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Writing a Roman Story
So, you plan to put a 20th-21st century spin on the whole thing?
Did ancient Romans find "War is Horrible"?
Did they feel the same way about life and pain?
Did they feel it was good or bad to die in battle?
Did they feel that dying in a manner that gave your ancestors and family pride was good?
Did they complain about getting wounded, or were they just thankful to survive?
Did they even care about all the death of the battlefield?
Did the smells, sights and sounds have the same effect?
Remember the average Roman grew up with daily death, slaughter, filth, pain, and had a completely different religious and worldview.....
Caius Fabius Maior
Charles Foxtrot
moderator, Roman Army Talk
link to the rules for posting
Quote:Ok I was leaning towards B, what should I name the lad? you can name the main character.
Lucius Menius Felix Smile
--- Marcus F. ---
Quote:So, you plan to put a 20th-21st century spin on the whole thing?
Did ancient Romans find "War is Horrible"?
Did they feel the same way about life and pain?
Did they feel it was good or bad to die in battle?
Did they feel that dying in a manner that gave your ancestors and family pride was good?
Did they complain about getting wounded, or were they just thankful to survive?
Did they even care about all the death of the battlefield?
Did the smells, sights and sounds have the same effect?
Remember the average Roman grew up with daily death, slaughter, filth, pain, and had a completely different religious and worldview.....

Ok this is going to make a slight alteration in my thinking, but I originaly intended for it to be more of a "this is what war is" kinda thing, you know a greenhorn's first taste of battle. Im open to your input on these points.
And the main characters name is now Lucius Menius Felix.
Gavin Creegan
You can start by reading books, stories and poetry written by people who actually lived and experienced war in this period. You might also want to check at your library for information about Death and Dying in ancient Rome. the military cults, Roman religion, and of course, the Roman military. Some general books on Roman daily life and culture as well as the ancestor veneration and death rituals. What did the average roman belive about life, the afterlife, and the morality of killing. There are several great books available through inter-library loan.
Caius Fabius Maior
Charles Foxtrot
moderator, Roman Army Talk
link to the rules for posting
2.Signing up
It wouldný be diferent from the reception of new recruits in any army.
Seasoned troops may make "nasty remarks" about the "awkwared squad"
Day chores and nore cleaning than trainning
3.Boot Camp/ assignment
Your terrible centurio decurio and othe optio making your life hell
You good for nothing... encouragent or if you hold you shield like that the barbarians will eat you toast laddy...type of thing
Envying the immunus...thinking how to make it to a post like that...
4. Arriving at post/ reporting for duty
Unimpressed centurio looking dissapointed on the reiforcements.
A slip of the foot probaly makes marked for dishipline/extra duty.
Scarry strories about the brbarians being told by older troopers.
Roumors of horrifc torture and barbarian filthy practishes....
5. Meeting comrads
The older troops possibly receiving you with vulgar comments..
Thinking that the babies will run away on the first scream of the barbarianwarband...or so they say.
6. Muster/ March
Enless march hevy pack - digging for the night. smae routine for days
any ambush on the march. Possibilty of archer amush...who runs away after killing or wounding..first ime seeing a wounted or dead comraid or friend.....
7.Open field battle
8.Victory/ Aftermath
Dead tired and thinking of food and sleep mainly...
Check my previous post for 7 ans 8
9.Relflection (not what thought it would be)
If your veteran syrvives crippled he has alot of thing to ponder.
Bad dreams and unpleasant memories usully dont go away..

Hope it helped
Kind regards

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