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Calling all armchair generals! Boudica's Last Stand.
My post was about what might have happened if Suetonius did make a "cavalry dash". I amnot sure how old and fit he was. It is not my preferred option for his conduct of the campaign. I did say "possibly some light infantry" as light infantry can march longer than the cavalry whose mounts need cared for and fed (several hours grazing if not taking a supply column). I outline my preferred option below which based as much on my (modern) military thought.

The problem I have with taking a "few thousand legionaries" is that his entire force is only a "few thousand legionaries". From what I have read here and elsewhere he only has one reinforced legion (5-6,000 legionaries with probably the same number of auxiliaries). Which after a campaign is hardly likely to be at full strength even with increments from other legions. I do not see a cautious general (or any competent general) splitting his meagre forces in the face of the enemy and advancing in two small columns. Remember what happened to the few thousand legionaries of Legio VIIII Hispana when they tried the same over roughly the same ground. The VIIII was a garrison Legion and had detachments in several forts and locations. Thus the forces sent would be less than half a Legion. I read somewhere that after the war 2,000 reinforcements arrived for the Legions and with some (most) of these the VIIII was brought up to a reasonable strength.

I have a gut feeling (nothing more) that Suetonius did not leave his army and if there was a "cavalry dash" it was a mission assigned to a younger, fitter and more expendable Tribune. My own opinion is that he marched south with his entire force. His main supplies lay nearby having been amassed for the Mona campaign. Also I recall that his legions at Mona had refused to obey orders and stood rooted to the ground, terrified by the Britons, until he appealed to them. So leaving the troops would be disastrous to their morale if he left them.

Tacitus says something like “Suetonius, however, with wonderful resolution, marched amidst a hostile population to Londinium”. To me this implies that he marched with his entire force (less detachments guarding forts and supplies in the military rear zone) and did not gallop or rush ahead. What happened once he abandoned London is open for discussion (as in this thread). I would put forward that his troops were tired after their speedy march south harassed by the hostile tribes, their morale reduced by the massacres, the defeat of Legio VIIII and the disobedience of Legio II. I am not clear whether St Albans was destroyed before or after his army passed in either event this would also have had an effect on the troops as would leaving London. Also the apparent defeat of the Romans would probably see any open support ebbing away.

I don't see him moving east or north into hostile country with tired and demoralised troops. South is possible though I do see him sending senior officers west to assume command of the recalcitrant Legio II. So going west seems to me logical as any reinforcement from Legio II and its auxiliaries would be most welcome. The rebels have to follow if they are to avoid ultimate defeat. However, the longer they are in the field the less sustainable is their logistics and the planting/harvest at home. Going west takes him through "friendly" or at least less hostile ground and towards a known strong if insubordinate garrison.

It makes sense to me but I have the benefit of (partial) hindsight and I offer it as a possibility, nothing more.
Lives in Caledonia not far from the Antonine Wall.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Calling all armchair generals! - by Ensifer - 03-11-2010, 03:13 PM
Re: Calling all armchair generals! Boudica\'s Last Stand. - by Steve Kaye - 02-18-2012, 06:26 PM
Re: Calling all armchair generals! Boudica\'s Last Stand. - by Steve Kaye - 02-19-2012, 12:02 AM
Re: Calling all armchair generals! Boudica\'s Last Stand. - by Steve Kaye - 02-19-2012, 02:50 PM
Re: Calling all armchair generals! Boudica\'s Last Stand. - by Steve Kaye - 02-19-2012, 05:40 PM
Re: Calling all armchair generals! Boudica\'s Last Stand. - by Steve Kaye - 02-19-2012, 11:26 PM
Re: Calling all armchair generals! Boudica\'s Last Stand. - by Steve Kaye - 04-24-2012, 05:11 PM
Re: Calling all armchair generals! Boudica\'s Last Stand. - by Steve Kaye - 04-24-2012, 09:42 PM
Re: Calling all armchair generals! Boudica\'s Last Stand. - by Steve Kaye - 04-24-2012, 10:10 PM
Re: Calling all armchair generals! Boudica\'s Last Stand. - by Steve Kaye - 04-25-2012, 03:11 PM
Re: Calling all armchair generals! Boudica\'s Last Stand. - by Steve Kaye - 04-25-2012, 03:25 PM
Re: Calling all armchair generals! Boudica\'s Last Stand. - by Steve Kaye - 04-25-2012, 08:36 PM
Re: Calling all armchair generals! Boudica\'s Last Stand. - by Steve Kaye - 04-26-2012, 02:57 PM
Re: Calling all armchair generals! Boudica\'s Last Stand. - by Steve Kaye - 04-27-2012, 01:50 PM
Re: Calling all armchair generals! Boudica\'s Last Stand. - by Steve Kaye - 08-05-2012, 02:24 PM
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