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Any chitchat maybe, about that... "historic" movie
Quote:Did you read Gates of Fire? As good as that novel was, it isn't exactly the most accurate portrayal of the battle either.

My friend, it was AS BEST ACCURATED AS it could be...

We talking here about a battle between THE MOST misterious Hellenic faction (Spartans) and a mighty VICTORIOUS force (Persians) - who HATED the Greeks, for their arrogant profile - and...
... we have A MASSACRE, with no survivors - actually, there were TWO Spartan who made it!

So... NOBODY, about ANY GREEK battle in Ancient Times - EXCEPT Alexander The GREAT's Time, who was THE ONLY one who had writters/scripters/etc. among him - can be REALLY & COMPLETELY sure for ANY fact!

"Gates of Fire", is a brilliant idea of "re-presenting" this famous battle...

Dienekes ACTUALLY WAS the Spartan who said that "We'll fight under the shade!"... I know about that, since my grade school - I've read it in THAUSANDS of books...
Of course, Springfield "add" more famous Laconic verbs to him, to add MORE glamour to that character...

Quote:The soliders in Ollie Stone's Alexander, for example, look just like real Macedonian hypaspistes, pezhetairoi and hetairoi. Alexander is even armed with a gorgeous looking kopis.

But, I already said that, O. Stone "Alexander" had THE MOST OUTSTANDING/ACCURATED Ancient Times' outfits & battle-sceens of every film I've seen!
Naturally... O. Stone had a chance to WRITE HISTORY in the cinema, but he FAILED dramatical!!!
He wanted to... "draw" Alexander The GREAT's "human nature" more and he focus on that!

"And he liked to focus on His human nature..."!!!


What a HUGE WASTE of money, time, men-power!!!

O. Stone had the chance to make the "LORD OF THE RINGS", in REAL ANCIENT FACTS!

He made... the Ancient... "Platoon", with TONES of fealings & human nature's elements... Bravo. Very kind approach,... bad STUPID!

Quote:If any other director was basing a movie off of Thermopylae, I think they would have made a bigger effort to make things more accurate.

Not really... Pit Jackson created a MYTH ("Lord of the Rings"), as MUCH as accurated he could... AND LET HIM to do!
The new "King Kong" of his, was a FANTASTIC re-make!
A Pit Jackson's "Thermopylae" would be fantastic...

Quote:You're lucky you didn't see Troy... I'm scarred for life after seeing Brad Pitt's awful Achilles!

Not quite! My wife is LUNATIC with that... pr**k! I've seen it in DVD...

"Fantastic" movie... From one OF MY MOST FAVORITE directors! The director of the BEST anti-war movie, "Das Boot"!!!
He made this DIAMOND, he mad that... crap!

aka Romilos

"Ayet`, oh Spartan euandro... koroi pateron poliatan... laia men itin provalesthe,
...dori d`eutolmos anhesthe, ...mi phidomenoi tas zoas. Ouh gar patrion ta Sparta!
- The Lacedaimonian War Tune -

Messages In This Thread
Re: Any chitchat maybe, about that... "historic" movie - by lupus - 07-17-2006, 09:46 AM

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