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New legionary camp on the Lower Rhine ???
So, found more substantial here:
good for a "local" news-Service IMHO !)
Let's put it that way  --- FOCUS was right --- and : Dr. Baoquan Song* was at it again.
(Chief "aerial archeologist" of the Ruhr-Uni, Bochum -- has a remarkable "hit list"!)

"No one, not even the local "specialists" would have thought that between Xanten/Vetera and Nijmegen/Noviomagus a camp of that size would have existed. Just a few 100m westward from the auxialiary camps , just a stone's throw away , in the area of Sommerlandstrasse/Bienenstrasse, a Roman camp of ca. 16 ha has been found in the process of routinely screening/scrutinizing Aerial pfotographs. Actually it's TWO camps, maybe even more of them, as you can clearly tell from the photographs.

Presently the excavations are confinde to the southern part of one of these camps, a gate area.
Here in this sector clearly at least two trenches show up. A fortified line of two rows of palisades , it's intervalls filled with earth must have existed. This proves that a heavily fortified camp, existing for more than a short timespan, should have been located here.
Near the gate, two smelting furnaces have been identified.
This camp alone extended over 16ha and should have housed a Legion (5000 to 9000 strong).

No exact dating has been made, as the finds still have to be evaluated in full.
Primary findings point towards before 200 AD, possibly the Bataviaon Revolt of 70 AD comes into Play here.
(To cite a certain Ray Charles here : "What'd I say ?! Wink )
Geophysical prospection has spotted numerous internal structures of the camps, further excavations will yield a more prcise picture.
Modern-day Sammerlandstrasse runs right through the moddle of one of that camps, raising suspicions that the modern street
"pictures" -- at least partially so, the course of the Via Principalis .......
To prove this, more excavations are needed to spot the gates assigned to it.

The stture of this find is marked by the fact, that it has been included into the list of objects included in the UNESCO
World Heritage Site  "Nether German Limes".

So far, so good.


Dr. Baoquan Song, publications:
Siggi K.

Messages In This Thread
RE: New legionary camp on the Nether-Rhine ??? - by Simplex - 11-26-2015, 07:45 PM

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