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New guy looking to build a Roman era kit.
I'm mainly into the Teutoburg forest battle the most. So that era would probably be the one I would do. Probably going to do auxiliary for that then. Though using similar armor would make things a lot easier due seeing a lot of the stuff on KOA. I did read on one site that some of Deepeeka's stuff was OK in quality which I'd probably get it if it was accurate enough.

Though when it comes to blades I probably would get a custom gladius due to me preferring more functional weapons. Albion ones seem overpriced but this maker seems to do them at a decent price Not sure how accurate they are but for 260 dollars for a hand forged gladius seems like a better deal than Albion.

Helmets wise i'm not sure where to get stuff. I have a fairly large head and at a reenactment I went to they were selling coolus type helms and none of them fit my 24 inch head. Not sure what maker made them but it could of been Deepeeka.

Clothing is the main thing I have no clue where to get. Need vendors as I fail at sewing. Same with shoes.

Not sure where to get a good hamata, or what ones are accurate. Most places I see sell them for 600, I got a distaste for butted maille so riveted would be the way to go for me.

If I dont have enough money to do all that I will probably just get a tunic, some shoes, a spearhead and make my own shield for a germanic tribesman. Then build up from there.

Messages In This Thread
New guy looking to build a Roman era kit. - by Shawn Sebok - 12-12-2014, 12:06 AM

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