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Books on ancient Sparta
Any suggestions?
How about "The Spartans" by Paul Carteledge .
Andy Booker

Gaivs Antonivs Satvrninvs

Andronikos of Athens
Herodotus, "The Persian Wars"
Plutarch, "Moralia" volume 3
Geoffrey R Reil
"This is no time for tears"...."Be quick, go snatch your brother back from death." Virgil, The Aeneid
Also take a look at .....Sparta
The Hoplite Association
The enemy is less likely to get wind of an advance of cavalry, if the orders for march were passed from mouth to mouth rather than announced by voice of herald, or public notice. Xenophon
* Hamilton, Charles D. "Lysander, Agesilaus, Spartan Imperialism and the Greeks of Asia Minor" AncW 23.1 (1992) 35-50 -+-
* Wallinga, H.T. "Bellum Spartacium: Florus' Text and Spartacus' Objective" Athenaeum 80[70].1 (1992) 25-44 -+-
* David, Ephraim "Sparta's social hair" Eranos 90.1 (1992) 11-21 -+-
* Kennell, Nigel M. "IG V 1, 16 and the Gerousia of Roman Sparta" Hesperia 61.2 (1992) 193 -+-
* Hammond, N.G.L. "Plataea's Relations with Thebes, Sparta, and Athens" JHS 112 (1992) 143 -+-
* Robinson, Eric W. "Oracles and Spartan Religious Scruples" LCM 17.9 (1992) 131-132 -+-
* Kennell, Nigel M. "The Spartan Synarchia" Phoenix 46.4 (1992) 342-351 -+-
* Vannicelli, Pietro "Gli Egidi e le relazioni tra Sparta e Cirene in eta arcaica" QUCC 41 (1992) 55-73 -+-
* Crane, Gregory "The Fear and Pursuit of Risk: Corinth on Athens, Sparta and the Peloponnesians (Thuc. 1.68-71, 120-21)" TAPhA 122 (1992) 227-256 -+-
* West, M.L. "Alcman and the Spartan Royalty" ZPE 91 (1992) 1 -+-
* Kukofka, D.-A. "Die paidiskoi im System der spartanischen Altersklassen" AAntHung 34.1/4 (1993) 69-76 -+-
* Waywell, G.B.; Wilkes, J.J.; Bailey, Donald M.; Sanders, G.D.R. "Excavations at Sparta: the Roman Stoa, 1988-91: Preliminary Report, Part 1" ABSA 88 (1993) 219-286, pl. 23-26 -+-
* Cawkwell, G.L. "Sparta and Her Allies in the Sixth Century" CQ 43.2 (1993) 364 -+-
* Ephraim, David "Hunting in Spartan Society and Consciousness" EMC 12.3 (1993) 393-413 -+-
* Flaig, Egon "Die spartanische Abstimmung nach der Lautstarke. Uberlegungen zu Thukydides 1,87" Historia 42.2 (1993) 139 -+-
* Parker, Victor "Some Dates in Early Spartan History" Klio 75 (1993) 45-60 -+-
* Dettenhofer, Maria H. "Die Frauen von Sparta: Gesellschaftliche Position und politische Relevanz" Klio 75 (1993) 61-75 -+-
* Guarino, Antonio "Spartaco e Bonghi" Labeo 39.2 (1993) 257-258 -+-
* Kukofka, Dirk-Achim "Die Paidiskoi im System der spartanischen Alterklassen" Philologus 137.2 (1993) 197-205 -+-
* Semenchenko, L.V. "On a Document of Hellenistic Diplomacy: a Letter of High Priest Jonathan to Sparta [in Russian]" VDI 205 (1993) 105 -+-
* Pechatnova, L.G. "Hypomeiones and Mothaces (Structure of Sparta's Civic Community) [in Russian]" VDI 206 (1993) 100 -+-
* Bleckmann, B. "Sparta und seine Freunde im Dekeleischen Krieg. Zur Datierung von IG V 1,1" ZPE 96 (1993) 297-308 -+-
* Catling, R.W.V. "A fragment of an archaic temple model from Artemis Orthia, Sparta" ABSA 89 (1994) 269-275 -+-
* Waywell, G.B.; Wilkes, J.J. "Excavations at Sparta: the Roman stoa 1988-91. Part 2 (with a contribution by N. Fradgley)" ABSA 89 (1994) 377-432 -+-
* Spawforth, A.J.S. "Excavations at Sparta: the Roman stoa 1988-91. The inscriptions" ABSA 89 (1994) 433-441 -+-
* Plant, I.M. "The Battle of Tanagra: A Spartan Initiative?" Historia 43.3 (1994) 259 -+-
* Falkner, Caroline "A Note on Sparta and Gytheum in the Fifth Century" Historia 43.4 (1994) 495 -+-
* Ogden, D. "Crooked speech: the genesis of the Spartan rhetra" JHS 114 (1994) 85 -+-
* Jordens, A.; Becht-Jordens, G. "Ein Eberunterkiefer als 'Staatssymbol' des Aitolischen Bundes (IG XII 2, 15). Politische Identitatssuche im Mythos nach dem Ende der spartanischen Hegemonie" Klio 76 (1994) 172-184 -+-
* Hamilton, Charles D. "Thebes and Sparta in the fourth century: Agesilaus' Theban obsession" Ktema 19 (1994) 239-258 -+-
* Pendergraft, Mary; Hartigan, Karelisa "Naming the Figures; A Controversial Stele in the Spartan Museum" Maia 46.3 (1994) 283-290 -+-
* Bernini, Ughetto "'Marginalia' al 'Preface' a The Spartan Army di J. F. Lazenby" QUCC 47 (1994) 157-166 -+-
* Weber, Berthold F. "Ein spartarchaischer Tempel auf dem Mengerevtepe bei Milet" AA 1995.2 (1995) 228-38 -+-
* Shipley, Graham; Spawforth, Antony "New imperial subscripts to the Spartans" ABSA 90 (1995) 429-434, pl. 43 -+-
* Waywell, G.B.; Wilkes, J.J.; Powell, A.D.; Fradgley, Nigel; Hayes, J.W.; Sanders, G.D.R.; Walker, S.E.C. "Excavations at the ancient theatre of Sparta 1992-4: preliminary report" ABSA 90 (1995) 435-460, pl. 44-49 -+-
* Meadows, A.R. "Pausanias and the historiography of Classical Sparta" CQ 45.1 (1995) 92 -+-
* Vickers, M. "Alcibiades at Sparta: Aristophanes Birds" CQ 45.2 (1995) 339 -+-
* Pantelia, Maria C. "Theocritus at Sparta: Homeric Allusions in Theocritus' Idyll 18" Hermes 123.1 (1995) 76 -+-
* Pridemore, M. G. "A re-examination of a ship on an ivory plaque from Sparta" IJNA 24.2 (1995) 161 -+- texts (restricted) for vols 22 on
* Moscati Castelnuovo, Luisa "Sparta e le tradizioni crotoniati e locresi sulla battaglia della Sagra" QUCC 51 (1995) 141-163 -+-
* Huys, Marc "The Spartan Practice of Selective Infanticide and its Parallels in Ancient Utopian Tradition" AncSoc 27 (1996) 47-74 -+-
* Hamilton, Charles D. "The Ideology of Spartan Conservatism" AncW 27.2 (1996) 147-155 -+-
* Clark, Christina A. "The Gendering of the Body in Alcman's Partheneion 1: Narrative, Sex, and Social Order in Archaic Sparta" Helios 23.2 (1996) 143-172 -+-
* Hammond, Nicholas G.L. "Sparta at Thermopylae" Historia 45.1 (1996) 1-20 -+-
* Falkner, C. "Sparta and the Elean War, ca 401/400 B.C.: Revenge or Imperialism?" Phoenix 50.1 (1996) 17-25 -+- abstract
* Musti, Domenico "Regole politiche a Sparta: Tirteo e la Grande Rhetra" RFIC 124.3 (1996) 257-281 -+-
* Quiller, Bjorn "Reconstructing the Spartan Partheniai: Many Guesses and a Few Facts" SO 71 (1996) 34-41 -+-
* Kurilov, M.E. "On Some Functional Peculiarities of the Institution of Spartan Heralds [in Russian]" VDI 219 (1996) 133-141 -+-
* Crowther, Charles "Inscriptions from the Sparta and Larissa museums" ABSA 92 (1997) 345-358 -+-
* Waywell, G.B.; Wilkes, J.J.; Bland, Roger; Sidell, E. Jane; Wilkinson, Keith N.; Chandler, Graham M. "Excavations at Sparta: the Roman Stoa, 1988-91. Part 3" ABSA 92 (1997) 401-434, pl. 60-68 -+-
* Fornis, C.; Casillas, J.-M. "An appreciation of the social function of the Spartan syssitia" AHB 11.2/3 (1997) 37-46 -+-
* Peek, Philip S. "Spartan and Argive Motivation in Thucydides 5.22.2" AJPh 118.3 (1997) 363-370 -+- toc and texts (restricted)
* Sirano, Francesco "Fuori da Sparta. Note di topografia lacone: Recenti studi e nuovi dati dal territorio" ASAA 74-75 (1996-1997 [2000]) 397-465 -+-
* Urso, Gianpaolo "La morte di Archita e l'alleanza fra Taranto e Archidamo di Sparta (345 a.C.)" Aevum 71.1 (1997) 63-70 -+-
* Hopkins, Lisa "Spartan boys: John Ford and Philip Sidney" CML 17.3 (1997) 217-229 -+-
* Welwei, Karl-Wilhelm "Apella oder Ekklesia? Zur Bezeichnung der spartanischen Volksversammlung" RhM 140.3/4 (1997) 242-249 -+-
* Bremmer, J.N. "Myth as Propaganda: Athens and Sparta" ZPE 117 (1997) 9-17 -+- texts (PDF) for issue
* Steinhauer, George "Unpublished lists of gerontes and magistrates of Roman Sparta" ABSA 93 (1998) 427-447, pl. 71-78 -+-
* Bilik Ronald "Hippias von Elis als Quelle von Diodors Bericht uber den elisch- spartanischen Krieg?" AncSoc 29 (1998/99) 21-47 -+-
* Miller, Dean A. "The Spartan Kingship: Some Extended Notes on Complex Duality" Arethusa 31.1 (1998) 1-18 -+- toc and texts (restricted)
* Hermann-Otto, Elisabeth "Verfassung und Gesellschaft Spartas in der Kritik des Aristoteles" Historia 47.1 (1998) 18-40 -+-
* Rebenich, Stefan "Fremdenfeindlichkeit in Sparta? Uberlegungen zur Tradition der spartanischen Xenelasie" Klio 80.2 (1998) 336-359 -+-
* Roy, James "Thucydides 5.49.1-50.4: The Quarrel between Elis and Sparta in 420 B.C., and Elis' Exploitation of Olympia" Klio 80.2 (1998) 360-368 -+-
* Riccardi, Lee Ann "The Mutilation of the Bronze Severan Empress from Sparta: 'Damnatio Memoriae' or Christian Iconoclasm?" MDAI(A) 113 (1998) 259-269 -+-
* Constantinidou, Soteroula "Dionysiac Elements in Spartan Cult Dances" Phoenix 52.1-2 (1998) 15-30 -+-
* Waywell, G.B.; Wilkes, J.J. "Excavations at the ancient theatre of Sparta 1995-1998: preliminary report" ABSA 94 (1999) 437-455, pl. 46-61 -+-
* Alonso Troncoso, Victor "395-390/89 a.C., Atenas contra Esparta: ?de que guerra hablamos?" Athenaeum 87.1 (1999) 57-77 -+-
* Falkner, Caroline "Sparta's Colony at Herakleia Trachinia and Spartan Strategy in 426" EMC 18.1 (1999) 45-58 -+- abstracts for issue
* Rhodes, P.J. "Sparta, Thebes and 'autonomia'" Eirene 35 (1999) 33-40 -+-
* Falkner, Caroline "Sparta and Lepreon in the Archidamian War (Thuc. 5.31.2-5)" Historia 48.4 (1999) 385-394 -+-
* James, Peter "Soil Variability in the Area of an Archaeological Site near Sparta, Greece" JArchSc 26.10 (1999) 1273-1288 -+- abstracts and texts (restricted) from vol 20 on
* Smarczyk, Bernhard "Einige Bemerkungen zur Datierung der Beitrage zu Spartas Kriegskasse in IG V, 11" Klio 81.1 (1999) 45-67 -+-
* Thommen, Lukas "Spartanische Frauen" MH 56.3 (1999) 129-149 -+-
* Link, Stefan "Der geliebte Burger. Paideia und paidika in Sparta und auf Kreta" Philologus 143.1 (1999) 3-25 -+-
* Falkner, Caroline "Astyochus, Sparta's Incompetent Navarch?" Phoenix 53.3/4 (1999) 206-221 -+-
* Galvagno, Emilio "Sparta, l'Occidente e Cartagine" RSA 29 (1999) 27-50 -+-
* Toher, Mark "On the eidolon of a Spartan King" RhM 142.2 (1999) 113-127 -+-
* Shipley, Graham "The extent of Spartan territory in the late Classical and Hellenistic periods" ABSA 95 (2000) 367-390 -+-
* Bloedow, E.F. "Why did Sparta rebuff the Athenians at Ithome in 462 BC?" AHB 14.3 (2000) 89-101 -+-
* Geoffrey Waywell "Sparta and its topography" BICS 43 (1999) 1-26 -+-
* Cartledge, Paul "Spartan Justice? or The State of the Ephors?" Dike 3 (2000) 5-26 -+-
* Thommen, Lukas "Spartas fehlende Lokalgeschichte" Gymnasium 107.5 (2000) 399-408 -+-
* Thommen, Lukas "Spartas Umgang mit der Vergangenheit" Historia 49.1 (2000) 40-53 -+-
* Thommen, Lukas "Spartas Umgang mit der Vergangenheit" Historia 49.1 (2000) 40-53 -+-
* Hornblower, Simon "Thucydides, Xenophon, and Lichas: Were the Spartans Excluded from the Olympic Games from 420 to 400 B.C.?" Phoenix 54.3/4 (2000) 212 -+-
* Cassio, Albio Caesare "Un epigramma votivo spartano per Atena Alea" RFIC 128.2 (2000) 129-134 -+-
* Cuniberti, Gianluca "Lakedaimonion Politeia: priorita e originalita nel dibattito sulle politeiai-modello di Sparta e Creta" SIFC 18.1 (2000) 99-111 -+-
* Bloedow, E.F. "Spartan Naval Command: From Secretary to 'Vice-Admiral'" Scholia 9 (2000) 12-19 -+-
* Lacy, R.M. "The Application of the Concept of Revolution to the Reform of Agis, Cleomenes and Nabis at Sparta [in Russian]" VDI 235 (2000) 79-85 -+-
* Meier, Mischal "Zwischen Konigen und Damos. Uberlegungen zur Funktion und Entwicklung des Ephorats in Sparta (7.-4. Jh. v. Chr.)" ZRG 117 (2000) 43-102 -+-
* Kourinou Pikoula, Eleni "The bronze portrait statue NM 23321 from Sparta" ABSA 96 (2001) 425-429, pl. 26-30 -+-
* Bassett, S. "The enigma of Clearchus the Spartan" AHB 15.1/2 (2001) 1-13 -+-
* Millender, Ellen "Spartan Literacy Revisited" ClAnt 20.1 (2001) 121-64 -+-
* Taita, Julia "Indovini stranieri al servizio dello stato spartano. Un' 'epoikia' elea a Sparta in una nuova iscrizione da Olimpia" Dike 4 (2001) 39-85 -+-
* Piccinin, Pierre "Le dionysisme dans le Bellum Spartacium" PP 56.4 (2001) 272-296 -+-
* Kosmetatou, Elizabeth "Some Remarks on a Severan Dynastic Group Monument from Sparta" RSA 31 (2001) 201-209 -+-
* Edelman, Robert "A Small Way of Saying 'No': Moscow Working Men, Spartak Soccer, and the Communist Party, 1900-1945" AHR 107.5 (2002) 1441- -+-
* Luginbill, Robert D. "Tyrtaeus 12 West: Come Join the Spartan Army" CQ 52.2 (2002) 405-414 -+- toc with texts (restricted)
* Sabbi, Anna "Eschilo e le sconfitte degli Argivi da parte degli Spartani a Sepia e a Tegea" RSA 32 (2002) 99-103 -+-
* Zaikov, A.V. "Epimenides in Sparta (The Cretan Ecstatic Mantics and the Genesis of the 'Spartan Cosmos') [in Russian]" VDI 243 (2002) 110-130 -+-
* Figueira, Thomas J. "Xenelasia and Social Control in Classical Sparta" CQ 53.1 (2003) 44-74 -+- toc with texts (restricted)
* Parker, Victor "Sparta, Amyntas, and the Olynthians in 383 B.C. A Comparison of Xenophon and Diodorus" RhM 146.2 (2003) 113-137 -+-
* Cartledge, Paul "What have the Spartans done for us? Sparta's contribution to western civilization " G&R 51.2 (2004) 164-79 -+-
* Link, Stefan "Die Ehrenrechte des spartanischen Konigs" Philologus 148.2 (2004) 222-244 -+-
* Yates, David C. "The Archaic Treaties between the Spartans and their Allies" CQ 55.1 (2005) 65-76 -+-
* Whitehead, David "Ephorus(?) on the Spartan Constitution" CQ 55.1 (2005) 299-301 -+-
* Morgan, Llewelyn "Spartan Tarentum? Resisting Decline In Odes 3.51" CQ 55.1 (2005) 320-323 -+-
* Bertelli, Lucio "La Sparta di Aristotele: un ambiguo paradigma o la crisi di un modello?" RSA 34 (2004) 9-71 -+-
* Parmeggiani, Giovanni "Isotimia? Considerazioni sulla storia e sulla storiografia su Sparta in eta arcaica e classica" RSA 34 (2004) 73-127 -+-
* Cartledge, Paul "What have the Spartans done for us? Sparta's Contribution to Western +Civilisation" RSA 34 (2004) 129-146 -+-
* Vattuone, Riccardo "Eros a Sparta: un' istituzione? Altre riflessioni per una storia dell' erotica greca" RSA 34 (2004) 207-229 -+-
* Bearzot, Cinzia "Ateniesi e spartani reciproci salvatori: Un topos tra retorica e storiografia" ACD 40/41 (2004-2005) 17-32 -+-
* Baloglou, Christos P. "The institutions of ancient Sparta in the works of Pletho" A&A 51 (2005) 137-149 -+-
* Palagia, Olga "Art and Royalty in Sparta of the 3rd Century B.C." Hesperia 75.2 (2006) 205-217 -+-
* Christensen, Paul "Xenophon’s Cyropaedia and Military Reform in Sparta" JHS 126 (2006) 47-65 -+-
Ioannis Georganas, PhD
Secretary and Newsletter Editor
The Society of Ancient Military Historians

and...Sparta21 is where you may find some of them to review and order..... :wink:
(No, i am not affiliated to that site....I hadn't realised it was their bookstore :roll: )
I don't think these two are on Ioannis's list (apologies if they are)
Paula Debnar -
Speaking the Same Language: Speech and Audience in Thucydides' Spartan Debates
Michael Lipka -
Xenophon's Spartan Constitution: Introduction. Text. Commentary
The Hoplite Association
The enemy is less likely to get wind of an advance of cavalry, if the orders for march were passed from mouth to mouth rather than announced by voice of herald, or public notice. Xenophon
Has anyone read "Sparta and War" (international Sparta seminar) for 90 dollers canadian I sure hope it would be worth it.
That's a rather broad subject - if your interest is the Spartan Army/soldiers/Hoplite, then try the following:-
P. Connolly, "Greek Armies" (Oxford University Press) - a good beginners guide, as is the same authors "Greece and Rome at War" which is essentially an expanded compendium of this and his other works.

N.V.Sekunda " The Spartans"(Osprey Military) - good for photo's etc of original material. The illustrations and the author's opinions are a bit dubious - e.g. the bronze corselets at Thermopylae (IMHO)

J.F.Lazenby "The Spartan Army" Aris and Phillips ltd)- best book available on the subject, very readable, and backed by scholarly footnotes for those wishing to dig deeper - illustrations somewhat sparse though.

regards, Paullus Scipio/Paul McDonnell-Staff
"dulce et decorum est pro patria mori " - Horace
(It is a sweet and proper thing to die for ones country)

"No son-of-a-bitch ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country" - George C Scott as General George S. Patton
Paul McDonnell-Staff
Gee Ioannis, was that all you could find? Confusedhock: Confusedhock: Confusedhock: :lol: 8) A real eye opener, I hope I can find some of these to read one day!
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
[b]Legio XIIII GMV. (Q. Magivs)RMRS Remember Atuatuca! Vengence will be ours!
Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel
Quote:* Edelman, Robert "A Small Way of Saying 'No': Moscow Working Men, Spartak Soccer, and the Communist Party, 1900-1945" AHR 107.5 (2002) 1441- -+-
:? !:
posted by Duncan B Campbell
ooops! Big Grin
Ioannis Georganas, PhD
Secretary and Newsletter Editor
The Society of Ancient Military Historians

Ioannis:1iv86vx1 Wrote:* Edelman, Robert "A Small Way of Saying 'No': Moscow Working Men, Spartak Soccer, and the Communist Party, 1900-1945" AHR 107.5 (2002) 1441- -+-
:? !:

Why sure!

Here in The Netherlands we have football teams called Ajax, Sparta, Herakles...
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
Quote:Here in The Netherlands we have football teams called Ajax, Sparta, Herakles...
We have Accrington Stanley...
TARBICvS/Jim Bowers
As in Port Stanley? 8)
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
Sparta and Lakonia - Paul Cartlegde

Agesilaos and the crisis of Sparta - Paul Cartledge
Tot ziens.
Geert S. (Sol Invicto Comiti)
Imperator Caesar divi Marci Antonini Pii Germanici Sarmatici ½filius divi Commodi frater divi Antonini Pii nepos divi Hadriani pronepos divi Traiani Parthici abnepos divi Nervae adnepos Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax Augustus Arabicus ½Adiabenicus Parthicus maximus pontifex maximus

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