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New guy looking to build a Roman era kit.
I am mainly interested in the first century AD when the Romans fought the Germanic tribes, from about 0 AD to 25 AD perhaps. Though if I were to do Legionary I would prefer to wear a hamata as opposed to segmentata and my favorite type of Gladius is the Mainz design. But that would be what I would work towards eventually getting. I pretty much gathered MRL is all junk, not sure about Deepeeka though usually I avoid stuff thats mass produced in India apart from Maille. My biggest issue is I have no clue what the Germanics used apart from single edged swords, axes, clubs and spears. They probably didnt have much in the means of armor apart from the highest ranking ones. Auxiliary would probably be easier due to being better documented.

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New guy looking to build a Roman era kit. - by Shawn Sebok - 12-11-2014, 11:36 PM

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