. BTW did you guys know that the 300 Spartans long lost has now been released on DVD?<br>
Los <p></p><i></i>

aka Carlos Lourenco
I think the Spartan movie is the one about Thermopaly (spelled wrong) I mentioned in the first post. I'm not familiar with 300 SPartans Long Lost. Is it worth seeing? <p><img src="" style="border:0;"/> In Hoc Signo Vinces <img src="" style="border:0;"/></p><i></i>
"I tend to rate hokey movies on my Mighy Ducks Scale of Hokeyness."<br>
Heh, yeah, that's definitely an accurate scale! Never saw the '36 version of "Mohican," but I saw the first "Ducks" stinker.<br>

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