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Jewish 1st Century Mounted Warrior - Help
OK I need your guys help again. I am having to do an illustration with a mounted Jewish warrior. I want to make it as late as possible so I am thinking around the time of the sacking of jerusalem by titus. Now from what I can remember at his time they were using what ever armor they could find. So would a mixed matched collection of middle eastern armor from the time be about right and does any one have any good reference shots for this?

Thanks VERY VERY much for the helpSmile
Patrick Lawrence

Did some more search and it seems they also had a revolt a Revolt against Heraclius in 613.
Patrick Lawrence

If you want late, how about a Khazar? The khagans converted to Judaism IIRC in the 7th or 8th century and maintained their state till the 10th. :lol:

More to the point, I would assume that Jewish War cavalry the first time 'round would comprise an eclectic mix of Roman and Hellenistic gear, with the rebels of Bar Kokhba and the Cyrenian uprisings being basically in civilian dress with the odd looted item. I doubt, though, that either was well supplied with cavalry.
Der Kessel ist voll Bärks!

Volker Bach
Hello Patrick.

Quick question first, why do you have to do an illustration, is it for a special commission or just for fun.

There is some scale armour from Masada. However most of the battles in the first Jewish revolt apart from the defeat of Cestius Gallus appear to have been sieges. Off hand I can not recall any mention of Jewish cavalry as such. As Volker says's many Jewish warriors would be in civilian clothes with whatever armour they could get hold of but they would not be used to wearing it and their strategy seems to have been to retreat into fortified bases rather than use hit and run tactics.

I would suggest you have a quick read through the descriptions of the battles in Josephus.

"Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream" Edgar Allan Poe.

"Every brush-stroke is torn from my body" The Rebel, Tony Hancock.

"..I sweated in that damn dirty armor....TWENTY YEARS!', Charlton Heston, The Warlord.
Well I have to do one becouse its a commission. This one is for a DVD cover. But they have changed there mind and now want a current or near future Israeli soldier on horse back. So now I am off to research current gearSmile But oh well I get paid either way haha.
Patrick Lawrence

There are no historical references for Jewish mounted warriors in the early principate but the army of king Herod (37-4 BCE). Josephus notes the present of Babylonian Jewish mounted archers under the leadership of one Zamaris (AJ 17.23-31). The city of Geba, founded by Herod, was called the 'city of cavalry' after the mounted veterans that were there settled after their discharge (BJ 3.36; AJ 15.294). As for the first and second Jewish revolts there are no such indications. However, there is clear evidence for the use of burden beasts by the rebels in both revolts.

If after all you are after a modern mounted IDF soldier I am afraid you won't be able to find one, as for the last 50 years or so the army is not using horses. However, mounted policemen are still rather active, for the equipment of which you might consult the following link that contains several images of this unit in action:

Guy Stiebel
Most of the armour scales uncovered at Masada, appears to be spare scales from Herod's time.
Not even one instance of fastened scales was found (out of over 1000 scales); they do not exhibit attrition wear and their chemical composition differs from that of mid-1st cent. AD specimen.

Guy Stiebel
Thanks for all of the help. After talking with them some more it looks like it needs to be near term future and in afganistan. And I can have some artist license so I can really make it about what ever I want. Probobly will base a lot of it off of the Green Beret and CIA working in Afganistan.
Patrick Lawrence


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