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I wouldn't say the real soldiers are the only people who make good reenactors... BUT they are a good source of people willing to do REAL Roman reenactment including combat simulation. This is sometimes a rare commodity, for many Roman groups composed primarily of civilians are purely "costumed display teams". After doing this for over 20 years, I have come into contact with many groups, and all roughly fall into two distinct types represented by the two earliest groups, our LEG XIIII and the Ermine Street Guard. Imitators of "the Guard" are prevalent in those Northern European areas which has had the most direct contact with them. It is mostly in this region where you have the display team, rather than reenactment mentality. Therefore, I was quite delighted when meeting LEG XXX in Albano, which had never been "contaminated" by the "display team only" mentality, and were quite willing to engage in simulated combat, which was thoroughly appreciated by the spectators. Perhaps it was no coincidence that there were a number of real Italian military people in the group, but I believe the main reason this group "fought" and marched hard was because they were never influenced by other groups, paticularly those of the display team/"animated museum mannequin mentality. It is not only the willingness to fight, but the willingness to wear full armor all day, march in long parades, sleep on the ground in tents, etc. Many groups refuse to do any of these things. One recent example at Trier, a planned parade through the City was delayed by over an hour because all of the other groups besides ours insisted on be bussed to the starting point, not more than a half mile from camp. Our real soldiers marched there without complaint.<br>
Of course there are drawbacks to the real soldiers too. Most have very little knowledge about the Roman army, so cannot be of much help answering the more technical questions poised by visitors, especially so when in languages other than English.. I must supply them with equipment as well, whereas civilian reenactors usually have their own kit. I like a happy medium of both good soldiers who can march and fight, and bilingual, knowledgable civilians to answer questions, providing they at least try to behave like real soldiers and go along with the program. If they do, we cut them some slack.<br>
No, you don't have to be a real soldier or marine to be a good Roman reenactor, but it helps. Anyone who donns the costume of a Roman soldier should respect those past soldiers enough to make a reasonable attempt to do more than just stand around and look like them.<br>
As a side note, at multi-period events I have attended in France sponsored by the French Army, it is forbidden for civilian reenactors to masquerade as real French officers. I think it is a great rule. It irratates me at U.S. events here in Germany to see some european, usually fat boy, adolescent soldier wannabe run around dressed as an American officer or NCO and actually get saluted by real soldiers who didn't realize the fraud. It irritates me almost as much to see useless, lazy people "pretending" to represent soldiers of the greatest (Roman) army in history by merely donning the costume and be totally unwilling to fight, march or sleep on the ground. And old age is not a factor. I was honored to reenact many years with Jack Sibley, an octogenarian who served in the pre WWII Khyber pass, wounded at Dunkirk and came back for Normandy. He willingly endured every hardship of "hardcore" reenacting in a variety or periods (including Roman) much better than some men 1/5 his age. <br>
Dan. <p></p><i></i>

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