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Why are hordes of screaming barbarians terrifying even to veteran Roman legions?
Imagine you are in a parking lot alone and there is a man a short distance away.  Suddenly he charges you, yelling like crazy.  How would you feel?  Something like that triggers your fight or flight response, and that doesn't go away just because you are a soldier.

What military and law enforcement do to counteract that natural response is to develop other reactions through training to overcome that fear. They also use indoctrination of military culture to make you "ashamed" of running, or "letting down your buddies or country," as you have mentioned it being looked down upon.

I would think it wasn't any different in ancient times.  Yes, Roman soldiers were (presumably) trained to stand their ground, but that was likely despite their better instincts. It takes guts to face a screaming mad man, who is likely bigger than you, with a spear or sword charging at you. It is in a way easier for soldiers today, because they have ranged weapons.  A Roman would have had to sit their and wait for that clash.  Having 30000 Gauls screaming and chanting for a long time before the fight would be mentally draining.  All that time a Roman would have to think, "I am going to have to fight that!"  It gets under your skin.
Daniel DeVargas

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RE: Why are hordes of screaming barbarians terrifying even to veteran Roman legions? - by Shield And Spear Art - 01-05-2019, 05:10 PM

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